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Lectureship in Statistics – University College London

The Department of Statistical Science at University College London invites applications for a Lecturership in Statistics. The post holder will conduct research in a branch of probability or statistics related to inverse problems, contribute to the Department’s teaching programme and provide and supervise research projects for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The vacancy is part of a UCL-wide initiative in inverse problems covering mathematical, computational and statistical approaches to inverse problems, as well as the application of these methodologies.

The successful candidate should hold, or be about to submit, a PhD (or equivalent qualification) in Statistics or a closely related discipline. They will possess a high research profile which includes a track record of international research excellence and publishing in mathematics, including aspects of inverse problems such as, for example, errors-in-measurement, deconvolution and regularization. The appointee should have the ability to construct and deliver lecture courses on topics relevant to the needs of the Department and possess excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills.

The post is available from June 2013. Salary (inclusive of London allowance) will be Grade 7 36,064-39,132GBP per annum or Grade 8 40,216-£47,441GBP per annum. Appointments at either grade currently receive an additional market supplement of 7,000GBP per annum. For an appointment to be made at the higher salary grade (Grade 8), please refer to the specific criteria given within the person specification.

Further particulars including a job description and person specification for the post can be accessed at If you wish to discuss the post informally please contact the Head of Department, Professor Tom Fearn, email:, tel: +44 (0)20 7679 1873. For any queries regarding the application process please contact Dr Russell Evans, email:, tel: +44 (0)20 7679 8311.

Call for participation: Workshop on Statistical Mechanics of Biological Cooperativity

Statistical Mechanics of Biological Cooperativity
22-25 May 2013 Ferry Stockholm-Mariehamn and Hotel Arkipelag, Mariehamn, Åland

Registration deadline: April 1, 2013


The meeting addresses applications of statistical mechanics to biological cooperativity, from molecules to populations.

The scientific interface between physics and biology is one of the most active areas of scientific research, as shown by its rapid evolution during the recent years.
Biological cooperativity roughly includes all action in biology that cannot be explained linearly, from synergistic interactions on the molecular level up to games and strategic interactions in populations.

The regulation of gene expression is in its simplest form akin to a switch with the binding of transcription factor to DNA playing the role of a relay. However, as has become increasingly clear, the generic picture is more global and more intricate e.g. the rate of transcription of a gene generally depends on transcription factors acting in cooperation, on epigenetic changes and marks and even on the three-dimensional location of chromosomes in the nucleus. All these lead to interesting problems in statistical mechanics ranging from deterministic and stochastic models of gene expression, including Wentzel-Freidlin theory for rare events, to models of nucleosome positioning by entropic effects up to the fractal globule model and other exotic long-lived by only metastable polymer states. Signalling is the process whereby biological information is transferred from the outside of the cell to regulate internal processes. Statistical mechanics has been used to construct models of !
chemotaxis, of quorum sensing, and to lymphocyte activation in response to antigens. It is well known that there is a close analogy between non-equilibrium statistical mechanics and models in evolutionary and population genetics, where selection and mutations play the role of drift, and genetic drift, the (partly) random selection of individuals that survive from one generation to the next plays the role of noise. Over the last decade the fundamental understanding of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics has been revolutionized by the fluctuation relations, which hold also far from equilibrium; these have only very recently been introduced in population genetics, and may there have a much larger impact.

Meeting information

The meeting is generously supported by NORDITA, the Aalto Science Institute, and the National Graduate School in Materials Physics (Finland) NGSMP, and is carried out with the active participation of the European scientific coordination network Evolution, Regulation and signalling (ERS).

The venue was Hotel Arkipelag in downtown Mariehamn, the capital of the province of Åland, Finland. The Åland archipelago, lying between Sweden and mainland Finland, is easily reachable by ferry from Stockholm (Sweden), from Turku (Finland), and from Helsinki (Finland). In addition, there are flights from Sweden and Finland. Note that the program starts on a ferry from Stockholm, so your presence on that is important information for the organizers.

There is no workshop fee.

