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Post-doc positions available at the University of Trento (linguistics, machine learning, cognitive science)


The CIMeC-CLIC laboratory of the University of Trento, an
interdisciplinary group of researchers studying language and
conceptualization using both computational and cognitive methods
( announces the availability of at least 3
(renewable) 2-year Post-Doc positions.

The scholarships are funded by a 5-year European Research Council
Starting Grant awarded to the COMPOSES (COMPositional Operations in
SEmantic SPACE) project (, that
aims at modeling composition in distributional semantics. The project
is expected to have strong impact on both theoretical and
computational semantics, as well as their cognitive underpinnings.

* Desired Profiles *

Given the interdisciplinary nature of the project, we seek brilliant
researchers with any of the following backgrounds:

– Machine learning (areas of special interest: regression,
regularization methods, hierarchical regression, autoencoders,
curriculum learning, scaling machine learning to large multivariate
and multi-level problems, dealing with very sparse data);

– Psycholinguistics, experimental linguistics or cognitive science
(areas of special interest: systematic judgment elicitation methods
such as Likert scales or magnitude estimation, crowdsourcing,
semantic processing);

– Formal and/or computational semantics (areas of special interest:
Montague Grammar and its derivatives, distributional semantics)

Advanced programming and mathematical skills are required of
candidates from machine learning. Linguists and cognitive scientists
must possess at least basic programming skills and a reasonable
knowledge of statistics.

If you think that your background is relevant to the research program
outlined on the project website ( and you
have good programming and quantitative skills, please do get in touch
even if you do not fit any of the profiles above.

All researchers are expected to have an interest in working in an
interdisciplinary environment.

* The Research Environment *

The CLIC lab ( is a unit of the University of
Trento’s Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC,, an English-speaking, interdisciplinary
center for research in brain and cognition whose staff includes
neuroscientists, psychologists, (computational) linguists, computer
scientists and physicists.

CLIC consists of researchers from the Departments of Computer Science
(DISI) and Cognitive Science (DISCoF) carrying out research on a range
of topics including concept acquisition, corpus-based computational
semantics, combining NLP and computer vision, combining brain and
corpus data to study cognition, formal semantics and theoretical
linguistics. Modeling composition in distributional semantics is
increasingly a focus point of CLIC, and activity in this area will
grow considerably thanks to COMPOSES funds.

CLIC is part of the larger network of research labs focusing on
Natural Language Processing and related domains in the Trento region,
that is quickly becoming one of the areas with the highest
concentration of researchers in NLP and related fields anywhere in

The CLIC/CIMeC laboratories are located in beautiful Rovereto, a
lively town in the middle of the Alps, famous for its contemporary art
museum, the quality of its wine, and the range of outdoors sport and
relax opportunities it offers:

* Application Information *

For further information, please send an expression of interest to
marco.baroni(at), attaching a CV. Positions are available
immediately and open until filled.

Mobile Data Challenge (by Nokia) – register by Dec 7th

Mobile Data Challenge (MDC) – by Nokia

Do you have an interest in analyzing Big Data, collected in real life,
mobile contexts? Nokia Research Center Lausanne and its academic Swiss partners (Idiap and EPFL) have recently completed a Data Collection
Campaign ( in the Lake Geneva
region. Data from smartphones of almost 200 participants was collected
in the course of more than one year.

The Mobile Data Challenge (MDC) releases the Lausanne data to the
research community. The Challenge provides you an opportunity to
analyze a comprehensive and relatively unexplored data set including
rich social and geographic information. Selected entries will be
invited to participate in a workshop organized in conjunction with
the Pervasive 2012 conference (June, 18th – 2012; Newcastle,
UK). The best contributions will be awarded prizes.

Description of the Challenge:

The Challenge comprises two alternative tracks: Open Track and
Dedicated Track.

The Open Track invites you to propose your own Challenge task – one
that matches your own research interests and background.
You can discover hidden behavioral patterns through statistical
techniques, focus on more methodological contributions related
to data mining, or develop novel ways for data visualization.

