News Archives

Workshop on Mobile Social Signal Processing

First International Workshop on Mobile Social Signal Processing
Lisbon – September 7th, 2010
In conjunction with Mobile HCI 2010


Given their status as a preeminent form of social interaction, mobile phone conversations have been the subject of relatively limited investigation, in terms of social behavior. This leaves open a major gap when two important developments take place. On one hand, Mobile HCI often deals with advanced mobile phones containing a large number of sensors (e.g., GPS, accelerometers, magnetometers, capacitive touch) and with sufficient processing power to capture with unprecedented richness behavior and context of users (e.g., position, movement, hand grip, proximity of social network members, gait type, auditory context). On the other hand, the computing community, in particular Social Signal Processing (SSP), makes significant efforts towards automatic understanding (via analysis of verbal and nonverbal behavior) of social interactions captured with multiple sensors.

This workshop bridges the above mentioned gap by gathering SSP and Mobile HCI researchers.

Cross-pollination will identify research questions at the frontier between the two domains bringing significant novelty in both SSP and Mobile HCI.

Important Dates

Full paper submission: June 15th, 2010
Notification of Acceptance: June 25th, 2010 Camera ready paper submission: June 30th, 2010
Workshop: September 7th, 2010

Workshop articles will be published in a volume of the Springer LNCS series and participants are expected to submit six to eight pages long papers in LNCS/LNAI format.


Workshop topics include (but are not limited to):

• Conversational behavior analysis

• Social Location and Context – measurement, analysis and use

• SSP in design of mobile interactions

• SSP in mobile entertainment and wellbeing

• Databases and SSP based content retrieval

• Cognitive modeling, automatic understanding, and synthesis of social phenomena

General Chairs

Alessandro Vinciarelli (University of Glasgow/Idiap Research Institute) Rod Murray-Smith (University of Glasgow) Herve’ Bourlard (Idiap Research Institute/EPFL)

For more information, please visit the workshop website:

NIPS 2010 Call For Demonstrations
Demonstration Proposal Deadline: Monday September 20, 2010

The Neural Information Processing Systems Conference 2010 has a Demonstration Track running in
parallel with the evening Poster Sessions, December 6-8, 2010, in
Vancouver, Canada.

Demonstrations are an opportunity to showcase:
• Hardware technology
• Software systems
• Neuromorphic and biologically-inspired systems
• Robotics
or other systems, which are relevant to the technical areas covered by NIPS
(see Call for Papers .
Demonstrations must show novel technology and must be live, preferably with
some interactive parts. A demonstration is not just another poster
presentation or a slide show, the action part is important.

Submission of demo proposals at the following URL:

You will be asked to fill a questionnaire and describe clearly:
• the technology demonstrated
• the elements of novelty
• the live part
• the interactive part
• the equipment brought by the demonstrator
• the equipment required at the place of the demo

Evaluation Criteria: Submissions will be refereed on the basis of
technical quality, novelty, live action, potential for interaction.

Demonstration chair: Isabelle Guyon

Fully funded postdoctoral and PhD positions in Machine Learning and Computational Biology

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position and a PhD position
at the Department of Computer Science of Royal Holloway, University of

The successful candidates will work with Alberto Paccanaro on developing
novel approaches to protein function prediction. Candidates should have
a PhD degree (for the postdoctoral position) or an MSc degree or
equivalent (for the PhD position) in a relevant quantitative field (e.g.
Computer Science, Statistics, Engineering), excellent programming
skills, and a keen interest in computational biology.

The successful candidates will have the opportunity to collaborate with
members of the interdisciplinary Centre for Systems and Synthetic
Biology (Computer Science and Biological Sciences at Royal Holloway),
including: Laci Bogre, Alessandra Devoto, Peter Bramley, Paul Fraser,
Enrique Lopez and Paul Devlin. The posts are therefore ideal for people
with a computer science or maths background who are looking to move into
computational biology.

The postdoctoral position is for 18 months, the PhD position is for the
whole duration of the program (3 years). Both positions are full-time,
starting in summer 2010.

The starting salary for the postdoctoral post is up to 31,117 GBP per
annum, inclusive of London Allowance.

