News Archives

Contribution to PASCAL industrial outreach meeting

We solicit contributions from PASCAL researchers to showcase their (PASCAL sponsored) research within an industrial and business setting.

The SMART-PASCAL industrial outreach meeting will take place on the 7th of September prior to ECML in Bled, Slovenia

Please email potential contributions to nello.cristianini (at)

Few Places Still Available: The Analysis of Patterns 2009

You are invited to participate in the third course on:

Pula Science Park (Cagliari)
Pula, Italy
September 27th – October 3rd, 2009

Organizers: Nello Cristianini, Fabio Roli, Tijl de Bie

* Florent Nicart – Université de Rouen

* Jean Philippe Vert – Mines Paris Tech

* John Shawe-Taylor – University College London

* Nello Cristianini – University of Bristol

* Bart Goethals – University of Antwerp

* Elisa Ricci, Idiap

* Fabio Roli, University of Cagliari

+ Research Seminars (to be announced)


Every aspect of modern society has been affected by the data revolution. Cheap collection, storage and transmission of vast amounts of information have revolutionized the practice of science, technology and business.Ideas from various disciplines have been deployed to help in the task of designing computer systems that can automatically detect and exploit useful regularities (patterns) in general types of data.

This is the third meeting of a series devoted to pursuing a unified theoretical description of the various branches of Pattern Analysis. These include statistical approaches to pattern recognition, combinatorial approaches to pattern matching, grammatical representations of structures, and many more fields of mathematics and computer science. The summer school will aim to emphasize a
fundamental unity in goals and methods in all these diverse fields, to enhance our understanding of the central principles of pattern analysis, and to assist in the development of new pattern analysis approaches.
The meeting is interdisciplinary in nature, and can be seen both as a School for advanced students, and as a Workshop for researchers. Leading researchers in various subfields of pattern analysis will hold tutorials on their subject area, while new ideas will be presented in poster sessions, discussions and short seminars. Students in machine learning, pattern recognition, statistics, optimization, data mining, bioinformatics, are particularly encouraged to apply.

The registration fee for the School is 680 Euro per person for a double room (820 Euro for a single room) and includes 7 nights accommodation, meals and school fees.

Attendance is limited to 50 students and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

Closing date: June 1st, 2009

Postdoc and PhD positions in Machine Learning with applications to Proactive Information Retrieval and Bioinformatics

Helsinki University of Technology

We are looking for two postdocs and one PhD student to join a research group working on machine learning and probabilistic modeling, with applications in bioinformatics, neuroinformatics and information retrieval. The Machine Learning and Bioinformatics Group ( belongs to the Adaptive Informatics Research Centre and the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland.


Postdoc #1 and PhD student: Proactive information retrieval

Proactive or cognitive user interfaces require modeling user behavior and state, in order to provide optimal selection of natural choices for the user in varying contexts. They provide an exciting opportunity for developing advanced probabilistic machine learning methods for inferring the user’s interest from noisy signals like measurements of attention. You will take part in international projects developing e.g. gaze-based information retrieval tools and personalized information navigators.

Keywords: Proactive interfaces, information retrieval, user modeling, probabilistic modeling, graphical models

1.5 years + option for extension, starting date 1.9.2009 or flexibly thereafter.
Salary range 2523.02 – 4385.49 Euro per month.

PhD student:
4 years, starting date 1.9.2009 or flexibly thereafter.
Salary range 1716.96 – 3208.97 Euro per month.


Postdoc #2: Bioinformatics

The aim is to develop models that learn to combine multiple data sources in multiple experimental settings, for systems-level modeling of a new experiment. From machine-learning perspective this is a challenging combination of multi-view and multi-task learning, where the number of samples compared to the dimensionality is very low and fundamental research is needed. From systems biology perspective this is an opportunity to solve some of the central problems in cellular regulation. The project is carried out in collaboration with experts on the data and the biological applications (cancer and plant signaling). You will need particularly skills on machine learning and
probabilistic modeling, as well as good collaboration skills.

Keywords: graphical models, MCMC, relational models, interactomics, multi-view learning, multi-task learning

1 year + option for extension, starting date 1.9.2009 or flexibly thereafter.
Salary range 2523.02 – 4385.49 Euro per month.


All positions require a relevant degree, and good skills in a subset of the following fields: computer science, programming, machine learning, statistics, mathematics, and bioinformatics.

In Helsinki you will join the innovative international computational data analysis and ICT community. Among European cities, Helsinki is special in being clean, safe, liberal, Scandinavian, and close to nature; in short, having a high standard of living. English is understood everywhere and the working language is English.