The Dedicated Track gives you the possibility to take on up to
three alternative concrete tasks to solve, with properly defined
training and test sets, and evaluation measures that will be used
to assess and rank all the contributions. The tasks are related
to prediction of semantic labels of places, next destinations
of users, and demographic attributes from mobile data.

Important dates:

November 2011: Launch of the Call for the Challenge

December 7th, 2011: Registration deadline for participation

April 15th, 2012: Deadline for final submission of Challenge

June 18, 2012: Mobile Data Challenge by Nokia workshop,
Newcastle, UK (in connection with Pervasive 2012)

Further information and communications:

Challenge participation instructions, other further information
and updates on the Mobile Data Challenge are available on the
following web page:

You can also register to the MDC mailing list or request additional
information by sending email to: mobiledata.challenge2012(at)

Best Regards,

The Mobile Data Challenge Organizing Committee
Email : mobiledata.challenge2012(at)

DEADLINE EXTENSION: CFP: Special issue on Speech Separation and Recognition in Multisource Environments


Special issue on

New Submission Deadline: DECEMBER 31, 2011


One of the chief difficulties of building distant-microphone speech recognition systems for use in everyday applications is that the noise background is typically `multisource’. A speech recognition system designed to operate in a family home, for example, must contend with competing noise from televisions and radios, children playing, vacuum cleaners, and outdoors noises from open windows. Despite their complexity, such environments contain structure that can be learnt and exploited using advanced source separation, machine learning and speech recognition techniques such as those presented at the 1st International Workshop on Machine Listening in Multisource Environments (CHiME 2011).

This special issue solicits papers describing advances in speech separation and recognition in multisource noise environments, including theoretical developments, algorithms or systems.

Examples of topics relevant to the special issue include:
• multiple speaker localization, beamforming and source separation,
• hearing inspired approaches to multisource processing,
• background noise tracking and modelling,
• noise-robust speech decoding,
• model combination approaches to robust speech recognition,
• datasets, toolboxes and other resources for multisource speech separation and recognition.

Manuscript submissions shall be made through the Elsevier Editorial System (EES) at
Once logged in, click on “Submit New Manuscript” then select “Special Issue: Speech Separation and Recognition in Multisource Environments” in the “Choose Article Type” dropdown menu.

December 31, 2011: Paper submission
March 30, 2012: First review
May 30, 2012: Revised submission
July 30, 2012: Second review
August 30, 2012: Camera-ready submission

We are looking forward to your submission!

Jon Barker, University of Sheffield, UK
Emmanuel Vincent, INRIA, France

Research Fellow – Oxford Brookes

Starting salary: £28,138- 30,748

Looking for researcher of exceptional talent to conduct 2 year research fellowship to work closely with Professor Philip Torr (, at Oxford Brookes vision research group to work on various projects connected with our ongoing work on scene understanding (see here for recent publications

There will be a large amount of freedom for the researcher and it is expected that applicants will have a top flight record, as evinced by publications in top venues such as ICCV, NIPS, ECCV, SIGGRAPH, CVPR, PAMI, JMLR, IJCV etc. The candidate will benefit from close mentoring to encourage them to develop into a top flight researcher.

The computer vision group at Oxford Brookes has a strong international reputation, having taken scientific best paper awards at all the conferences mentioned previously, it is an exceptionally stimulating environment, with strong connections to the top industrial research labs such as Sony, Microsoft and Google, as well as very close links with the Visual Geometry Group at Oxford University with whom we share reading groups and seminars. It is soon to move to brand new facilities near the heart of Oxford, a very academically vibrant city.

For further information contact philiptorr(at) (

Associate Research Fellow – University of Exeter

University of Exeter – College of Engineering, Mathematics and
Physical Sciences

The College wishes to recruit an Associate Research Fellow to support
the work of Dr Yiming Ying. This EPSRC funded post is available from 1
January 2012 on a fixed term basis for 16 months until 30 April 2013.
The successful applicant will contribute towards research related to
the project entitled ‘Towards a new generation of matrix learning
methods in machine learning’.

