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Sony and Oxford Brookes Research Fellow, computer vision for computer games

The Sony EyeToy was launched onto the video games market five years ago. Since then, it has found its way into over 8 million homes worldwide. Using a small video camera plugged into a PlayStation, it tracks the player’s motion, allowing them to play games by moving their bodies rather than using a controller.

Sony Computer Entertainment Europe and Oxford Brookes University have established a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), aimed at transferring recent results in the academic community into gaming experience for camera based games. We are seeking a Research Associate to lead this 27 month project.

The main responsibility of the post holder will be to research and develop machine learning and computer vision methods and algorithms including:

· Hand tracking

· Interactive computer games

· Image Segmentation

with the aim of developing new camera based games based on this research for the EyeToy.

You should have:

· a good first degree in maths, engineering, physics or computer science

· a PhD or equivalent research experience in computer vision and machine learning

· strong academic and commercial knowledge of computer vision

· ability to research and develop new computer vision algorithms

· good C++

· strong mathematics

· a passion for computer games

You will be self motivated, organised and good at communicating. You should be able to create novel computer vision algorithms and turn these into production quality systems. You should be able to take direction and also contribute to the overall strategy and goals of the group.

Informal inquiries to:


Professor Phil Torr,
Department of Computing,
Oxford Brookes University,
OX33 1HX.

The Synthetic Visual Reasoning Test Challenge

The first dead-line has been moved to August 31, 2010.

This competition is part of the PASCAL2 challenge program


We are pleased to announce a new challenge for machine learning and
computer vision: The Synthetic Visual Reasoning Test (SVRT). One
motivation is to expose some limitations of current methods for
pattern recognition, and thereby to argue for making a larger
investment in other paradigms and strategies, emphasizing the pivotal
role of relationships among parts, complex hidden states and a rich
dependency structure.

This test consists of a series of 23 hand-designed, image-based,
binary classification problems. The images are binary and with
resolution 128×128. For each problem we have implemented a generator
in C++, which allows one to produce as many i.i.d samples as desired.
A pdf document containing examples of images is available at

The Bayes error rate of each problem is virtually zero, and nearly all
of them can be perfectly solved by humans after seeing fewer than ten
examples from each class. Nonetheless, some of them are probably as
difficult as various “real” problems featured in previous challenges
and widely known data-sets. In particular, solving these synthetic
visual tasks with high accuracy requires “reasoning” about
relationships among shapes and their poses.

Human experiments were conducted in the laboratory of Prof. Steven
Yantis, a cognitive psychologist at Johns Hopkins University; those
results will appear in a future publication. A number of people were
asked to solve the problems and the number of samples required to
master each concept was recorded.

SVRT challenge participants who follow the rules described below and
whose results are noteworthy for either their originality or sheer
performance will be invited to co-author a comprehensive, and
hopefully visible, article summarizing the performance of their
methods, including a discussion of the performance of humans (and
possibly monkeys) on the same tasks.


The generators for a randomly-selected subset of 13 problems are made
available to participants. Using these 13 problems as “case studies,”
the challenge is to develop or adapt a learning algorithm which inputs
a training set and outputs a classifier for labeling a binary image.

An important performance metric is the number of training examples
required to obtain any given accuracy. Algorithms should be designed
to be trained on sets of varying sizes.

Participants have until August 31, 2010, for development, and are
required to make public the results achieved on the 13 problems as
well as the source code required to reproduce these results and to
test the algorithm on other problems.

The source code and test error rates must be sent to the challenge
organizers Francois Fleuret (francois.fleuret(at) and Donald
Geman (geman(at) before midnight EST, August 31, 2010.

The test error rates must be provided in a single text file, with one
line per problem and number of training examples. At minimum, results
are to be provided for exactly 10, 100 and 1000 training examples per
class per problem. Participants may choose to also send their results
for higher powers of ten. On each line there should be the problem
number, followed by the number of training samples, followed by ten
test error rates estimated on ten different runs, with 10,000 test
samples per class. Numbers should be separated by commas.

On September 1, 2010, we will publish the ten remaining problems
(i.e., make the generators available). Participants will measure the
performance of their algorithms *with no additional change* on this
new set of problems and send the performance by mail to the challenge
organizers before midnight EST, September 31, 2010. At that point, we
may use the participants’ code to verify the reported performance.


The source code of the generators can be downloaded from

A pdf document containing ten samples of each class of each problem,
together with the error rate of a baseline classifier trained with
Boosting, is available at


François Fleuret, Idiap Research Institute

Donald Geman, Johns Hopkins University

Postdoc Position in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

Contact: Christoph Lampert

A postdoc position in Computer Vision and Machine Learning is available
immediately at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST
Austria) in the group of Christoph Lampert.