Please note that the funding for the PhD position is available to EU
nationals only.

Informal enquiries may be directed to Alberto Paccanaro
email: alberto(at)
tel: +44-1784-414239
lab page:

Applicants for the postdoctoral position: details and an application
form are available at

Applicants for the PhD position: please email your CV to Alberto Paccanaro

*** The closing date for the receipt of applications for both posts is
June 15, 2010. ***

We positively welcome applications from all sections of the community.

NIPS 2010 Call For Workshops


Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) — Natural and Synthetic
NIPS*2010 Post-Conference Workshops — December 10 and 11, 2010
Whistler Resort & Spa and Westin Hilton, BC, CANADA

Following the regular program of the Neural Information Processing
Systems 2010 conference in Vancouver, BC, Canada, workshops on a
variety of current topics in neural information processing will be
held on December 10 and 11, 2010, in Whistler, BC, Canada. We invite
researchers interested in chairing one of these workshops to submit
proposals for workshops. The goal of the workshops is to provide an
informal forum for researchers to discuss important research questions
and challenges. Controversial issues, open problems, and comparisons
of competing approaches are not only encouraged but preferred as
workshop topics. Representation of alternative viewpoints and
panel-style discussions are also particularly encouraged. Potential workshop
topics include, but are not limited to:

Active Learning, Attention, Audition, Bayesian Networks, Bayesian
Statistics, Benchmarking, Biophysics, Brain-Machine Interfaces, Brain
Imaging, Cognitive Neuroscience, Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics, Computational Complexity, Control,
Genetic/Evolutionary Algorithms, Graphical Models, Hippocampus and
Memory, Human-Computer Interfaces, Implementations, Kernel Methods,
Mean-Field Methods, Music, Network Dynamics, Neural Coding, Neural
Plasticity, Neuromorphic Systems, On-Line Learning, Optimization,
Perceptual Learning, Robotics, Rule Extraction, Self-Organization,
Signal Processing, Spike Timing, Speech, Supervised/Unsupervised
Learning, Time Series, Topological Maps, and Vision.

Detailed descriptions of previous workshops may be found at:
There will be six hours of workshop meetings per day, split into
morning and afternoon sessions, with free time between the sessions
for ongoing individual exchange or outdoor activities. Selected
workshops may be invited to submit proceedings for publication in the
post-NIPS workshops monographs series published by the MIT Press.

Workshop organizers have several responsibilities, including:

* Coordinating workshop participation and content, including arranging
short informal presentations by experts, arranging for expert
commentators to sit on discussion panels, formulating discussion
topics, etc.

* Providing the program for the workshop in a timely manner for the workshop

* Moderating the discussion, and reporting its findings and conclusions
to the group during the evening plenary sessions.

* Writing a brief summary and/or coordinating submitted material for
post-conference electronic dissemination.

Submission Instructions

A account is required to submit the Workshops application. Please
follow the url below and check the required format for the application well
before the deadline for workshop proposals. You can edit your application
online right up until the deadline.

Interested parties must submit a proposal by 23:59 UTC on July 2, 2010
(note that this deadline is earlier than previous years, to allow
workshops more time for their calls for submissions). Proposals should
be submitted electronically at the following url:

Preference will be given to workshops that reserve a significant
portion of time for open discussion or panel discussion, as opposed to
a pure “mini-conference” format.

We suggest that organizers allocate at least 50% of the workshop
schedule to questions, discussion, and breaks. Past experience
suggests that workshops otherwise degrade into mini-conferences as
talks begin to run over. For the same reason, we strongly recommend
that each workshop include no more than 12 talks per day.

NIPS does not provide travel funding for workshop speakers. In the
past, some workshops have sought and received funding from external
sources to bring in outside speakers. In any case, the organizers of
each accepted workshop can name two individuals to receive free
registration for the workshop program.

Neil D. Lawrence
University of Manchester
NIPS*2010 Workshops Chair

The 2010 Monte Verita’ Workshop: Frontiers in Neuroengineering: Call for Abstracts

The 2010 Monte Verita’ Workshop: Frontiers in Neuroengineering
Ascona, Switzerland, September 5-9th, 2010

The deadline for discounted registration is approaching quickly: June 5th, 2010 !!