The successful applicant will undertake computational and theoretical
work under this project. In particular, she/he is expected to develop
new ML models and algorithms, analyze optimisation algorithms and
extensively conduct empirical studies on large and challenging
application problems such as face identification and collaborative
filtering. The successful applicant will be able to present
information on research progress and outcomes, communicate complex
information, orally, in writing and electronically.

The starting salary will be from £24,370 up to £26,063 on Grade E,
depending on qualifications and experience.
The application deadline is 31/10/2011

For further information please contact Dr. Yiming Ying, e-mail
y.y…(at) or telephone (01392) 723591.
To view further details, please go to

CFP / ACM TIST Special Issue on Social Web Mining

Call for Papers
ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST)
Special Issue on Social Web Mining

Social network platforms (e.g., Facebook, Google+, Twitter) have been
drawing increasing attention from everyday users worldwide to research
communities and industries. For instance, it is reported that there
are more than 750 million active Facebook users, of which 50% log on
in any given day. The success of the social network platform provides
a wealth of information, which brings great opportunities for
e-Commerce, policy making, social media recommendations, and much more.
However, it can be challenging to model the social networks and make
predictions, given this prosperity of social networks leading to
information overload.

Social web mining aims at modeling social interactions (e.g., posting
and messaging in Facebook) and relationships (e.g., friendship in
Facebook, Followed / Following in Twitter, Friends / Family /
Acquaintances / Following in Google+), and then learning inductive
rules for predictions, which are carried out by leveraging the
information available via various social networks and recent advances
in machine learning and data mining. This special issue is aimed at
providing a forum to highlight the leading works from the data mining
and machine learning communities for making sense of social networks.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
– Community detection
– Crawling of social networks
– Large scale graph mining
– Multi-relational data mining
– News/social media recommender systems
– Preference learning and elicitation in social networks
– Privacy protection in social networks
– Sentiment analysis in social networks (e.g., opinion mining in Twitter)


On-Line Submission (will be available around January 1, 2012): (please select “Special Issue:
Social Web Mining” as the manuscript type)
Details of the journal and manuscript preparation are available
on the website
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers.

Important Dates

Full Paper Submission Deadline: February 1, 2012
Review Notification: April 1, 2012,
Final Manuscript: May 1, 2012,
Electronic Publication Date: June, 2012,

Guest Editors

Francesco Bonchi
Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain

Wray Buntine
NICTA – ANU, Australia

Ricard Gavaldà
Technical University of Catalonia, Spain

Shengbo Guo
Xerox Research Centre Europe, France

bonchi(at), wray.buntine(at),
gavalda(at), shengbo.guo(at)

COLT2012 Call for Papers

The 25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT 2012) will take place
in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 25th-27th, 2012. It will be co-located with
ICML, with a joint day on June 27th.

We invite submissions of papers addressing theoretical aspects of machine
learning, empirical inference and related topics. We strongly support a
broad definition of learning theory, including:

* Analysis of learning algorithms and their generalization ability
* Computational complexity of learning
* Statistical mechanics of learning systems
* Optimization procedures for learning and their analysis
* Online and stochastic optimization, and analysis of oracle models of optimization
* High dimensional and non-parametric empirical inference, including sparse and low-rank
* Kernel methods
* Boolean function learning
* Unsupervised and semi-supervised learning and clustering
* On-line learning and relative loss bounds
* Planning and control, including reinforcement learning
* Learning in social, economic, and game-theoretic settings
* Privacy in learning

We are also interested in papers that include viewpoints that are new to
the COLT community. We welcome experimental and algorithmic papers provided
they are relevant to the focus of the conference by elucidating theoretical
results, or by pointing out interesting and not well understood behavior
that could stimulate theoretical analysis.

Papers that have previously appeared in journals or at other conferences
with published proceedings, or that are being submitted to other
conferences with published proceedings, are not appropriate for COLT.