Applicants should hold a PhD and have experience in computer vision,
machine learning and optimization methods. Prior knowledge of modern
machine learning techniques (in particular kernel methods, structured
output learning, and/or probabilistic approaches) will be an advantage,
a strong analytical background is a must. We are looking a for highly
motivated and creative individual who enjoys working in an excellent
research environment including adequate funding for equipment and
conference travel. The successful candidate will have no mandatory
teaching or administrative duties, but he or she should be motivated to
take an active role in the further development of the newly established
research group. Good communication skills and fluency in English are
required. German language skills are optional.

Conditions of employment: The post-doctoral position is provided for up
to two years with very competitive salary. The starting dates are
flexible. There is no fixed deadline, applications will be considered
until the position is filled, as announced on

Application procedure: Formal applications should include CV, a
statement of research experience and interests, list of publications,
academic transcripts, as well as the contact details of three
references. Please send applications as single PDF document to Prof.
Christoph Lampert .

About the institute: IST Austria ( is a new institute that
opened its campus near Vienna in 2009. It is dedicated to basic research
in the natural sciences and related disciplines
( Established by the Austria Government, IST
Austria has substantial funding, allowing for over 500 employees and
graduate students by 2016. The language of the Institute is English. IST
Austria is committed to equality and diversity. In particular female
applicants are encouraged to apply.

Postdoctoral position at IDIAP (CH)

Postdoctoral position in multimodal processing
for interaction with robots at Idiap Research Institute (CH)

The IDIAP Research Institute (, associated with EPFL
(Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne) seeks a qualified
candidate for one postdoctoral research position in computer vision,
audio processing, and machine learning for multimodal interaction in
The positions is available immediately.

The research will be conducted in the context of the Humavips project
funded by the European Commission
The position offers the opportunity to collaborate with prominent European
research teams in robotics, vision, and multimodal interaction. The
overall goal of the project is to endow humanoid robots with
audio-visual sensing and interaction capabilities for navigation in
complex environments, person localization, and social
interaction. Specific research areas involve the design of perceptual
algorithms to recognize human nonverbal behavior from audio-visual
sensors; new approaches to identify people interactions and
relationships; and principled methods to exploit physical and social
context for effective human-robot interaction.

The postdoctoral researcher should have a strong background in machine
learning, computer vision, audio processing, or robotics. Experience
in one or several of the following areas is required: human tracking,
event recognition and discovery, and human-robot or human-computer
multimodal interfaces. The applicant should also have strong
programming skills. The position is for one year with possibilities
of renewal based on performance. Salaries are competitive.

Idiap is located in Martigny in Valais, a scenic region in the south
of Switzerland surrounded by the highest mountains of Europe, which
offers multiple recreational activities, including hiking, climbing,
and skiing, as well as varied cultural activities, all within close
proximity to Lausanne and Geneva. Idiap is an equal opportunity
employer and offers a young, multicultural environment where English
is the main working language.

For further details and application please contact:

Jean-Marc Odobez (odobez(at), tel : +41 (0)27 721 77 26)
Daniel Gatica-Perez (gatica(at), tel : +41 (0)27 721 77 33)

Workshop: “Sparse structures: statistical theory and practice”, 16-18 June 2010, Bristol, UK

Research workshop: 16-18 June 2010, Bristol, UK

One of the most challenging problems in modern statistics is to find
effective methods for the analysis of complex multi-dimensional data.
Sparsity has been emerging as a major tool for handling statistical
problems in high dimensions. The aim of this workshop is to bring
together theory and practice in modelling high-dimensional data using
these tools.

Invited speakers

Christophe Ambroise (CNRS, Paris)
Francois Caron (Bordeaux)
Sara van de Geer (Zurich)
David Madigan (Columbia)
Nicolai Meinshausen (Oxford)
Sylvia Richardson (Imperial)
Ya’acov Ritov (Jerusalem)
Bernard Silverman (Oxford)
Mike Tipping (consultant)
Alexandre Tsybakov (Paris VI)
Martin Wainwright (Berkeley)

The workshop will also feature a contributed and poster programme.

The number of participants we can accept is limited, and we ask you to
write to us in advance if you wish to attend. We will have some
limited funds for partial support of expenses for junior researchers
(graduate students, and researchers within 3 years of receiving their
Ph.D. degree).

For contributed talks: 15 February 2010 (!)
For poster or participation: 15 March 2010

Further information about the workshop can be found at

Ph.D. position INRIA Lille

A PhD studentship is available in at Sequential Learning
Lab in INRIA Lille, France.
The topic is time series prediction, and non-parametric statistical
analysis of time series.

3 year fully funded position (contract).
The position will start in September 2010. The deadline for applications
will be 1st of May, but interested candidates are encouraged to contact me earlier.

