News Archives

Open education policies reports

In February last year we participated in the OpenEdu Polices workshop at the JRC in Seville.  After a year of intense research on open education policies, two reports have been recently published.

  1. Going Open: Policy Recommendations on Open Education in Europe brings policy recommendations at regional, national and EU levels to foster open education in all education sectors.
  2. Policy Approaches to Open Education – Case Studies from 28 EU Member States provides an analysis of current policies on open education across Europe. For this report, ministries of education, science and technology have been approached to present and discuss their current and planned open education policies.

We have launched a new machine translation service for education


We have been working on a translation service that developers could use to make their MOOCs, LMS systems and education apps available in multiple languages. We already have machine-translation technology that we use across VideoLectures.Net to do things like provide subtitles in multiple languages. Now, we have extended it and made it available through Translexy, an API that allows you to translate your educational text.

Successful NIPS workshop on Fake News

We were involved in organising a NIPS workshop titled “Prioritising Online Content”. The event featured spotlights and presentatiosn from accepted papers, and keynotes by Andreas Vlachos, University of Sheffield and Aris Gionis, Aalto University.


Successful launch of MicroHE project

We kicked-off a new international partnership for innovation in higher education at the Baden Wurttemberg Cooperative State University.

MicroHE adresses the hot topic in higher education in Europe today, namely developing the recognition for microcredentials and nanodegrees, for micro learning episodes, open and online.

The international partnership consist of eight selected partners: Tampere University (Finland), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), the Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), Knowledge Innovation Centre (Malta), and the Fondazione Politecnico di Milano (Italy) as well as the Kowledge 4 All Foundation (UK).

Communia strategy meeting for a better copyright for education

Communia international association on the digital public domain and other stakeholders organised a meeting in Brussels with the objective to familiarise ourselves with the current stakes in the copyright debate surrounding education in the light of the main legislative instrument for the ongoing review of the EU copyright Directive for Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DSM directive). This directive, proposed by the European Commission in September 2016 is currently being discussed in the European Parliament and among the Member States of the EU in the European Council.



K4A trustee wins 2017 Best Practices in Education Award

K4A trustee Colin de la Higuera has won the Informatics Europe 2017 Best Practices in Education Award for his Class’Code project. The project is part of the extended portfolio of open educational technologies comng from our think tank and the K4A catalogue.

H2020 Media Projects’ Workshop: Collaboration Towards the Future of Media

We attended an exciting event in Brussels on the 17th October 2017, in order to spark collaboration among all H2020 media related projects managed by Unit DG CONNECT-I4.

I3 London ‘Media Innovation & Investment’ event

We presented X5GON at an Investor Meeting – a one day event packed with insight, advice and collaboration, hosted by F6S, the world’s largest platform for founders in Hackney Wick London. It focused on different options for funding R&D in the media sector in Europe, that is, funding from the European Commission, private investors, corporates and alternative sources, organisedby the European Commission funded project I3.

Thank you for making the AI and OER event a success

On Sept 18-19, the OER community turned out to enjoy a much needed technology mapping excersize day at the 2nd World OER Congress in Ljubljana. The goal was to present the OER landscape and its challenges, to researchers and techies. The event was, once again, a great success, and we hope all participating enjoyed it as much as we did.

Successful launch of the X5GON project

The kick-off was in parallel with the 2nd UNESO World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress  and Artificial Intelligence: Research, Technology and Business in OER satellite event, both designed and organized by X5GON personnel. Key results of both events are the Dynamic Coalition in OER, Ljubljana OER Action Plan Document and Ministers Statement.

The kick-off focused on the fivefold solutions offered by X5GON to global OER sites:

  • Cross-modal: technologies for multimodal content understanding;
  • Cross-site: technologies to transparently accompany and analyse users across sites;
  • Cross-domain: technologies for cross domain content analytics;
  • Cross-language: technologies for cross lingual content recommendation;
  • Cross-cultural: technologies for cross cultural learning personalisation.