Papers that include work that has already been submitted for journal
publication may be submitted to COLT, as long as the papers have not been
accepted for publication by the COLT submission deadline (conditionally or
otherwise) and that the paper is not expected to be published before the
COLT conference (June 2012).

Papers will be published electronically in the JMLR Workshop and
Conference Proceedings series.

Open Problems Session:
We also invite submission of open problems. These should be constrained to
two pages. There is a short reviewing period for the open problems.

Accepted contributions will be allocated short presentation slots in a
special open problems session and will be allowed two pages each in the
proceedings. The deadline for submitting open problems will be announced
in a separate call at a later date.

Submission Instructions:
Submissions are limited to 12 JMLR-formatted pages, plus additional pages
for references and appendices. All details, proofs and derivations
required to substantiate the results must be included in the submission,
possibly in the appendices. However, the contribution, novelty and
significance of submissions will be judged primarily based on the main text
(without appendices), and so enough details, including proof details, must
be provided in the main text to convince the reviewers of the submissions

Exact formatting and submission instructions will be available at the
conference website

Important Dates:
Paper submission deadline: Tuesday February 14th, 2012, 18:00 UTC (1PM EST).
Author notification: April 30th, 2012
Conference: June 25th-27th, 2012

General Chair: Jykri Kivinen
Open Problem Chair: Alexander Rakhlin
Program Chairs: Shie Mannor and Nathan Srebro

Program Committee:

Peter Auer
Francis Bach
Maria-Florina Balcan
Shai Ben-David
Kamalika Chaudhuri
Koby Crammer
Vitaly Feldman
Claudio Gentile
Peter Grunwald
Elad Hazan
Adam Kalai
Satyen Kale
Robert Kleinberg
Vladimir Koltchinskii
John Lafferty
Phil Long
Gabor Lugosi
Yishay Mansour
Remi Munos
Pardeep Ravikumar
Philippe Rigollet
Shai Shalev-Shwartz
Ohad Shamir
Alexander Shapiro
Ingo Steinwart
Gilles Stoltz
Csaba Szepesvari
Manfred Warmuth
Hans Simon

Postdoctoral Position: Distance Learning For Person Recognition

The Computer Vision group of the University of Caen (France) and the LEAR group at INRIA Grenoble, Rhone-Alpes (France) are opening a postdoctoral position. The candidate will be jointly supervised and will spend time in both institutions (;

Topic: person recognition and re-identification across networks of cameras is an important problem in computer vision and is required for a large number of applications (such as video surveillance). However, despite the effort of the community, person re-identification is still a challenging problem: the same person can look very differently according to his posture or the camera position, while the difference between two different persons can be small. The goal of this project is to develop algorithms for finding occurrences of the same persons in huge collections of video surveillance images. The key issue is to learn distance functions from the training data, which embed visual information. This research will build on papers such as “Is that you? Metric learning approaches for face identification”, G. Matthieu, V. Jakob and Schmid Cordelia, ICCV 2009” and “Randomized Clustering Forests for Image Classification”, F Moosmann, E Nowak and F Jurie, PAMI 2008.

Start date: As soon as possible.

Location: The student will be located at the Computer Vision group at the University of Caen, and will spend approximately a 1 week every 2 months at the INRIA Grenoble research center.

Prof. Frederic Jurie, frederic.jurie(at)
Res. Dir. Cordelia Schmid, cordelia.schmid(at)

* Recent PhD (preferably in Computer Science, computer vision, machine learning or Applied Mathematics)
* Solid programming skills; the project involves programming in Matlab and C++
* Solid mathematics knowledge (especially linear algebra and tatistics)
* Creative and highly motivated
* Fluent in English, both written and spoken
* Prior knowledge in the areas of computer vision, machine learning or data mining is a plus (ideally a Master thesis in a related field)

Please send applications via email, including:
* a complete CV including a list of publications
* graduation marks as well as rank
* the name and email address of three references

Applications should be sent to Frederic Jurie (frederic.jurie(at)

Applicants can be asked to do a short assignment in order to demonstrate their research abilities.

