News Archives


The Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit at University College London is looking to recruit a junior or senior level faculty member in machine learning or statistics. We especially seek candidates who work in probabilistic or statistical machine learning.

The Gatsby Unit was set up at UCL in 1998 as a research institute devoted to machine learning and theoretical neuroscience. We have core funding for five faculty and for associated postdocs and PhD students. PIs can raise additional funds through grants. We have no undergraduate programme, so only teaching and supervision of graduate-level Gatsby students is required.

Along with the existing machine learning at Gatsby, led by Arthur Gretton and Maneesh Sahani, UCL offers a rich environment across the breadth of the field.

Activities in these areas are anchored by the Centre for Computational Statistics and Machine Learning which is directed by Mark Girolami, involving the departments of Computer Science (including David Barber, Gabriel Brostow, Mark Herbster, Massimiliano Pontil, Sebastian Riedel, David Silver and John Shawe-Taylor), Statistics (including Alex Beskos, Sofia Olhede and Ricardo Silva) and the Gatsby Unit itself. The Unit also has close ties with groups in Engineering at Cambridge (Zoubin Ghahramani, Carl Rasmussen, who were both formerly Unit members), Statistics in Oxford (Yee Whye Teh, who has just left) and beyond.

The Unit is currently located in a leafy haven in Queen Square, London. We will move in 2014 to a new building to be shared with the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, a development which is expected to offer many opportunities for interaction.

The Unit offers internationally competitive salaries. These range from a starting point of £41,639 for a lecturer to a top point of £52,706 for a Senior Lecturer/Reader. Professorial posts have a starting point of £59,304 per annum but are negotiable.

In addition a London Allowance of £2,806 per annum is payable and a market supplement is available for exceptional candidates in line with international ranges.

Applications must be made online via the UCL job vacancies website: http:// Please be sure to attach to your online application a copy of your CV, statement of research interests and accomplishments, a teaching statement, and full contact details (including e-mail addresses) for three academic referees.

For further information, please see

For informal enquiries, please contact Peter Dayan at

The closing date for applications is 20 December 2012

Interviews will be held in the New Year

PhD in Healthcare analytics & PhD in Biometrics – Surrey University

PhD in Healthcare analytics
Electronic health records contain a wealth of information that has not been fully exploited. Today, it is possible to retrieve millions of patient records over time, across vendors, and clinical practices. This research project aims to develop a set of statistical tools for processing population-scale health records, that is, in the order of millions of patient records. Although a number of statistical software packages exist, e.g., there is still room for improvement, e.g., designing better algorithms that are capable of handling sampling bias, structural noise, or under-sampled data; handling covariates or confounding factors; exploiting temporal logics; and, efficiently retrieving patient records.The work will concentrate upon novel pattern recognition, machine learning, and data-mining techniques. The student is expected to be able to use or modify existing statistical tools or methodologies in order to solve novel problems posed by healthcare informatics.
To find out more:

PhD in Biometrics
The project addresses the problem of evaluation and testing biometrics systems. The current practice is to evaluate the performance of biometrics systems on standard data sets, using simple criteria, such as misclassification rate, or false positive and false rejections rates. This does not gauge the sensitivity of the systems to various forms of degradation, such as registration errors, illumination problems, noise, focus and motion blur, etc. The aim of the project will be to develop novel performance metrics which will capture the effect of degradations on the system performance. The challenge will be to build models of degradation processes, and to develop techniques for generating realistic synthetic data that could be used for biometric system evaluation. The possibility of calibrating the performance measures by means of synthetic to real data association models will be investigated.
To find out more:

Postdoctoral researcher – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

The Language Intelligence & Information Retrieval (LIIR) group (, Department of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction section) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium has an open position for a

Postdoctoral researcher
(Full time, 1 year with possibility for extension)
In the field of

multimedia retrieval, machine learning and retrieval models.

The position is financed by the European TOSCA-MP project (Task-Oriented Search and Content Annotation for Media Production – EU FP7-287532 – in which LIIR collaborates with important European teams specialized in multimedia retrieval and with European broadcasters.

The successful applicant has:

• Completed the PhD with success as evidenced by multiple publications in proceedings of important conferences and journals in the field of information retrieval;
• A master degree in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, physics or a related discipline;
• Acquired a profound knowledge and practical experience in machine learning, data mining and information retrieval; experience with aggregated search, reranking algorithms, optimization methods, structured input and output spaces, graphical models, probabilistic inference, message-passing algorithms, and related techniques is an advantage;
• Good programming skills (e.g., Java, C++, MATLAB, Python);
• Excellent English language skills (written and spoken);
• Good communication skills especially for guiding master and PhD students;
• The capability to work independently and in a team;
• A profound interest in multimedia information retrieval.