The PhD student will work with Daniil Ryabko ,
and with other members of the SequeL group at INRIA Lille.
SequeL is one of the most dynamic labs at INRIA, with over 20
researchers (including PhD students)
working on both fundamental and practical aspects of sequential learning
from statistical learning, through reinforcement learning, to computer
poker and Go players.
INRIA is France’s leading institution in Computer Science, with over
2800 scientists
employed, of which around 250 in Lille.

Lille is the capital of the north of France, a metropolis with 1 million
with excellent train connection to Brussels (40 min), Paris (1h) and
London (1.5h by train).

The basic problem setup is as follows. There is an unknown stochastic
source of data, generating observations in a sequential fashion. The
data can be anything from stock market observations, to DNA sequences,
to behavioural sequences. There are several learning and inference
problems connected with it, of which the two most basic ones are:
predicting the probabilities of the next observations, and testing
hypotheses about the source (such as independence, homogeneity, etc.)
To solve these problems, one has to consider models of the data.
Different types of data require different models.

The goal is to describe those probabilistic models under which
successful learning is possible, for the inference problems
considered: sequential prediction, and hypothesis testing. This would
eventually lead to an automated modelling algorithms for sequential
learning. The primary goal, however, is to establish a theoretical
understanding of what is possible to learn, in the sequential problems
of interest considered, under which assumptions. More precisely, a data
source is a probability distribution on the set of all possible
sequences of observations, and a model is a set of such probability
distributions. We are interested in identifying the properties of models
which ensure the existence of efficient algorithms that are successful
(e.g. as predictors) given the model.


The successful candidate will have a MSc or equivalent degree in
mathematics or computer science,
with strong background in probability and statistics.
Programming skills will be considered a plus.
The working language in the lab is English.

For further information please email daniil.ryabko(at) ,
with subject -SeqPHD-, joining a CV and a description of interests.

More information (including the application procedure) will soon be
available through

INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School

INRIA Visual Recognition and Machine Learning Summer School

Grenoble, 26-30 July 2010

Application deadline: 15 May 2010

OVERVIEW: The objective of this summer school is to provide an
overview of some of the latest advances in visual recognition together
with the related machine learning algorithms. It will take place at
the INRIA campus in Grenoble. The courses will be given by experts in
the field and complemented by a half-day hiking trip to the
surrounding mountains.

Lecturers F. Bach (INRIA)
D. Forsyth (UICU) Z. Harcahoui (INRIA)
C. Lampert (IST Austria) I. Laptev (INRIA)
C. Rother (Microsoft) C. Schmid (INRIA)
J. Ponce (ENS) J. Sivic (INRIA)
A. Zisserman (Oxford Univ.) J. Verbeek (INRIA)

Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction 2010

First workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction

May 17-19, 2010

Grenoble, France


4-8 page submissions due March 5, 2010 for non-Pascal members

4-8 page submissions due March 15, 2010 for Pascal members

Good decision-making is dependent on comprehensive, accurate knowledge. But the information relevant to many important decisions in areas such as business, government, medicine and scientific research is massive, and growing at an accelerating pace. Relevant raw data is widely available on the web and other data sources, but usually in order to be useful it must be gathered, organized, and normalized into a knowledge base.

Hand-built knowledge bases such as Wikipedia have made us all better decision-makers. However more than human editing will be necessary to create a wide variety of domain-specific, deeply comprehensive, more highly structured knowledge bases.

A variety of automated methods have begun to reach levels of accuracy and scalability that make them applicable to automatically constructing useful knowledge bases. These capabilities have been enabled by research in areas including information extraction, information integration, databases, search and machine learning.

There are substantial scientific and engineering challenges in advancing and integrating such relevant methodologies.

This workshop will gather researchers in a variety of fields that contribute to the automated construction of knowledge bases.

There has recently been is a tremendous amount of new work in this area, some of it in traditionally disconnected communities. In this workshop the organizers aim to bring these communities together.

Topics of interest include:

* information extraction; open information extraction, named entity extraction; entity resolution, relation extraction.

* information integration; schema alignment; ontology alignment; ontology construction.

* alignment between knowledge bases and text.

* joint inference between text interpretation and knowledge base pattern analysis, reading the web, learning by reading.

* databases; distributed information systems; probabilistic databases.

* scalable computation; distributed computation.

* information retrieval; search on mixtures of structured and unstructured data; querying under uncertainty.

* machine learning; unsupervised, lightly-supervised and distantly-supervised learning; learning from naturally-available data.

* human-computer collaboration in knowledge base construction; automated population of wikis.

* inference; scalable approximate inference.

* languages, toolkits and systems for automated knowledge base construction.

* demonstrations of existing automatically-built knowledge bases.