Travel on the ferry from Stockholm to Mariehamn, including dinner on the ferry, is free for all participants, as are coffee and lunches at the Workshop. In addition, a number of grants can be offered, to PhD students and to others, to cover accommodation in Mariehamn and, in special cases, travel to Stockholm. If you need such support, indicate to when registering.


Prof. Erik Aurell, Prof. Mikko Alava, Dr. Ralf Eichhorn, Prof. Juho Rousu

Invited speakers include

Uri Alon Weizmann
Ulrich Gerland LMU Munchen
Vincent Hakim ENS-Paris
Oskar Hallatschek MPI, Germany
Sui Huang ISB, Seattle, USA
Mogens Jensen Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Olivier Martin U. Paris-Sud
Ville Mustonen Sanger Centre
Kim Sneppen Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Massimo Vergassola Institut Pasteur
Aleksandra Walczak ENS-Paris
Rein ten Wolde AMOLF, The Netherlands

Assistant Professorship (Lectureship) in Statistics & Inverse Problems

The Department of Statistical Science at University College London invites applications for a Lectureship (Assistant Professor) in Statistics. The post holder will conduct research in a branch of probability or statistics related to inverse problems, contribute to the Department’s teaching programme and provide and supervise research projects for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The vacancy is part of a UCL-wide initiative in inverse problems covering mathematical, computational and statistical approaches to inverse problems, as well as the application of these methodologies.

The successful candidate should hold, or be about to submit, a PhD (or equivalent qualification) in Statistics or a closely related discipline. They will possess a high research profile which includes a track record of international research excellence and publishing in mathematics, including aspects of inverse problems such as, for example, errors-in-measurement, deconvolution and regularization. The appointee should have the ability to construct and deliver lecture courses on topics relevant to the needs of the Department and possess excellent interpersonal, oral and written communication skills.

The post is available from June 2013. Salary (inclusive of London allowance) will be Grade 7 36,064-39,132GBP per annum or Grade 8 40,216-£47,441GBP per annum. Appointments at either grade currently receive an additional market supplement of 7,000GBP per annum. For an appointment to be made at the higher salary grade (Grade 8), please refer to the specific criteria given within the person specification.
Further particulars including a job description and person specification for the post can be accessed at Closing date: 10 February 2013. If you wish to discuss the post informally please contact the Head of Department, Professor Tom Fearn, email:, tel: +44 (0)20 7679 1873. For any queries regarding the application process please contact Dr Russell Evans, email:, tel: +44 (0)20 7679 8311.

1st CFP, Global Virtual Conference

C a l l f o r P a p e r s

The 1st Global Virtual Conference
(GV-conf 2013)
April 8 – 12, 2013

Paper Submission Deadline: February 28, 2013
Author Notification: March 27, 2013
Final Manuscript Due: April 5, 2013
GV-conf 2012: April 8 – 12, 2013

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the upcoming conference (GV-conf 2013, Global Virtual Conference).

GV-conf 2013 (Global Virtual Conference) gives you a great opportunity to participate in the fully fledged, scientific and professional conference without personal participation. The GV-conf will run continuously during April 8 to 12, 2013 at
Global Virtual Conference (GV-conf) is designed for all scientific groups.
The conference will bring the scientific debate among the scientists.
At the virtual conference, you have access to all papers in the conference at any time and can use virtual discussion with the author of any article at any time.

Papers will be reviewed and published in official Conference Proceedings “Proceedings of the Global Virtual Conference 2013” with ISBN.
Top rated papers will be sent for indexing in SCOPUS database and published in scientific journals (for more info see:

Technical and scientific papers describing original, previously unpublished
work are solicited in the areas of all scientific fields. Prospective
authors are invited to submit papers in any of the following areas (not limited to):

– Business Management
– Marketing
– Economy and Business Economics
– Public service, Law
– Financing and Accounting
– Psychology, Sociology and Pedagogy, Social Science
– Medicine
– Veterinary medicine
– Art, Religion, History, Culturology, Philosophy
– Linguistics
– Ecology
– Natural science – mathematics
– Natural science – chemistry
– Natural science – biology
– Natural science – physics
– Electronics, Electrical Systems, Electrical Engineering
– Industrial and Civil Engineering
– Informatics
– Information Technology
– Transport and Logistics
– Energy
– Agriculture

