Become a Member
Membership Application Form - Part 1
By filling in this form, you are applying to become a member of the Knowledge 4 All Foundation. Details on the Foundation and Membership can be found in the Notes section on the following page. Part 1 – You should fill in this section if you are an organisation applying to become a member, the Lead Contact from the Organisation should also fill in Part 2.
ll applications for membership will be considered by the directors. Once your application is approved, Knowledge 4 All will write to you confirming your membership. Thank you for your support!
- Membership Categories
Affiliate Members
This class of membership is for persons or organisations that wish to contribute to, or actively participate, in the work of the foundation. Applicants must support our Objectives and Mission Statement which can be found below. Organisations should fill in all parts. Individuals should fill in Part 2 and 3 only.
This class of membership is for persons or organisations wishing to support and keep abreast of the activities of Knowledge 4 All Foundation without active participation. Organisations should fill in Part 1 and 3. Individuals should fill in Part 2 and 3.
- Member Rights
Affiliate Members and Supporters have the right to attend and speak (but not vote) at any general meeting of the Company.