The is no formal deadline, but the applications will be processed starting from the beginning of August. I will not be easily reachable during July. Please attach a CV including a list of publications, copy of study records, and email addressses of 2-3 people willing to give more information. Include a brief description of research interests and send the application by email to

Samuel Kaski, samuel.kaski (at)
Professor of Computer Science
Helsinki University of Technology

Call for short papers and abstracts, PRIB 2009

4th IAPR International Conference in
Pattern Recognition for Bioinformatics (PRIB 2009)
City Hall, Sheffield, United Kingdom
7 – 9 September 2009


Pierre Baldi (University of California, Irvine)
Alvis Brazma (European Bioinformatics Institute, Cambridge)
Gunnar Raetsch (Max Planck Institute, Germany)
Michael Unser (Ecole Polytechnique Federale, Lausanne)


The International Association of Pattern Recognition (IAPR) sponsored conference aims to bring together top researchers, practitioners and students from around the world to discuss the applications of pattern recognition methods in the field of bioinformatics to solve problems in the life sciences. We are now inviting submissions of short papers (up to 6 pages in LNCS formats)
and poster abstracts (up to 1 page) in all the areas of relevance to the conference. These include:

Bio-sequence analysis
Gene and protein expression analysis
Protein structure and interaction prediction
Motifs and signal detection
Metabolic modelling and analysis
Systems and synthetic biology
Pathway and network analysis
Immuno- and chemo-informatics
Evolution and phylogeny
Biological databases, integration and visualisation

Pattern recognition techniques of interest include, but not limited to:
Static, syntactic and structural pattern recognition
Data mining, Data based modelling
Neural networks, Fuzzy systems
Evolutionary computation and swarm intelligence
Hidden Markov models, Graphical models


Short paper/abstract Submission 24 July 2009
Author Notification 30 July 2009
Early Bird Registration 15 July 2009

NB: Authors of short papers and abstracts will be allowed to register at the early bird rate until 31 July 2009.


Accepted papers will be published in the PRIB 2009 supplementary proceedings. Authors of both short papers and abstracts will be expected to present a poster at the conference


General Chairs: Visakan Kadirkamanathan (UK), Guido Sanguinetti (UK)
General Co-Chairs: Raj Acharya (USA), Madhu Chetty (Australia)
Programme Chairs: Mahesan Niranjan (UK), Mark Girolami (UK), Jagath Rajapakse (Singapore)
Special Sessions Chair: Cesare Furlanello (Italy)
Tutorials Chair: Florence deAlche-buc (France)
Publicity Chair: Elena Marchiori (Netherlands)
Publications Chair: Josselin Noirel (UK)
Local Organisation Chair: Daniel Coca (UK)
Finance Chair: Andrew Zammit Mangion (UK)
Webmaster: Maurizio Filippone (UK)


For additional information, contact:

PRIB 2009 Secretariat,
Department of Automatic Control & Systems Engineering,
The University of Sheffield,
Mappin Street,
Sheffield S1 3JD,
United Kingdom

Tel: +44 114 2225618
Fax: +44 114 2225661
prib2009 (at)

PASCAL VOC 2009 test data available

We are pleased to announce that the test data for the PASCAL VOC 2009 challenge is now available. Please see the web page for details:

A reminder of the challenge timetable:

* 15 May 2009: Development kit (training and validation data plus
evaluation software) made available.

* 15 June 2009: Test set made available.

* 7 September 2009. Deadline for submission of results.

* 3 October 2009: Workshop in association with ICCV 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

Mark Everingham
Luc Van Gool
Chris Williams
John Winn
Andrew Zisserman

Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning/Computational Biology in Tübingen, Germany

Machine Learning in Biology Group on the Max Planck Campus
Tuebingen, Germany *

Group Description
The Max Planck research group “Machine Learning in Biology” led by Gunnar Raetsch has a postdoctoral position available. We are situated in the Friedrich Miescher Laboratory in Tübingen, Germany, which is part of an excellent research campus including the Max Planck Institutes for Developmental Biology and Biological Cybernetics and the University of Tübingen. Our ongoing projects are related to the development of large-scale and interpretable learning methods for computational transcriptome analysis, gene finding, understanding transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation, and the analysis of polymorphisms (cf.

Position Requirements
We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate who is interested in applying and/or developing machine learning or related data analysis techniques to relevant problems appearing in genome biology. Possible topics include large scale learning methods for classification and structured output prediction to analyze the regulation of RNA processing, epigenetics of post-transcriptional regulation, dynamical modeling of biological systems, and genome-wide association studies. There will be many possibilities to collaborate with others in the group and on campus and lots of freedom to pursue own ideas.

The candidate should have a Ph.D. (in computer science, statistics, biostatistics, computational biology, or a related field) with a strong publication record and strong professional references. The
ideal candidate should have demonstrated interests and experience in the analysis of genomic data; strong knowledge of molecular biology; extensive programming experience pertinent to the analysis of large and diverse datasets; multi-disciplinary team working capabilities. Excellent communication skills are required for effective interaction with group members and collaborators.

