Reshaping the Pascal2 Internal Visiting Program
Dear Pascal2 Researchers,
during the final year of Pascal2, it has been decided to reshape the goals of the
Internal Visiting (IV) Program.
>From now on, the IV Program will assist in the organization and funding of *short* visits
of up to *one month* duration between sites by members of the Network. The visit should
be specifically targeted towards activities (e.g., in the form of grant proposal preparations)
that will pave the way for longer term collaborations between the involved sites.
This funding stream is available to all Pascal2 researchers. Visitors and sites involved
must be members of the Network (either beneficiaries or non-beneficiaries).
It is anticipated that the main use of funds under this program will be to support travel
and subsistence for the visit. The program is not intended to cover salaries.
>From now on, applications under the IV Program will be evaluated in terms of integrative
impact within Pascal2 and beyond, scientific merit, and expense of the proposal.
Normally the maximum allocation for one application will be 3K euros. Keep in mind that
the total budget available to this program for the current (and final) Pascal2 year is 20K euros.
Actual submissions should be done through the Pascal2 IV Program at
and clicking on the Request tab.
Deadline: none, continuous evaluation. It is expected that the list of accepted proposals
will be finalized within 1 to 3 weeks after submission, depending on the requested budget.
All enquiries should be directed to: claudio