PhD studentship – University of Sheffield

EPSRC PhD Studentship
University of Sheffield – Department of Automatic Control and Systems

Project title: Real-time Ray Tracing

Supervisor: Professor Dave Allerton and Professor Visakan
Start date: 9th January 2012 (3 years)

Full details available at

Call for Papers – KDD2012

18th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD-2012)
August 12-16, 2012
Beijing, China

Key Dates:
Papers due: February 10, 2012
Acceptance notification: May 4, 2012

Paper submission and reviewing will be handled electronically. Authors should consult the conference Web site for full details regarding paper preparation and submission guidelines.

Papers submitted to KDD 2012 should be original work and substantively different from papers that have been previously published or are under review in a journal or another conference/workshop.

As per KDD tradition, reviews are not double-blind, and author names and affiliations should be listed.

Due to the large number of submissions, papers submitted to the research track will not be considered for publication in the industry/government track and vice-versa. Authors are encouraged to carefully read the conference CFP and choose an appropriate track for their submissions. In case of doubts, authors are encouraged to get in touch with the chairs of the corresponding track at least a week before the submission deadline.


We invite submission of papers describing innovative research on all aspects of knowledge discovery and data mining. Examples of topic of interest include (but are not limited to): association analysis, classification and regression methods, semi-supervised learning, clustering, factorization, transfer and multi-task learning, feature selection, social networks, mining of graph data, temporal and spatial data analysis, scalability, privacy, security, visualization, text analysis, Web mining, mining mobile data, recommender systems, bioinformatics, e-commerce, online advertising, anomaly detection, and knowledge discovery from big data, including the data on the cloud. Papers emphasizing theoretical foundations, novel modeling and algorithmic approaches to specific data mining problems in scientific, business, medical, and engineering applications are particularly encouraged. We welcome submissions by authors who are new to the KDD conference, as well as visionary papers on new and emerging topics. Authors are explicitly discouraged from submitting papers that contain only incremental results and that do not provide significant advances over existing approaches. Application oriented papers that make innovative technical contributions to research are welcome.

Submitted papers will be assessed based on their novelty, technical quality, potential impact, and clarity of writing. For papers that rely heavily on empirical evaluations, the experimental methods and results should be clear, well executed, and repeatable. Authors are strongly encouraged to make data and code publicly available whenever possible.


The Industrial/Government Applications Track solicits papers describing implementations of KDD solutions relevant to industrial or government settings. The primary emphasis is on papers that advance the understanding of practical, applied, or pragmatic issues related to the use of KDD technologies in industry and government and highlight new research challenges arising from attempts to create such real KDD applications. Applications can be in any field including, but not limited to: e-commerce, medical and pharmaceutical, defense, public policy, finance, engineering, environment, manufacturing, telecommunications, and government.

The Industrial/Government Applications Track will consist of competitively-selected contributed papers. Submitters must clearly identify in which of the following three sub-areas their paper should be evaluated as distinct review criteria will be used to evaluate each category of submission.

· Deployed KDD systems that are providing real value to industry, Government, or other organizations or professions. These deployed systems could support ongoing knowledge discovery or could be applications that employ discovered knowledge, or some combination of the two.

· Discoveries of knowledge with demonstrable value to Industry, Government, or other users (e.g., scientific or medical professions). This knowledge must be “externally validated” as interesting and useful; it can not simply be a model that has better performance on some traditional KDD metric such as accuracy or area under the curve.

· Emerging applications and technology that provide insight relevant to the above value propositions. These emerging applications must have clear user interest and support to distinguish them from KDD research papers, or they must provide insight into issues and factors that affect the successful use of KDD technology and methods. Papers that describe infrastructure that enables the large-scale deployment of KDD techniques also are in this area.


Research Program Co-chairs:

· Deepak Agarwal, Yahoo! Research

· Jian Pei, Simon Fraser University

Industry and Government Program Co-chairs:

· Michael Zeller, Zementis

· Hui Xiong, Rutgers University

General Chair:

· Qiang Yang, HKUST

Associate General Chair

· Dou Shen, CityGrid Media