For further information, please contact us at

Second Call for Papers: SCIA 2013

18th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
17 – 20 June 2013, Espoo, Finland


Submission of full papers: January 18, 2013
Notification of acceptance: March 10, 2013
Camera-ready paper: April 5, 2013
Registration for paper presenters: April 5, 2013


The 18th conference in the long tradition of Scandinavian Conferences on Image Analysis will take place in Espoo, Finland on June 17-20, 2013. Tutorials will take place on June 17 and the main conference on June 18-20.


Ethem Alpaydin, Bogazici University,

Anders Heyden, Lund Institute of Technology / Lund University,

Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University,

Maja Pantic, Imperial College London / University of Twente,


General chairs: Erkki Oja, Matti Pietikäinen
Program chair: Joni Kämäräinen
Publicity chair: Jaakko Peltonen
Local organizing committee: Markus Koskela (chair),
Jorma Laaksonen, Teemu Kinnunen,
Ville Viitaniemi

The organizers can be reached at scia2013 (at)


Ethem Alpaydin, Bogaziçi University
Xilin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jean-Luc Dugelay, EURECOM Sophia Antipolis Michael Felsberg, Linkoping University Jon Hardeberg, Gjovik University College Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu Anders Heyden, Lund University Norbert Krueger, University of Southern Denmark Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University Krystian Mikolajczyk, University of Surrey Majid Mirmehdi, University of Bristol Maja Pantic, Imperial College London


SCIA 2013 will be held in the Hanasaari cultural centre in Espoo, Finland. Espoo is the second largest city in Finland and part of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Hanasaari is in the middle of an archipelago close to Helsinki city centre.

See for travel and accommodation details.


The conference invites paper submissions presenting original work within the following topics:

3D vision; Color and multispectral image analysis; Computational imaging and graphics; Faces and gestures; Feature extraction and segmentation; Human-centered computing; Matching, registration and alignment; Medical and biomedical image analysis; Motion analysis; Object and scene recognition; Pattern recognition and machine learning; Robot vision; Systems and applications; Video and multimedia analysis


Submissions will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and meta-reviewed by one area chair. It is possible (but not required) to submit anonymously if preferred. Papers will be accepted for oral or poster presentation. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will appear as a volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A submitted paper may contain up to 12 pages. Accepted papers are limited to 10 pages, with a possibility to buy two extra pages.

See for details.


SCIA 2013 is organized by the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland and supported by Aalto University.

Development Engineer – TOP project Data Mining

Work closely with the Corporate Research team, project systems designers, and software team to
a. Form an end-to-end vision, and understand how a logical design will translate into one or more physical databases, and how the data will flow through the data mining research and production process
b. Understand requirements on data quality and organization
c. Address issues of data migration(validation, clean-up, and mapping)
d. Understand the importance of data dictionaries and implement it with organizational data teams
e. Perform data ETL tasks as necessary for data mining
f. Interface with the project team system architect and the software integration engineer to finalize requirements for implementing data mining models
g. Identify risks and problems related to data availability, integrity, and integration issues. Communicate them, along with mitigation strategies, to appropriate project stakeholders in a timely manner
Required knowledge and skills
a. Bachelor’s degree with 4+ years experience or Master’s degree with 2+ year experience in computer science or a related field
b. Experience with relational databases including Oracle, SQL Server, etc
c. Database scripting including SQL and Python/Perl/Java/C++
d. ETL development expertise
e. Ability to consolidate business and technical requirements and model data appropriately
f. Excellent verbal and written communication and presentation skills with the ability to communicate technical and non-technical topics in both German and English
Additional skills
g. Experience with No-SQL databases such as Mongo DB
h. Ability to work well independently & in a team setting
i. Experience with working across cultures/countries/sites

Additional Information and Job offer:

1st Bernstein Sparks Workshop on Cortical Neurointerfaces (March 6 – 10, 2013)

Topic of the workshop:
Interfaces that reliably connect the brain with electronic devices hold huge promises for basic research and medical applications. While there
is encouraging progress current technologies are still far from realising the vision of chronically and simultaneously connecting to
large numbers of individual neurons enabling either direction of information flow.