Neuroengineering is a rapidly growing discipline that takes its lymph from
the increasing cross-fertilization of many areas of technology and science.
By means of neuroengineering, advances in diverse technologies and in cellular
and molecular biology converge into powerful tools to improve our understanding
and treatment of neural (dis)functions.
Recently such a discipline has gone beyond the concept of a simple application
of engineering principles to central nervous system (CNS) comprehension, leading
to the emergence of one of the more exciting interdisciplinary research fields
in modern neurosciences.

Neuroengineering applies novel approaches to the study of the brain by bringing
together tools from computational neuroscience, information theory, electronics,
electrophysiology, biomaterials, nanotechnologies and tissue engineering, towards
understanding, repairing, replacing, enhancing, and exploiting the electrical
properties of the nervous system.

Understanding the brain is one of the key grand challenges of modern science.
In Neuroengineering such challenge extends from fundamental research on computation
in the central nervous system to new frontiers in neural prosthetics.
Because of its cultural tradition and its special atmosphere, Monte Verita’ is the
ideal settings to bring together students, researchers, professionals and world-
leaders of a discipline that is not any longer in its infancy and that is becoming
fully mature.

== Second Call for Papers ==

We invite Authors to participate with contributions in all topics related to Neuroengineering,
from novel (nano)materials interfacing the nervous system or as tools for basic research, to
novel enabling technologies, and from basic neurobiology and electrophysiology to neuroprosthetics.
We aim at covering topics across levels of investigations, from the single-neuron to the network-
and the system levels.

The workshop will consist of invited speakers and registered participants, though it will be limited to a maximum of 100 people.

The workshop will include extra time for audience discussion of the presentations, allowing
the group to have intense debates and creative discussions on the issues, challenges, and
the new ideas in the field.

Depending on the number and quality of the contributions, a special issue of a
journal might be organized, and selected contributions invited after the workshop, conveying and
summarizing the most important and relevant conclusions.

We are in close contact with previous and new sponsors and we are trying to setup a number
of student travel grants and best poster awards. We will keep the web site and the participants

We strongly encourage the participation of young researchers and their active and “disinhibited”
participation to the scientific meeting, to honor the cultural and historical atmosphere of the
meeting venue (

Download the workshop flier here !!

Invited speakers:
Gabriel A. Silva, UCSD, USA
John Donoghue, Brown U, USA
Micha E. Spira, Hebrew U, Israel
Henry Markram, EPFL, Switzerland
Shimon Marom, Technion, Israel
Jessica Winter, Ohio State U, USA
Vladimir Parpura, UAB, USA
Laura Ballerini, Univ. Trieste, Italy
Sophie Pautot, U Dresden, Germany
Carmen Bartic, KULeuven, Belgium
Yahel Hanein, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Luca Berdondini, IIT, Italy
Sandro Carrara, EPFL, Switzerland
Eshel Ben-Jacob, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Michele Giugliano, U Antwerpen, Belgium
(others to be announced)

— Important Dates —

Early registration: June 5th, 2010

— Submission —

All abstract should be submitted following the template, the guidelines and
the procedures indicated online, for publication in the workshop abstract book.
All participants are required to register online.

Looking forward to meeting you in Monte Verita’!

The Workshop Organizers

Positions for 2 PhD researchers or Postdocs in Computational Linguistics

Utrecht University, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics OTS (UiL OTS)
Deadline for application: May 5, 2010

This is a summary of the full announcement, which is available at:

Vacancy Number: 681018

Job titles: 2 PhD researchers or Postdocs in Computational Linguistics (1 fte each)

Job descriptions:
These positions are part of a five-year research programme ‘Between Logic and Common Sense’ funded by The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO. The programme, supervised by Dr. Yoad Winter, investigates the interaction between word meanings and sentence meanings. While word meanings are often related to common sense aspects of semantic concepts, sentence meanings are derived using logical operators. The program will study how the two modules interact. Three issues will be addressed:
o How should formal theories of meaning be modified in order to incorporate methods and ideas from the study of common concepts?
o What psycholinguistic evidence exists that supports this interaction?
o How can interactions between word meaning and logical meaning be exploited for automatic treatment of reasoning in natural language (entailment)?
The program combines methods from formal semantics, experimental psycholinguistics and machine learning.

