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PDRA Opportunities at UCL Statistical Science

There are a number of open post-doctoral opportunities in the Department of Statistical Science at University College London, please see for further details.

Research Associate in Statistics (SILICOTRYP)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate to work with Professor Mark Girolami on the SilicoTryp project “The Silicon Trypanasome”. The aim of the project is to develop statistical methods to support the study of models of metabolic pathways of the Trypanasome parasite. This research is funded by a grant from the BBSRC.

The post is available from October 2011 (or as soon as possible thereafter) and is initially funded for 24 months.

Candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent qualification) and a research background in Statistics or Systems Biology. It is essential that the successful candidate has extensive experience of Bayesian methods and a strong interest in Biology.

Research Associate in Statistics (ICARUS)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate to work with Professor Mark Girolami on the ICARUS project “An ICT Enabled Approach to Optimising the Reliability of manual Ultrasonic Non-destructive Testing ”. The aim of the project is to develop statistical methods to increase the probability of detecting weld faults. This research is funded by EU FP7 grant. Candidates should have a PhD and research background in Statistical Pattern Recognition or Machine Learning. It is essential that the successful candidate will have extensive experience of Bayesian methods in pattern recognition. The post is available from October 2011 (or as soon as possible thereafter) for 24 months.

Research Associate in Statistics (ARF)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate to work with Professor Mark Girolami on the development of theory and methods for geometric Markov chain Monte Carlo. The aim of the project is to study the theory of Riemann manifold Monte Carlo methods. This research is funded by a grant from the EPSRC.

The post is available from October 2011 (or as soon as possible thereafter) and is initially funded for 12 months.

Candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent qualification) and a research background in Mathematical Statistics.

Research Associate in Statistics (CLIMB)

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate to work with Professor Mark Girolami on the development of statistical pattern recognition methods. This research is funded by a grant from the EPSRC.

The post is available from September 2011 (or as soon as possible thereafter) and is funded for 5 months.

 Candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent qualification) and a research background in Statistical Pattern Recognition or Machine Learning.

Open position: PhD student at K.U.Leuven

The Department of Computer Science of K.U.Leuven has an open position for a PhD student in the context of the interdisciplinary project “Elaboration of the CellPhInDER platform”. The goal of this project is to develop the next-generation screening and analysis tool for cell biologists by purposefully elaborating and combining expertise in cell biology, micro- and nanofluidics, nanobiotechnology, time-lapse microscopy, image analysis and data mining.

Within the project, we are looking for a PhD student with a strong background in computer science, and particularly knowledgeable in (most of) the areas of machine learning, data mining, image recognition, information extraction from images and video, and databases. The student will contribute to the CellPhInDER platform by performing research on, and creating software for: automatic extraction of features from video images, storage of such features in a form suitable for analysis with data mining methods, and the creation of a user interface that allows for query-oriented data mining.

The ideal candidate will possess a master degree in computer science, AI, or a closely related discipline, a strong background in computer science and mathematics, a scientific attitude and the ability to reason through problems, excellent programming skills, the ability to communicate written and orally in English in a clear and precise manner, a pro-active and independent attitude as well as the ability to function well in a team environment and a strong motivation.

Interested candidates should apply before September 12 to receive full
consideration, by following the instructions at, mentioning specifically the CellPhInDER project in their application.

Faculty Positions – IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ( has opened a competitive international scouting procedure for the recruitment of tenured faculty positions in the following field:

Computer Science, Mathematical Statistics, Machine Learning, Large Scale Data Mining

We will consider highly qualified candidates working at the intersection between computer science, physics, information theory, and mathematics, who combine a strong theoretical background with an orientation towards research on processing huge amounts of complex data in the analysis of socio economic, technical, or biological. Candidates must have an excellent record of high-impact international publications. They should have demonstrated remarkable ability in leading research groups, as well as experience in conducting/coordinating international projects.
Preference will be given to candidates active at the intersection between algorithms, theory and applications, in the following fields: analysis and modeling of massive data structures; graph theory and random structures; analysis and modeling of complex networks; machine learning, large scale data mining.

Submit your confidential expression of interest at:
The deadline is August 30th 2011.

PhD positions – IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ( has opened the call for 12 PhD positions within the Computer Science and Engineering Program.

