Organizing the Dagstuhl Workshop on Human-Centered AI Perspectives
Dagstuhl Report
Frank van Harmelen, Wendy Mackay and K4A director John Shawe-Taylor with the help of Virginia Dignum co-organized and ran the Human-Centred AI Perspectives Workshop at Dagstuhl from 26 June to 1 July, 2022, with 22 participants.
Society is undergoing a revolution in artificial intelligence (AI), with huge potential benefits, but also major risks for individuals and society. Increasingly, trust in the development, deployment, and the use of AI and autonomous systems concerns not only the technology’s inherent properties, but also the socio-technical systems of which they are part of, that is, the people, organisations, and societal environments in which systems are developed, implemented, and used. Currently, major challenges include the lack of fundamental theory and models to analyse and ensure that systems are aligned with human values and ethical principles, accountable, open to inspection, and understandable to diverse stakeholders. Furthermore, there is no doubt that this technological shift will have revolutionary effects on human life and society.
The goal of this Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshops was to contribute to shape that revolution, to provide the scientific and technological foundations for designing and deploying AI systems that work in partnership with human beings, to enhance human capabilities rather than replace human intelligence. Fundamentally new solutions are needed for core research problems in AI and human-computer interaction (HCI), especially to help people understand actions recommended or performed by AI systems and to facilitate meaningful interaction between humans and AI systems.