Please submit your application and cv in electronic form to Prof. Marie-Francine Moens ( The starting date is January 1, 2013. We are accepting applications until November 15, 2012, or until the position fills.

Junior researcher – Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium

The Language Intelligence & Information Retrieval (LIIR) group (, Department of Computer Science, Human Computer Interaction section) at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium has an open position for a

Junior researcher
(Full time, 4 years)
In the field of

machine reading, natural language processing and machine learning,
leading to a PhD in Engineering, Computer Science.

The PhD fellowship is sponsored by the project SAEL-RMR (A Synergetic Approach to Extraction, Learning and Reasoning for Machine Reading – G.0356.12), in which LIIR collaborates with the artificial intelligence group of KU Leuven and the Web intelligence group of Ghent University (Belgium), and by the European project (Machine Understanding for Interactive StorytElling – EU FP7-296703 –, in which LIIR collaborates with famous European groups with regard to knowledge management, storytelling, cognitive science and processing of medical texts.
The goal of the PhD research is to perform research in an area known as machine reading, i.e., automatically extracting knowledge from text. More specifically, the focus is on algorithms that use natural language processing techniques for reading the textual information and to design inferencing techniques that reason over uncertain evidences in order to improve the accuracy of the knowledge acquisition. The developed technologies will be evaluated on biomedical texts.

The successful applicant has:

• Completed the master degree with success (cum laude) as evidenced by excellent grades and possible publications;
• A master degree in computer science, electrical engineering, mathematics, physics or a related discipline;
• Acquired knowledge and practical experience in machine learning, data mining and information retrieval; knowledge of optimization methods, language modeling, structured input and output spaces, graphical models, probabilistic inference, message-passing algorithms and related techniques is an advantage;
• Good programming skills (e.g., Java, C++, MATLAB, Python);
• Excellent English language skills (written and spoken);
• Good communication skills;
• The capability to work independently and in a team;
• A profound interest in machine understanding of text.

Please submit your application, cv and grade transcripts in electronic form to Prof. Marie-Francine Moens ( The starting date is of the PhD position January 1, 2013. We are accepting applications until November 15, 2012, or until the position fills.

Two Post-Doctoral positions in Machine Learning and Computational Biology

AVAILABLE AT LRI, CNRS/INRIA-Saclay, University of Paris Sud and IBISC, University of Evry & GENOPOLE, FRANCE

Postdoc 1:

Within the context of a collaboration between the LRI laboratory from University of Paris Sud in the new Saclay campus, the IBISC laboratory from University of Evry (Genopole) and a group of biologists from Paris Descartes University, we seek a postdoctoral candidate in machine learning applied to bioinformatics for one year with a possible extension to two years. He/she will investigate learning methods for inferring the human protein-protein interaction network related to protein CFTR (cystic fibrosis). A sound knowledge in machine learning and a motivation for bioinformatics are required.

Postdoc 2:

Within a collaboration with the French Institute for Radioprotection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), the IBISC laboratory is seeking postdoctoral candidates for a two-year position with a strong background in statistical learning and systems biology. The successful applicant will participate to the IRSN research project ROSIRIS devoted to the radiotherapy side effects and particularly to the understanding of endothelium dysfunctions in normal tissues following ionizing radiation exposure. He/she will investigate new learning algorithms for dimension reduction and macromolecular network inference from kinetics of primary endothelial cells protein abundances. A sound knowledge in dynamical graphical models and/or kernel approaches will be appreciated.


The successful candidates will have a Ph.D. in Computer Science, Mathematics or Bioinformatics with a strong publication record. Applications for these roles should include a statement of research experience and interests, a CV, two reference letters from appropriate academic sources and the two best publications.

Each position will preferably start before the end of 2012 but the beginning of the postdoc position can be discussed.

Please send your applications in electronic form to :

Postdoc 1:
Prof. Florence d’Alché-Buc:, Prof. Christine Froidevaux: christine.froidevaux@lrir,

Postdoc 2:
Prof. Florence d’Alché-Buc:, Dr Olivier Guipaud ( and Dr Farida Zehraoui (

Website of the group:
Website of LRI:

CVMP2012 – 5th & 6th December, Vue Leicester Square, London

Early bird REGISTRATION NOW OPEN – Get £100 off the full ticket price.

There are a limited number of Early bird tickets so make sure you get yours soon. Buy from the ‘Register’ page on the website. (Ticket price includes access to all areas & includes refreshments, lunch & entry to the Drinks Reception on Wednesday 5th Dec)
Short paper deadline – 1 week to go

Enter short papers by Friday 19th October.

