
Startup | India

We are a B2B company

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Startup | India

World”s most Comprehensive Courses on Big Data

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Tricog Health Services PVT. LTD

Startup | India | Bengaluru

Tricog has a mission to reduce mortality caused by heart attacks by helping patients gain access to quick, accurate, and affordable diagnosis within minutes of their arrival at clinics. The Tricog device immediately helps detect a heart attack so your doctor can take appropriate actions.

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Startup | India

We are Facebook Marketing Technology Partner and a PMD aspirant with fully-managed and self-serve Facebook ads capabilities.

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Startup | India

Intelligent Platforms

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Startup | India

SlateOne is a Skill based Intelligence Platform

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Startup | India

AppSpin is the bit.ly for apps! Get the right apps for your device

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Startup | India

Kaddy makes it extremely use for schools to create

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Analyttica Datalab

Startup | India

Analyttica Datalab Inc.

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Startup | India

Woolor – India’s most comprehensive database of the startup companies.

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