On the one hand this would e.g. allow to carefully monitor cortical activity leading to progress in understanding brain functions and laying
ground for long term neuroprosthetic applications. On the other hand, the ability to selectively induce specific neuronal activities will
reveal yet unknown neuronal processes and can e.g. help to re-establish lost sensory inputs. To reach these objectives, numerous challenges,
ranging from cutting edge basic research in neuroscience to novel technological developments from diverse engineering fields, have to be
met. Besides basic problems of recording and stimulation, also problems ranging from biocompability via microelectronics to fluid-proof and
flexible structures have to be solved. Last but not least, also the development of neuroprosthetic devices, e.g., replacing lost body
functions, poses challenges for data analysis and robotics.

The aim of this meeting will be to bring together leading researchers from these disciplines and research fields, gain an overview over most
recent developments, enable fruitful exchanges and discussions and, last but not least identify interesting new directions of research. The
specific topics to be covered include the neuroscientific foundations, neuro-electronic interfaces, integrated circuits for neural interfaces
and complete recording and stimulation systems. Besides talks by these main speakers, there will be plenty of time for discussions and poster
The Organisers were able to win speakers from all relevant disciplines, viz.:
Barrese, James (Brown University, USA)
Bellamkonda, Ravi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Gohvanloo, Maysam (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Harrison, Reid (Intan Technologies, USA)
Hierlemann, Andreas (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Kipke, Daryl (University of Michigan, USA)
Knöpfel, Thomas (Riken, Japan)
Lang, Walter (University of Bremen, Germany)
Logothetis, Nikos (BCCN Tübingen, MPI for Biological Cybernetics, Germany)
Manoli, Yiannos (University of Freiburg, Germany)
Nurmikko, Arto (Brown University, USA)
Ortmanns, Maurits (University of Ulm, Germany)
Rabaey, Jan (UC Berkeley, USA)
Schalk, Gerwin (Wadsworth Center, USA)
Scherberger, Hansjörg (German Primate Center and University of
Göttingen, Germany)
Schwartz, Andrew (University of Pittsburg, USA)
Schwarz, Cornelius (Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research,
BCCN Tübingen, D-USA Collaboration, Germany)
Solzbacher, Florian (University of Utah, USA)
Stieglitz, Thomas (University and BCF Freiburg, Germany)
Tass, Peter (Research Center Jülich, Germany)
Thewes, Roland (TU Berlin, Germany)
Trieu, Khiem-Hoc (Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany)
Walker, Ross (Stanford University, USA)
For more information please visit .
Please find the preliminary program here:

Post-doc positions at University of Liege, Belgium

The Bioinformatics and Modeling research unit at the GIGA Biomedical Research Center and at the Montefiore Institute of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Liège is seeking for Post-Doctoral researchers respectively in machine learning for bioimage informatics and machine learning for biological network inference to begin between October 2013 and January 2014.

Theme 1: Machine learning for bioimage informatics The researcher will be working closely with a team of software developers, researchers in machine learning, and biologists, to advance high-throughput automated analysis of high-resolution images in the context of cancer research, developmental biology, and diagnostic pathology. The applicant will be involved in the design of novel algorithms and their large-scale evaluation for cell and phenotype recognition, and tissue segmentation and quantification. She/He will have access to a high-performance computing environment and the inhouse developed Cytomine platform able to process terabytes of imaging data.

Theme 2: Machine learning for biological network inference The researcher will participate to the effort of the team on the development of machine learning techniques for the inference of biological networks. In particular, the applicant will be involved in the extension of network inference methods to integrate various kinds of data and the practical application of these methods on real biomedical datasets. Depending on the interest of the applicant, the work could focus more on methodological developments in machine learning or on some specific biomedical applications.