The programme comprises two post-doctoral projects and three PhD projects. See below for a link to the programme and general descriptions of the projects:

The current opening is for:

PhD/postdoc project 1 (vacancy no. 681018-A) starting date 1-10-2010 (negotiable, postdoc between 1 Oct 2010 and 1 Feb 2011):
The project, supervised by Dr. Yoad Winter, uses annotated entailments for developing machine learning algorithms that recognize unseen entailments on the basis of lexical/syntactic tools and resources. The learning model will use a semantically annotated corpus as a training set for acquiring semantically relevant information from other resources (e.g. WordNet, Penn Treebank, OpenCyc) when parsing entailments.
The project uses methods from computational linguistics and machine learning.
For a more detailed project description:

PhD project 2 (vacancy no 691018-B) starting date 1-10-2010 (negotiable):
The project, supervised by Dr. Yoad Winter, develops a computational version of formal semantic theory that is suitable for annotating a corpus of textual entailments. The PhD researcher will accompany actual annotation of an entailment corpus. The annotated corpus and annotation principles will be used for the automatic acquisition of textual entailments.
The project uses methods from computational linguistics and formal semantics.
For a more detailed project description:

Applicants for a postdoc employment hold a PhD (completed at least one month prior to employment), as well as demonstrated capacities as an independent researcher, in the form of publications. You have a PhD in statistical computational linguistics, with specific experience in machine learning techniques.

Applicants for a PhD position have a MA/MSc in computer science or computational linguistics, with specific experience in machine learning techniques. Candidates expecting to graduate by 1 September 2010 can also apply.

How to apply:
Applications should include
o a letter of motivation
o a curriculum vitae including contact and personal details
o the contact details of two referees (names, affiliations and phone numbers or e-mail addresses).
o preferably: two reference letters
In addition, PhD applicants should include
o transcripts of academic results
o an MA thesis or (if the thesis is not available yet) some alternative piece of written work
In addition, postdoc applicants should include:
o PhD thesis
o one selected publication
E-mail applications (preferred) should be sent in pdf or doc format to and should specify the applicant’s name and the vacancy number 681018-A or B in the message as well as in the topic, include a list of attachments in the message, and specify the applicant’s name in each attachment’s title.

Written applications should be sent to the Personnel Department, Kromme Nieuwegracht 46, 3512 HJ Utrecht, The Netherlands. Please refer to the vacancy number 681018-A or B as well as to the website where you found this advertisement.

Deadline for application is May 5, 2010.
Interviews are planned on June 8, 2010.

CFP Workshop on Detection and Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues @ECML-PKDD

Workshop on Detection and Identification of Rare Audiovisual Cues (DIRAC)
In conjunction with ECML-PKDD (
Barcelona, 24 September 2010


Machine learning builds models of the world using training data from the application domain and prior knowledge about the problem. The models are later applied to future data in order to estimate the current state of the world. An implied assumption is that the future is stochastically similar to the past. The approach fails when the system encounters situations that are not anticipated from the past experience. In contrast, successful natural organisms identify new unanticipated stimuli and situations and frequently generate appropriate responses.
This workshop aims to discuss moving the art of machine recognition from the classical signal processing/pattern classification paradigm to human-like information extraction.
This means, among other things, to move from interpretation of all incoming data to reliable rejection of non-informative inputs, from passive acquisition of a single incoming stream to active search for the most relevant information in multiple streams, and from a system optimized for one static environment to autonomous adaptation to new changing environments, thus forming the foundation for a new generation of efficient cognitive information processing technologies.

Aims and Scope

The workshop aims to bring together researchers and students from different disciplines (machine learning, data mining, pattern recognition, computer vision, speech processing, neurophysiology, psychophysics, robotics, …) in order to present and discuss in an informal atmosphere new approaches for identifying and reacting to unexpected events in information-rich environments. To achieve this goal we are soliciting two types of contributions: a) mature research results, and b) interesting preliminary results or stimulating position statements. In addition, the workshop will feature at least one discussion session to allow for a more interactive and engaging experience.