CVMP 2012 – Short Paper submissions ending soon…

Short Paper deadline fast approaching!

The submission deadline for full papers is 19th October 2012, so you only have a week left.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference programme. For more information about online submission, please go to the CVMP website. (

Submission Deadline: 19th October 2012

Earlybird Registration

Registration for CVMP is now open! Earlybird tickets are on sale now, but hurry! There are only a
limited number of Earlybird tickets available – Register for CVMP 2012. (
We look forward to hearing from you.

Jan Kautz, UCL
Programme Chair

Reminder: Multi-Trade-offs in Machine Learning, NIPS-2012 workshop

Multi-Trade-offs in Machine Learning
NIPS-2012 Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, US
December 7 or 8, 2012

We invite submission of abstracts and open problems to Multi-Trade-offs in Machine Learning NIPS-2012 workshop.
Submission Deadline: October 16.
Travel Support Application Deadline: October 23.
Notification of Acceptance: October 30.
More details are provided below.


One of the main practical goals of machine learning is to identify relevant trade-offs in different problems, formalize, and solve them. We have already achieved fairly good progress in addressing individual trade-offs, such as model order selection or exploration-exploitation. In this workshop we would like to focus on problems that involve more than one trade-off simultaneously. We are interested both in practical problems where “multi-trade-offs” arise and in theoretical approaches to their solution. Obviously, many problems in life cannot be reduced to a single trade-off and it is highly important to improve our ability to address multiple trade-offs simultaneously. Below we provide several examples of situations, where multiple trade-offs arise simultaneously. The goal of the examples is to provide a starting point for a discussion, but they are not limiting the scope and any other multi-trade-off problem is welcome to be discussed at the workshop.

Multi-trade-offs arise naturally in interaction between multiple learning systems or when a learning system faces multiple tasks simultaneously; especially when the systems or tasks share common resources, such as CPU time, memory, sensors, robot body, and so on. For a concrete example, imagine a robot riding a bicycle and balancing a pole. Each task individually (cycling and pole balancing) can be modeled as a separate optimization problem, but their solutions has to be coordinated, since they share robot resources and robot body. More generally, each learning system or system component has its own internal trade-offs, which have to be balanced against the trade-offs of other systems, whereas shared resources introduce external trade-offs that enforce cooperation. The complexity of interaction can vary from independent systems sharing common resources to systems with various degrees of relation between their inputs and tasks. In multi-agent systems communication between the agents introduces an additional trade-off.
We are also interested in multi-trade-offs that arise within individual systems. For example, model order selection and computational complexity [1], or model order selection and exploration-exploitation [2]. For a specific example of this type of problems, imagine a system for real-time prediction of the location of a ball in table tennis. This system has to balance between at least three objectives that interact in a non-trivial manner: (1) complexity of the model of flight trajectory, (2) statistical reliability of the model, (3) computational requirements. Complex models can potentially provide better predictions, but can also lead to overfitting (trade-off between (1) and (2)) and are computationally more demanding. At the same time, there is also a trade-off between having fast crude predictions or slower, but more precise estimations (trade-off between (3) and (1)+(2)). Despite the complex nature of multi-trade-offs, there is still hope that they can be formulated as convex problems, at least in some situations [3].

[1] Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Nathan Srebro. “SVM Optimization: Inverse Dependence on Training Set Size”, ICML, 2008.
[2] Yevgeny Seldin, Peter Auer, François Laviolette, John Shawe-Taylor, and Ronald Ortner. “PAC-Bayesian Analysis of Contextual Bandits”, NIPS, 2011.
[3] Andreas Argyriou, Theodoros Evgeniou and Massimiliano Pontil. Convex multi-task feature learning. Machine Learning, 2008, Volume 73, Number 3.

Call for Contributions

We invite submission of abstracts and open problems to the workshop. Abstracts and open problems should be at most 4 pages long in the NIPS format (appendices are allowed, but the organizers reserve the right to evaluate the submissions based on the first 4 pages only). Selected abstracts and open problems will be presented as talks or posters during the workshop. Submissions should be sent by email to


Submission Deadline: October 16.

Notification of Acceptance: October 30.

• Theory and application-oriented contributions are equally welcome.
• All the submissions should indicate clearly at least two non-trivial trade-offs they are addressing.
• Submission of previously published work or work under review is allowed, in particular NIPS-2012 submissions. However, for oral presentations preference will be given to novel work or work that was not yet presented elsewhere (for example, recent journal publications or NIPS posters). All double submissions must be clearly declared as such!