Applicants should hold a PhD and have strong knowledge in machine learning,
bioinformatics and/or computer vision. Programming and data analysis
skills are also highly desirable. The candidates should be highly motivated,
with a strong interest in large-scale biomedical applications. A working
knowledge of English language is mandatory, and of French is a plus.

Application procedure: Interested individuals should send a CV, a brief
statement of research and development interests, three relevant publications,
and the names and contact details of two references by e-mail to:
Raphaël Marée ( with subject “Postdoc ULG”.
Candidates interested should send their application before
mid-February 2013. The final decision will be taken in June 2013. The
position will be available for an initial period of 1 year, with
possible one-year extension after mid-term evaluation.

More information:
– The GIGA research center:
– The Montefiore Institute:
– Research Unit in Systems and Modeling:
– The CYTOMINE research project: (Theme 1)
– The Liège city:

Research positions in computer vision at Xerox

The Textual and Visual Pattern Analysis group of the Xerox Research Centre Europe (XRCE) is looking for two researchers in the field of computer vision. The successful candidates will contribute – in collaboration with the rest of the team – to the invention, development and benchmarking of computer vision technologies such as image classification, image retrieval, object localization, etc. in both images and videos. The potential areas of application of the developed technology will include transportation (e.g. tracking, counting and classifying vehicles) and retail (e.g. detection and classification of products on shelves).
• Ph.D. degree in computer vision or machine learning.
• Excellent publication record in major computer vision / machine learning / multimedia conferences and journals.
• Strong development skills, preferably in C/C++.
• Fluent in written and oral English.
• Highly motivated.
Team and center: The Textual and Visual Pattern Analysis group specializes in understanding, organizing, retrieving and enhancing visual and hybrid content. We have extensive experience and state-of-the-art systems in image categorization, image retrieval, image enhancement, quality / aesthetic assessment and document image processing. Our technology has won numerous awards in public competitions such as the PASCAL Visual Object Challenge, ImageCLEF or the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge.
The Xerox Research Centre Europe is located in Grenoble, in the heart of the French Alps, close to both the Italian and Swiss borders. The centre is part of the global Xerox Innovation Group made up of 650 researchers and engineers in five world renowned research and technology centers.

Starting Date: asap.
Duration: the positions are 12 months post-doc positions. However, we might consider permanent positions for exceptional candidates.
Application instructions: please send your CV, cover letter as well as the name of at least one reference to both and

PhD/Post Doc in the area of speech recognition and natural language understanding at Saarland University

PhD/Post Doc in the area
speech recognition and natural language understanding
at Saarland University

Present speech recognition systems are unaware of the environment in which they run. Contextual information from the environment can be integrated in the recognition process to reduce word error rate and concept error rate. For the specific task at hand, we will focus on controller-pilot communication in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR), which will provide realistic data with dynamic context. The task is to perform research on methods for integrating the contextual knowledge into the speech recognizer.

The successful candidate should have a degree in computer science, electrical engineering, computational linguistics or a closely related area. Excellent programming skills are important. A good math background is a plus. Very good oral and written communication skills in English will be valued.

Saarland University is one of the leading European research sites in computational linguistics and offers an active, stimulating research environment. Close working relationships are maintained between the Departments of Computational Linguistics and Computer Science. Both are part of the Cluster of Excellence, which also includes the Max Planck Institutes for Informatics (MPI-INF) and Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI).

The position is suitable for a PhD student or a Post Doctoral researcher. The salary will be in the range of 33,000 Euros to 51,000 Euros per year depending on the qualification and professional experience of the successful candidate. Earliest possible starting date is February 1st. The position is for two years with the plan to extend it.

Each application should include:

* Curriculum Vitae including a list of publications
(if applicable)
* Transcript of records
* Short statement of interest (not more than half a
* Names of two references
* Any other supporting information or documents

Applications (documents in PDF format in a single file) should be sent no later than , Friday January 18th to:

Further inquiries regarding the project should be directed to: