News Archives

K4A events at 2nd World OER Congress

K4A is co-organizing a satellite at the 2nd World Open Educational Resources (OER) Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 18 – 20 September 2017

This is the result of K4A role in creating machine learning technologies for open education. The satellite we are running is Artificial Intelligence: Research, Technology and Business in OER where we will present the latest activities in a series of efforts to showcase the potential of products for Open Educational Resources (OER). With this conference K4A is showing its commitment in taking actions to push forward the global agenda on OER.

New EU project will shed light on the potential of a micro-credentialing clearing house in Higher Education at a EU level

K4A has been awarded an Erasmus+ project to design, create and test the policy framework for micro-credentials in Europe – an ambitious but realistic target.

The MicroHE project is explicitly designed to match several of the priorities of the EU strategy on higher Education. The project contains partners from across Europe, to ensure a balance in perspectives and types of education system.

Certain elements of testing will be limited to participating countries for reasons of practicality, all research, policy recommendations and in particular surveys and consultations, will be made at EU Level.

X5GON to be presented @ European Commission

The X5GON project on converging OER was invited to present at the workshop “H2020 Media Projects’ Workshop: Collaboration Towards the Future of Media” on 17th October 2017, at EC premises in Avenue de Beaulieu 25 in Brussels.

Data Scientist career opportunity – Recommendations

Job Description: University of Nantes wishes to recruit an engineer for project X5-GON. The goal is to specify, develop and deploy a recommender system solution. The candidate will be invested in technical tasks as well as participate to meetings with the other teams of the consortium. Technical decisions will be taken collectively: strong technical skills are therefore required.

Within the context of the project, the candidate will be part of a team working on this or similar projects. He will benefit from experienced supervision, making this position of interest to candidates with 0 to 5 years experience.

Profile of the candidate: The candidate should hold a Master’s degree or an Engineer title in one of the following research areas: computer science, data science. A good level of expression in English (both written and spoken) is required.

Technical qualities:

  • Python and C++ programming
  • Software engineering
  • Data science techniques, including Machine Learning

Soft skills:

  • Motivation, autonomy and teamwork
  • Capacity to adapt to the constraints of collaborative European projects

Duration: 36 months, beginning fall 2017.

University of Nantes also has a UNESCO Chair in technologies for the training of teachers by OER whose goal is to support and extend a running French project whose goal is to train hundreds of thousands of teachers and education professionals to code and computational thinking called Class’Code

Full application and more details here.

Fake News workshop @ UCL

Prioritise me! (Side-effects of online content delivery) workshop on the topic of fake news was organised by K4A at University College London.

MOOC translation project meeting in Corfu

TraMOOC, a Horizon 2020 collaborative project aiming at providing reliable machine Translation for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), hosted an extraordinary productive meeting in Corfu.

The consortium is made up of six European universities Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (UBER), Dublin City University (DCU), University of Edinburgh (UEDIN), Ionian University (IURC), Stichting Katholieke Universiteit (Radboud University), Stichting Katholieke Universiteit Brabant (Tilburg University), two industrial partners Deluxe Media Europe (DME), EASN-Technology Innovation Services (BVBA), and Knowledge 4 All Foundation Ltd (K4A), and it will run until 31 January 2018.

Machine translation presentation @ EMOOCs 2017

We presented our project TraMOOC at the EMOOCs 2017 which was co-located with the OPENedX conference 2017. This is the leading European MOOC conference and our project was also showcased as an exemplar by Javier Hernández-Ros, director of the Data Directorate at the European Commission.

Together with us was our colleague Gonçal Garcés Díaz-Munío from the Machine Learning and Language Processing lab at Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain running PoliTrans and moderator Thomas Staubitz from the Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam in Germany running the openHPI platform.

K4A awarded with new H2020 project

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever, with 79 billion euros of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020). K4A has been successful in applying for funding and is currently participating in two relevant projects X5gon and TraMOOC.

The new project X5gon will combine content understanding, user modelling and quality assurance methods and tools to boost creating a homogenous network of (OER) sites and provide users (teachers, learners) with a common learning experience. X5gon will deploy open technologies for recommendation, learning analytics and learning personalisation services that will work across various OER sites, independent of languages, modalities, scientific domains, and cultural contexts.


Seminar on Open Data Movements in the Age of Big Data Capitalism

Attending a seminar by Dr Arwid Lund on his study of the open data/knowledge movement (Open Knowledge London) and Dr Jonathan Gray focusing on his forthcoming book Data Worlds: The new politics of information.