Topics of Interest

The workshop’s topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• learning from small samples
• unusual/abnormal event detection
• trend analysis
• novelty detection
• classification-based/clustering-based/nearest neighbor based/statistical/information theoretical /spectral/ …
• contextual anomaly detection
• audio-visual perception of humans
• human-computer interaction modeling
• speech processing
• image and video processing
• multimodal processing, fusion and fission
• multimodal indexing, structuring and summarization
• annotation and browsing of multimodal data
• machine learning algorithms and their applications to the topics above

Paper submission

Contributions must be in English and formatted according to the Springer-Verlag LNCS/LNAI guidelines. At the time of submission, the papers must not be under review or accepted for publication elsewhere. Papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the Workshop Committee. Papers will be reviewed on the basis of technical quality, originality, significance, and clarity. All submissions will be handled electronically.

Contributions should be in PDF format and submitted to the following email address:

Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop and will appear in the conference proceedings. At least one author of each paper must register for the conference and attend the workshop to present the paper.

Important dates

• Deadline for submissions: 21 June 2010
• Notification: 12 July 2010
• Early registration:
• Camera ready: 21 July 2010
• Workshop day: 24 September 2010

Workshop Chairs

Jörn Anemüller, Carl von Ossietzky University (Germany)
Daphna Weinshall, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Luc van Gool, K.U. Leuven (Belgium) and ETHZ (Switzerland)
Hynek Hermansky, Johns Hopkins University (USA) and Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
Luc De Raedt, K.U. Leuven (Belgium)

Programme Committee

• Barbara Caputo, IDIAP, (Switzerland)
• Honza Cernocky, Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic)
• Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, University of Milan La Statale (Italy)
• Vittorio Ferrari, ETH Zurich (Switzerland)
• Frank Ohl, Leibniz Institute (Germany)
• Francesco Orabona, University of Milan La Statale (Italy)
• Tomas Pajdla, Czech Technical University (Czech Republic)
• Misha Pavel, OHSU (USA)
• Tinne Tuytelaars, K.U.Leuven (Belgium)
• Rufin Vogels, K.U.Leuven (Belgium)
• Stefan Wabnik, Fraunhofer Institute (Germany)

Postdoctoral Fellows for the Technion Machine Learning Center

The Technion Machine Learning Center is seeking to appoint several Postdoctoral Fellows. We welcome applicants with a strong mathematical background who are interested in theory and applications of Machine Learning. The research will be conducted under the supervision of Shie Mannor and Shahar Mendelson.

The positions are research only and are for one year, but they can be extended for up to three years. The starting date is flexible, though it should be noted that the academic year starts in the middle of October. The positions will be kept open until all vacancies are filled.

The Technion Machine Learning Center is a newly established interdisciplinary center between the departments of Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The Center has a vibrant and active research environment and covers all facets of machine learning from theory to applications.
To apply please send a CV and names of three referees to
For further information, please contact Roni Zuntz at

ECCV10 Workshop: Sign Gesture & Activity

International Workshop on Sign Gesture and Activity 2010

Saturday September 11, 2010, Hersonissos, Heraklion, Crete, Greece in conjunction with ECCV 2010.

Topic: The workshop will bring together researchers from vision, learning and related areas to present and discuss the recognition of spatio-

temporal motion of people across a broad range of application areas ranging from sign language recognition through to gesture and activity.