Application Procedure
Interested applicants should submit a CV, a cover letter stating qualifications as well as research interests, and letters of reference via the online submission system available at Please feel free to also contact Gunnar Raetsch (Gunnar.Raetsch (at) informally by email or at ISMB 2009 in Stockholm if you have any questions.

Machine Learning opportunity with Nokia

Software Engineer, Machine Learning

Nokia Maps, is looking for excellent Software Engineers with a background in Machine Learning and/or Information Retrieval. We are filling positions in this area both at the PhD-level (Senior Software Engineer) and on the M.Sc.-level (Software Engineer).

Nokia Maps comes preinstalled on more phones than any other maps software in the world, including more than 30 million GPS-enabled Nokia phones sold in 2008 alone. From its inception, Nokia Maps was designed with mobile in mind, requiring very little bandwidth and even supporting offline use of maps.

As a Software Engineer in Machine Learning you will design and implement algorithms that enable new cutting-edge product features within Nokia Maps/Location Based Services. You bring with you hands-on experience in implementing algorithms for multivariate data analysis including clustering, modeling/parameter estimation, prediction, etc. You are responsible for the entire data analysis cycle from initial visualizations to identifying modeling alternatives and trade-offs to rigorous benchmarking. You have worked on large, challenging data sets before (e.g. in bioinformatics, search and discovery, computer vision, etc.) and you are serious about algorithm efficiency and parallelization.

Our offices are located in the heart of Europe, the workplace is extremely international and the working language is English.

-A degree in Computer Science/Statistics/Physics/Mathematics, M.Sc. or PhD (senior positions)
-In-depth knowledge and 6+ years of experience in practical Machine Learning/Data Analysis and/or Information Retrieval
-Strong Java/J2EE and/or C/C++ coding skills, and a track-record in software development
-Experience in the domain of text/web data and/or context data is a plus
-Team player by nature, self-driven, pragmatic
-To flourish in our international environment, you will need to be fluent in spoken and written English

Please contact Robert Rees (R.Rees (at) for more information.

Call for Participation: ECML PKDD 2009 – early registration deadline approaching!

The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) will take place in Bled, Slovenia, from September 7th to 11th, 2009. This event builds upon a very successful series of 19 ECML and 12 PKDD conferences, which have been jointly organized for the past eight years. It has become the major European scientific event in these fields and in 2009 it will comprise presentations of contributed papers and invited speakers, a wide program of workshops and tutorials, a discovery challenge, a demo track and an industrial track.

Early registration Until July 5th
Regular – 340 EUR
Student – 290 EUR
Student (banquet not incl.) – 220 EUR

Registration until August 31st
Regular – 430 EUR
Student – 380 EUR
Student (banquet not incl.) – 310 EUR

Late registration
Regular – 520 EUR
Student – 470 EUR
Student (banquet not incl.) – 400 EUR

Note that this year the conference proceedings are not included in the registration fee, but you have a possibility to order Springer books or USB memory keys. Registered participants can also buy extra tickets for social events for accompanying persons (for individual events or one ticket to all events for a discounted price). T-shirts are included in the conference fee so we kindly ask you to mark your size on the registration form. This way we will be able to provide enough T-shirts in different sizes.

Morpho Challenge 2009: Call for participation

Please be reminded about the Morpho Challenge 2009 competition which
is part of the PASCAL Challenge Program.

The rules (briefly):
1. Prepare morpheme analysis for the provided word lists
2. The organizers will run evaluations in various tasks and languages
DL for submissions is 1 Aug, 2009.

The Morpho Challenge results workshop will be held in conjunction with
CLEF 2009 (Cross-Language Evaluation Forum) which takes place from 30
September to 2 October in Corfu, Greece.
DL for the papers is extended to 15 Aug, 2009.

More info:

Please contact, if you would like to be added in our mailing list.

Mikko Kurimo, Sami Virpioja and Ville Turunen
Adaptive Informatics Research Centre, Helsinki University of Technology
The organizers

Invitation to Project Exhibition at international conference ECML PKDD 2009

ECML PKDD 2009 ( invites all interested researchers to actively participate in the Project Exhibition presenting posters/demos on their projects.

The goal of the exhibition is mainly networking and exchanging of the results/experience. We would like to help in disseminating the results of different projects related to machine learning and knowledge discovery applications and technologies. We will have boards for hanging posters, but you may additionally bring your notebook to show demos, …

If interested please respond by 16th of August to blaz.fortuna (at) by sending the name of your institution/group and a 2-page description of the project you would like to present at the exhibition describing how machine learning and/or knowledge discovery technologies are used in the project. The selected project proposals will be presented at the ECML PKDD Poster Reception on Tuesday, 8th Sept. 2009.

Tentative program:
Monday, 7th
14:00 – 15:30 Invited speaker from EC
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 17:30 Poster highlights (5 minutes each)
Tuesday, 8th
Poster session (embedded in poster reception)

We are looking forward to hearing more about your work at the exhibition.
Blaz Fortuna and Dunja Mladenic