The doctoral program aims at preparing researchers and professionals with a wide knowledge about the foundations of informatics and information engineering, and about their application to a variety of systems in many different domains. The program introduces new perspectives in formulating and solving technical challenges that are currently a target of very active research areas. The research activity focuses on key aspects of informatics and information engineering such as open-endedness, dynamics and control, autonomy, security, concurrency, cost-effectiveness, quality of services, dependability, optimization, and is concerned especially with the application to networked and large-scale systems with high degrees of interaction.
More information can be found on our website.

Applications are accepted ( until September 28th 2011.

2 post docs positions – Oxford Brookes University, UK

Two 2 year research fellowship to work with Philip Torr at Oxford Brookes vision research group

You will engage in state-of-the-art research in computer vision. In particular the work will be an EPSRC & Google grants on “Scene Understanding using New Global Energy Models”. To work on recognizing and reconstructing street view imagery, experts sought in SLAM, energy minimization and recognition!

The vision group at Oxford Brookes has won numerous awards including paper prizes at ECCV, CVPR, NIPS, BMVC and ICCV, and has strong connections internationally with academia and industry.

This proposal concerns scene understanding from video. Computer vision algorithms for individual tasks such as object recognition, detection and segmentation has now reached some level of maturity. The next challenge is to integrate all these algorithms and address the problem of scene understanding. The problem of scene understanding involves explaining the whole image by recognizing all the objects of interest within an image and their spatial extent or shape in 3D.

The first application to drive the research will be the problem of automated understanding of cities from video using computer vision, inspired by the availability of massive new data sets such as that of Google’s Street View
, Yotta
(who have agreed to supply Oxford Brookes with data) and Microsoft’s Photosynth
. The scenario is as follows: a van drives around the roads of the UK, in the van are GPS equipment and multiple calibrated cameras, synchronized to capture and store an image every two metres; giving a massive data set. The task is to recognize objects of interest in the video, from road signs and other street furniture, to particular buildings, to allow them to be located exactly on maps of the environment. A second scenario would be to perform scene understanding for indoor scenes such as home or office, with video taken from a normal camera and Z-cam.

For further information contact philiptorr(at)

Useful links

Win a free Kinect by donating gesture data


sponsored by Pascal2

Whether you are a computer vision researcher, want to become one, or just want to have some fun, we are preparing a fun series of events for you.
Our first step is a data exchange ending September 7, 2011.
Hurry: if you are among the first few qualifying entrants, you win a free Kinect sensor!

Participating is easy:
1) Subscribe at (you will need to create a Google account if you do not have one).
2) Mail us some data recorded on a hard drive:
* Send us the gesture data you already recorded, OR
* Collect new data following our specifications:
– Choose a gesture lexicon (from the list we provide).
– Download a script (determining which gestures you will play and in which order).
– Practice in front of a mirror.
– Record your videos following the script.
If you are a Matlab user, you may use our data recording software.

See detailed instructions at (accessible only to subscribers of the gesturechallenge Google group).

Thank you in advance for your participation!

Isabelle Guyon and Vassilis Athitsos

RESTATE 2011 – Marie Curie Grant

Research grants are available as Marie Curie Actions of VII European Framework Programme. The call is part of the International Programme COFOUND where research grants are co-funded by the European Union and the Regional Government, namely the Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy. The Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK) will manage the research grants on behalf of the European Union. The submitted proposals will undergo to a selective evaluation process.

Research topics include neuroinformatics and more in general machine learning methods for neuroscience. The candidate has to submit a research proposal in the areas of brain decoding, brain mapping or brain connectivity. Proposals concerned with the development of software tool for data analysis in neuroscience are equally welcome.

The research activity will take place at NILab, a research laboratory between information technology and cognitive neuroscience raised as a joint initiative of FBK and the Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC) of the University of Trento.

The official call will be published at the beginning of November 2011 on the FBK website ( and will be closed at the end of January 2012. Notification will be provided before the end of April 2012. The research grants will begin either on June 2012 or September 2012 and last two or three years.

PhD is required. Researchers who apply have to have worked outside Italy for at least 24 months over the previous 36 months.

The grant amount is around 30.000 euro per year after tax.

If you are interested, please contact us in advance at the follwoing address: info.nilab(at)

– FBK:
– NILab:
– CIMeC:

ESANN 2012: call for papers and for special sessions

ESANN 2012: European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
Bruges, Belgium, 25 to 27 April 2012 -20th anniversary !-

First announcement and call for papers and
Call for proposals for special sessions

We are pleased to inform you that preliminary information about ESANN 2012 is available: see ESANN 2012 will take place in Bruges, Belgium from 25 to 27 April 2012.