Important Dates:

Submission deadlines: Wed, 16th June 2010

Acceptance decisions: Thurs, 8th July 2010

Camera-ready papers: Tue, 13th July 2010

The list of topics will include (but are not limited to):

• Continuous Sign Language Recognition & analysis

• Non-Manual Features and Facial expression recognition

• Feature Extraction for recognition

• Human torso tracking and modelling

• Hand Shape Classification

• Gesture Recognition

• Activity and Action Recognition

• Facial expression analysis

• Lip Reading

• Fusion methods for Recognition

• Multimodal human behaviour analysis

• Non Verbal Communication

• Affective Computing

• Hand and Face Tracking

• Corpora for training and testing

• Semi-automatic corpora annotation tools

• Probabilistic sequence modelling

Workshop organisers: Richard Bowden, Uni of Surrey, UK <>

Philippe Dreuw, RWTH Aachen Uni, DE

Petros Maragos, NTUA, Greece,

Justus Piater, Uni of Liège, Belgium,

Submission site:

Workshop site:

Main Conference site:

KDD-2010 CfP for Pascal Network

Call for Participation
16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2010)
July 25-28, 2010
Washington, DC

Key Dates
Early registration deadline: May 15, 2010
Regular registration deadline: June 30, 2010

Accepted Papers:
KDD Cup:


The 16th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
will be held in Washington, DC on July 25-28, 2010. KDD is the
premier international forum for data mining researchers and
practitioners from academia, industry, and government to share their
ideas, research results and experiences. KDD-2010 will feature
keynote presentations, oral paper presentations, poster sessions,
workshops, tutorials, panels, exhibits, demonstrations, and the KDD
Cup competition.


The conference will feature 102 Research Track papers and 20
Industrial and Government Track papers. In addition to oral
presentations, all papers will be showcased during evening poster
sessions. Full details are available at


* Mining and Learning with Graphs Workshop 2010 (MLG-2010)
* Large-scale Data Mining: Theory and Applications (LDMTA-2010)
* Useful Patterns (UP)
* Social Media Analytics (SOMA 2010)
* KDD Cup 2010: Improving Cognitive Models with Educational Data
Mining (KDD Cup 2010)
* 9th International Workshop on Data Mining in Bioinformatics (BIOKDD10)
* Tenth International Workshop on Multimedia Data Mining(MDMKDD 2010)
* The Fourth International Workshop on Data Mining and Audience
Intelligence for Online Advertising (ADKDD’10)
* Human Computation Workshop (HCOMP 2010)
* ACM SIGKDD Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-KDD)
* The 4th International Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Sensor
Data (SensorKDD)
* The 4th SNA-KDD Workshop on Social Network Mining and Analysis (SNAKDD 2010)
* Novel Data Stream Pattern Mining Techniques (StreamKDD)
* Discovering, Summarizing and Using Multiple Clusterings (MultiClust)


* Large-scale Data Mining: MapReduce and Beyond; Jimeng Sun (IBM
Research), Spiros Papadimitriou (IBM Research), Rong Yan (Facebook)
* New Developments in the Theory of Clustering; Sergei Vassilvitskii
(Yahoo! Research), Suresh Venkatasubramanian (U. of Utah)
* Temporal Pattern Mining in Symbolic Time Point and Time Interval
Data; Fabian Moerchen (Siemens Corporate Research)
* A Tutorial on Learning through Exploration; Alina Beygelzimer (IBM
Research), John Langford (Yahoo! Research)
* Geometric Tools for Graph Mining of Large Social and Information
Networks; Michael W. Mahoney (Stanford)
* Mining Web Search and Browse Logs: Challenges, Methods, and
Applications; Daxin Jiang (Microsoft Research Asia), Jian Pei (SFU),
Hang Li (Microsoft Research Asia)
* Privacy-aware Data Mining in Information Networks; Kun Liu (Yahoo!
Research), Gerome Miklau (UMass), Jian Pei (SFU), Evimaria Terzi
(Boston U.)
* Introduction to Graphical Models for Data Mining; Arindam Banerjee
(U. of Minnesota)
* Mining Heterogeneous Information Networks; Jiawei Han (UIUC), Yizhou
Sun (UIUC), Xifeng Yan (UCSB), Philip S. Yu (UIC)
* Outlier Detection Techniques; Hans-Peter Kriegel (LMU Munich), Peer
Kroger (LMU Munich), Arthur Zimek (LMU Munich)
* Recommender Problems for Web Applications; Deepak Agarwal (Yahoo!
Research), Bee-Chung Chen (Yahoo! Research)
* Indexing and Mining Time Sequences; Christos Faloutsos (CMU), Lei Li (CMU)


We hope to see you in Washington, DC!