Speakers / Participants include:

Philip Bohannon, Yahoo! Research

Michael Cafarella, University of Michigan

AnHai Doan, University of Wisconsin

Patrick Gallinari, LIP6

Alon Halevy, Google

Zachary Ives, University of Pennsylvania

Ron Kaplan, Powerset / Microsoft

Andrew McCallum, University of Massachusetts

Zaiqing Nie, Microsoft Research

Fernando Pereira, Google & University of Pennsylvania

Sunita Sarawagi, Indian Institute of Technology

Gerhard Weikum, Max Planck Institute

Important dates:

* Paper submission deadline: Friday 5 March 2010

* Notification of acceptance: Friday 2 April 2010

* Camera-ready due from authors: Monday 3 May 2010

* Workshop: Mon-Wed 17-19 May 2010 (just after AISTATS)

Organizing committee:

Program Chair: Andrew McCallum

Publication Chair: Guillaume Bouchard

Funding Chair: Cedric Archambeau

Local Arrangements: Onno Zoeter

Host Arrangements: Jean-Marc Andreoli

Workshop venue:

The workshop will take place in the chateau at Xerox Research Centre Europe, near Grenoble, France. In addition to technical talks, talks about submitted papers and a poster session, we will have plenty of time for informal discussions and community building: a reception dinner the evening before we begin, lunches provided on-site with time to talk, a banquet dinner on the first evening, and on the second day a half-day hike in the local Alps, including a raclette dinner at a refuge.

Postdoctoral position available: machine learning/cancer bioinformatics

Postdoctoral Position in Machine Learning and Cancer Bioinformatics
University of Bristol, United Kingdom (vacancy ref. 15239)

We are seeking to appoint an outstanding postdoctoral researcher interested
in machine learning and bioinformatics to work with Dr. Colin Campbell,
University of Bristol, United Kingdom. This project will involve the
design of new algorithms and data analysis techniques in addition to
an important core application study. We will use a variety of methods
from modern machine learning including Bayesian techniques and probabilistic
graphical methods, kernel-based methods and other approaches. The core
application study will involve the use of unsupervised, semi-supervised,
biclustering and other machine learning and statistical methods to delineate
subtypes of cancer and identify dysregulated genes within these subtypes.
We are also very interested in the development and use of data integration
methods which can handle multiple types of data (e.g. expression array,
microRNA array, sequence data) within the same model.

Aside from this core application program, the appointee will have
the freedom to pursue research in machine learning, bioinformatics,
statistics and cancer informatics, according to their interests
and relevance to the project theme. Apart from Dr. Campbell there
are 11 other academic researchers in the Intelligent Systems
Laboratory with interests in machine learning and bioinformatics,
including Nello Cristianini, Tijl de Bie and Julian Gough, in
addition to numerous research assistants and PhD students.

The Research Assistant will be hosted by the Intelligent Systems
Laboratory within the newly-formed Dirac School of Engineering,
Bristol University. Dr. Campbell’s publications are available at and his personal webpage

The closing date for applications is:
***9.00am, Monday 1st March 2010***

Grade : Level A in Pathway 2
Salary : £29,853 – £33,600

Timescale of Appointment: fixed term contract for 2 years.

Further details and an application form can be found at:

Alternatively you can telephone (0117) 954 6947,
minicom (0117) 928 8894 or email: Recruitment(at),
quoting reference number 15239.

Summer School on Statistical Inference in Computational Biology

SICSA International Summer School on
Statistical Inference in Computational Biology
National E-Science Centre, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
14-18 June 2010

Terry Speed (University of California, Berkeley)
Michael Stumpf (Imperial College)
Dirk Husmeier (Biomathematics and Statistics Scotland)
Chris Holmes (University of Oxford)
Manfred Opper (Technical University of Berlin)


Technological advances in the life sciences are producing vast amounts of data describing organisms at all levels of organisation. The impact of this on Informatics and the Computational Sciences has been enormous: the new disciplines of computational biology and bioinformatics were born to organise and model these data, and are now some of the fastest growing and most exciting areas in computer science. The increasing awareness of the noisy and incomplete nature of most biological data has led to a widespread use of statistical and machine learning tools within the field.

The school will focus on the role of statistical inference in biological modelling, with a particular emphasis on the Bayesian framework. It is mostly aimed at PhD students in computational subjects or quantitative biology, although early career researchers wishing to acquire more statistical modelling skills are also welcome. The school will consist of 6 4-hour modules, each delivered by an expert of international standing over 5 days. The first two sessions will serve as an introduction to multi-variate and Bayesian statistics respectively with a leaning towards the tools required in Computational Biology. The remaining sessions will cover four of the main inference tasks in Computational Biology – network reconstruction, inference within models of biological processes, inference in phylogenetics and phenotype-genotype associations to explain genetic diseases.

For more information, email sicb(at)

Organisers: Guido Sanguinetti (University of Edinburgh) Simon Rogers (University of Glasgow)