The call for papers is available at

You will find at a call for special session proposals. If you are interested in organizing a special session at ESANN 2012, please send an e-mail to esann(at), and we will send you the guide for session organizers. The deadline for submitting special session proposals is August 15th, 2011.

ESANN 2012 builds upon a successful series of conference organized each year since 1993. ESANN has become a major scientific event in the machine learning, computational intelligence and artificial neural networks fields over the years.

The conference will be organized in Bruges, one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe. Designated as the “Venice of the North”, the city has preserved all the charms of the medieval heritage. Its centre, which is inscribed on the Unesco World Heritage list, is in itself a real open air museum.

We hope to receive your submission to ESANN 2012 and to see you in Bruges next year!

ISBA 2012: Call for Special Topic Sessions

The Program Committee of ISBA 2012 invites submissions of proposals for special topic sessions. Each session consists of 4 talks of 25 min with a common theme. The proposal should include the title of the session, a brief description (session abstract), and the list of 4 speakers and should be sent to
by September 18th, 2011.

The ISBA 2012 World Meeting — the premier conference of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) — will be held in Kyoto, Japan, from June 25 to June 29, 2012.
Preliminary program can be found at
Details about support for junior presenters will be finalized in late 2011. Please check the conference website for updates.

Call for Papers: CIP 2012

CIP 2012

May 28 to 30, 2012 Parador de Baiona
(Pontevedra, Spain)


Following the success of the previous editions of the Workshop on
Cognitive Information Processing (CIP), we are pleased to announce the
third one in this series*.
This workshop aims at bringing together researchers from the machine
learning, pattern recognition, statistical signal processing, social
sciences, communications and radar communities in an effort to promote
and encourage cross-fertilization of ideas and tools.

CIP 2012 will take place in Baiona (Spain), at Parador de Baiona
Hotel, which rises as an impressive viewpoint over the ocean ,
surrounded by medieval fortress.

The workshop will feature keynote addresses and technical presentations,
oral and poster, all of which will be included in the workshop proceedings.

Papers are solicited for the following areas in theory and applications:

Machine learning theory
Cognitive principles for machine and ensemble architectures and training
Adaptive and sparsity-aware learning
Deep learning and extreme machines
Cognitive psychological modeling
Machine understanding and human-machine interaction
Cognitive dynamical systems
Cognitive fuzzy methods and techniques
Cognitive decision making and game theory
Collaborative sensing Large-Scale Machine Learning


Cognitive signal processing Distributed and cooperative processing
Cognitive communications: Modulation, networks, dynamic spectrum
management and personalization.
Cognitive radar and sonar: Detection, estimation, tracking and target
Information (data, text, audio, image, video) mining
Social networks
Applications in social sciences, medicine, neuroimage, bioinformatics,
energy and smart grids,
advanced manufacturing, engineering systems, industrial processes,
economy and finance.


Submission deadline: January 15th, 2012
Accept / reject decisions: March 15th, 2012
Final papers due: April 15th, 2012

General Chair: Anibal R. Figueiras-Vidal UCIIIM, Spain
Technical Committee Chair: Miguel A. Lagunas CTTC, Spain
Technical Committee Vice Chairs:
Enric Monte CTTC, Spain
Ana Perez-Neira CTTC, Spain

Local Arrangements: Fernando Perez-Gonzalez. Univ. of Vigo, Spain & UNM, USA
Publicity: Carlos Mosquera. Univ. of Vigo, Spain
Finance: Roberto Lopez-Valcarce. Univ. of Vigo, Spain
Proceedings: Marcos Faudez. UPC, Spain
Webpage: Harold Molina. UCIIIM, Spain

Steering Committee:

Nello Cristianini. Univ. of Bristol, UK

Anibal R. Figueiras-Vidal; UCIIIM, Spain

Georgios Giannakis. Univ. of Minessota, U.S.A.

Fulvio Gini. Univ. of Pisa, Italy

Simon Haykin. Mc. Master Univ, Canada

Quiang Huo. Microsoft China

Shigeru Katagiri. Doshisha University, Japan

Vitor Nascimento. Univ. of S. Paulo, Brazil

Fernando Perez-Gonzalez. Univ. of Vigo, Spain & UNM, USA

Jose C. Principe. Univ. of Florida, USA

Bernhard Scholkopf. Max-Planck-Inst. Intelligent Sys., Germany

Hans-Georg Stork. European Commission, Belgium

Sergios Theodoridis. Univ. of Athens, Greece Theory

* All previous events were sponsored by IEEE, IAPR, EURASIP. CIP 2012
sponsorship applications have been submitted.