HumaneAI-Net Posts

Human side of Artificial Intelligence project kick-off

Today in Berlin at the CINIQ center, thirty-five of the most relevant AI institutions in Europe including K4A, met for the kick-off of the Humane AI project. An endeavour to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the ongoing AI revolution. The ambitious goal is to design and deploy AI systems that enhance human capabilities and empower both individuals and society as a whole to develop AI that extends rather than replaces human intelligence.

Discussion on opportunities and challenges of Humans and Artificial Intelligence

We were invited by UNESCO to be part of the opening panel to their main conference Principles for AI: Towards a Humanistic Approach. The panel discussed the main challenges and opportunities in ensuring the development of artificial intelligence that serves humanity. We briefly presented our projects connecting humanity and AI such as HumaneAI and the Network of Excellence in AI in Africa. Speakers included the first Minister for Artificial Intelligence, Tencent, Facebook, Global Partnership to End Violence Against Children and more.


ROAM approach in AI

UNESCO held a panel discussion to deeply reflect on issues concerning Rights, Access and Multi-stakeholder Governance of Artificial Intelligence. It presented a primer report analyzing the changes that advanced ICTs are bringing to society, under the prism of the ROAM framework, with John Shawe-Taylor, UNESCO Chair in Artificial Intelligence. The “Openness” dimension was be further explored by a following session focused on Open Data and AI with Maria Fasli, UNESCO Chair on Data Science.


HumaneAI project starting to take shape

The team went to Frankfurt airport to support partners of the HumaneAI project ahead of the kickoff meeting in April. The project is quite ambitious as it aims to develop the scientific foundations and technological breakthroughs needed to shape the ongoing Artificial Intelligence revolution towards a more human-centric agenda.

First High-level Forum on AI in Africa

We were invited to present our new AI4D Network of Excellence in AI in Africa at the Forum on Artificial Intelligence in Africa, organized by UNESCO and Mohamed VI Polytechnic University from 12 to 13 December in Benguérir (Morocco). This was a great opportunity to understand more about AI developments and explore the opportunities and challenges of technological innovations relating to AI in Africa.