Invited Speakers

Shai Shalev-Shwartz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jan Peters, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta


Yevgeny Seldin, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and University College London
Guy Lever, University College London
John Shawe-Taylor, University College London
Koby Crammer, The Technion
Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, Università degli Studi di Milano
François Laviolette, Université Laval (Québec)
Gábor Lugosi, Pompeu Fabra University
Peter Bartlett, UC Berkeley and Queensland University of Technology


We are grateful for receiving support from the PASCAL network.

If you would also like to sponsor this event, please, contact

Tentative Schedule
7:30 – 7:35 Opening remarks
7:35 – 8:20 Invited Talk
8:20 – 8:50 Two Contributed Talks
8:50 – 9:10 Break
9:10 – 9:55 Invited Talk
9:55 – 10:30 Open Problems Session
10:30 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 16:15 Invited Talk
16:15 – 16:25 Break
16:25 – 17:00 Two Contributed Talks
17:00 – 18:30 Posters
18:30 – 19:00 Workshop Summary and Open Discussion

Two Post-Doctoral Positions in Algorithms and Machine Learning – Aalto University

Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University , Espoo, Finland has two open postdoctoral positions in algorithms and machine learning.

Successful candidates will join Algorithmic Data Analysis Centre of Excellence in research teams lead by Professor Juho Rousu (Machine learning, kernel methods), Petteri Kaski (Algorithm theory) and Chief Research Scientist Jaakko Hollmen (Parsimonious modeling) to conduct high-quality research according to their research plan. The appointments are for two years.
The starting times for the positions are negotiable.

We expect the applicants to have a PhD degree (or close to completing one) in computer science, mathematics or statistics, with an excellent publication record. We expect solid research experience in one or more of the following fields:

– Algorithm theory
– Supervised machine learning
– Kernel methods
– Large-scale optimization
– Parsimonious modeling

Excellent technical and communications skills are required. Good command of English is a necessary prerequisite. In addition to research work, a postdoctoral researcher is expected to participate in the supervision of students and teaching related to their research topic.

The salary level for a starting postdoctoral researcher at the Aalto ICS Department is typically, depending on experience and qualifications, between 3200 and 3600 EUR per month according to the salary system applied in Aalto University. The contract includes occupational health services and Finland has a comprehensive social security system.

Application procedure

The applications should be sent by email to and they should contain the following documents in PDF:
– Expression of interest that includes contact information of the applicant, and names and contact information of two senior academics available for reference per e-mail
– A complete curriculum vitae describing education and employment history
– List of publications, with pointers to openly available online versions of at most three of the most relevant publications

Please cite the call identifier “Algodan” in all the application documents. Candidates are required to hold a PhD degree before the start of the contract in order to qualify. At the beginning of the employment relationship the positions are located at the Aalto University Otaniemi campus in Espoo. Candidates may be invited for an interview on the Otaniemi campus of Aalto University in Espoo.

For further information, please contact:
– Juho Rousu, Petteri Kaski and Jaakko Hollmén, group specific information)
– HR Coordinator, Mr Stefan Ehrstedt, (application process related questions)

Deadline for applications is October 31, 2012. Application materials will not be returned.

Espoo, October 2012.

About the Department of Information and Computer Science

The Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University in Espoo/Helsinki, Finland, pursues research on advanced computational methods for modelling, analysing, and solving complex tasks in technology and science. The research aims at the development of fundamental computer science methods for the analysis of large and high-dimensional data sets, and for the modelling and design of complex software, networking and other computational systems.

In the recent Research Assessment Exercise covering all the 46 units of Aalto University, the Department of Information and Computer Science was one of two units achieving an almost perfect score of 24 out of 25, from review panels assessing the units on a scale of 1 to 5 in the five subareas of scientific quality, scientific impact, societal impact, research environment, and future potential. The Department has a web site at

About Aalto University

Aalto University is a new university created in 2010 from the merger of the Helsinki University of Technology TKK, the Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Art and Design Helsinki. The University’s cornerstones are its strengths in education and research, with 20,000 basic degree and graduate students, and a staff of 4,500 of whom 350 are professors. For further information, see

CALL FOR PAPERS: MASAUM International Conference on Information Technology 2013 (MICIT ?13)

January 01-03,2013,
Dubai United Arab Emirates
Organized & Technically Co-Sponsored by MASAUM Network

Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2012 (extended)

Call For Paper:

We cordially invite you to submit research paper(s) to the MASAUM International
Conference on Information Technology 2013 (MIC-IT ’13),will be held on January 01-03, 2013 at Dubai, United Arab Emirates and will be organized and technically co-sponsored by MASAUM Network.

Previous Conference:
MASAUM International Conference on Information Technology 2012 (MIC-IT’12) was held on July 27-29, 2012 at Liverpool, UK.

MASAUM International Conference on Information Technology 2013 (MIC-IT’13) is a three-day conference aiming to provide a forum for academics, practitioners, consultants and students to debate current international issues and challenges in the broad area of Information Technology.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by MASAUM Network. Proceedings of MIC-IT ’13 will also be published online.


There will be three types of sessions in MICIT ’13,Regular Sessions, Online Sessions and Remote Sessions.

Regular Session: Session will be organized in MICIT ’13 , Dubai, UAE
ONLINE Session: Session will be conducted online using web conferencing tools and presenters will present from their homes/offices.
Remote Session: Session(mini conference) will be hosted and conducted in the parent department of the session organizer and presenter will present their paper there.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by MASAUM Network .Proceedings of MIC-IT ’13 will also be published online .The conference proceedings will be published by MASAUM Network.

Proceedings will be sent to ISI, EI Compendex, ELSEVIER, SCOPUS ACM, ISTP,AMS, ACS,EBSCO,Engineering Village / Engineering Index (EI),DOAJ,Library of Congress,British Library,Electronic Journals Library,Scholargoogle,DBLP and several more international indexes.

Enhanced versions of accepted papers will be published by:
MASAUM Journal of Computer Science
MASAUM Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Selected Papers will be published in INFORMATION, An International Interdisciplinary Journal,Published by International Information Institute, Tokyo, Japan,Indexed by SCIE, JCP/SE, MR, ZM and JDreamII and having Impact factor 0.99

Topics (30 Tracks)

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Track 1. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Track 2. Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing
Track 3. Security and Trust Management
Track 4. Multimedia Systems and Services
Track 5. Networks and Communications
Track 6. Database and Data Mining
Track 7. Game and Software Engineering
Track 8. Grid, Cloud ,Scalable Computing and their Applications
Track 9. Embedded System , Software and Applications
Track 10.Artificial Intelligence
Track 11.Distributed and Parallel Techniques and Practices
Track 12.Web and Internet Computing
Track 13.IT Policy and Business Management
Track 14. Semantic Web and Web Services
Track 15.Software Engineering Research and Practice
Track 16. Modeling, Simulations and Visualization Methods
Track 17. Image Processing , Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Track 18. Information and Knowledge Engineering
Track 19. Wireless Networks
Track 20. Internet Computing
Track 21. Genetics and Evolutionary Methods
Track 22. Frontier in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Track 23. Foundations of Computer Science
Track 24. E-learning, E-business, E-commerce and E-government
Track 25. Scientific Computing
Track 26. Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Track 27. Computer Design
Track 28. Bio Informatics and Computer Biology
Track 29. Health Informatics
Track 30. Data Warehouse and Knowledge Warehouse

Authors are invited to submit their work in MASAUM Network Paper Template (less than 6 pages) as an attachment (Doc format as well as Pdf) by email to: as well as to with subject “Submissions for MIC-IT 2013”

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: September 30,, 2012
Author Notification: October 10, 2012
Registration Deadline: October 30,2012
Camera Ready Paper Submission Deadline: October 30,2012

Financial Support

Finacial support is provided to authors of the developing countries.
Financial support is provided to those , who have been invited to contribute and present a paper at MICIT ’13 .

There are three types of financial support :

1. Presenters of the papers are provided assistance up to 50 per cent, of the airfare (to and fro excursion/economy class)
2. University faculty members are eligible for assistance up to 50 per cent of the total cost travel plus maintenance .
3. Students/Scholars from develoing countries,are eligible for 100 per cent travel cost and 50 per cent maintenance provided they are unable to secure grants from any other source.

How to Apply for Financial Support
Please send following information to before October 15,2012
Title of the Paper:
Paper Id:
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Detailed Bio-Data
City & Country:

Conference Genral Co-Chair

Prof.Dr.R K Mittal, Director,Department of Computer Science,BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus,Dubai, UAE

Prof.Dr.Rosli Abu Bakar,Fakulti kejuruteraan Mekanikal,Universiti Malaysia Pahang,Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia

Conference Program Chair

Prof.Raj Jain, Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of ACM, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis,St.Louis,USA

Prof.Hyunsung Kim, Dept. of Cyber Security, Kyungil University,Kyungsan, South Korea

For More Information, Please Contact

Ms.Shiella Nancy, Secretary MIC-IT ’13

Note: Please visit following:

For MSAUM Conferences:
For MASAUM Journals:
For MASAUM E-Books:
