Postdoctoral jobs in Astrocomputing at Southampton

Four postdoctoral fellowships are available to work in the’4 PI SKY’
project in the Astronomy group at the University of Southampton. 4 PI
SKY is a major initiative led by Professor Rob Fender and funded via a
European Research Council Advanced Investigator Grant, at the level of 3
MEuro. The project has the goal of dramatically improving our detection
and understanding of transient astrophysical events, via both
development of novel techniques and scientific exploitation. For more
information on the project see .

Professor Fender heads a world-leading group focussing in the areas of
observational black hole astrophysics and the new field of radio
transients. He is a principal investigator of the Transients Key Science
Project for LOFAR, and of the ThunderKAT transients Key Science Project
for MeerKAT, the South African SKA pathfinder, as well as being a
co-investigator in the transients projects on the Australian SKA
pathfinder, ASKAP.

The Astronomy group at Southampton are world renowned in the area of
galactic and extragalactic high-energy astrophysics, and are part of the
School of Physics & Astronomy, one of the UK’s top scientific
departments. In this project we will be working closely with the School
of Electronics and Computer Science at Southampton, who are
world-leaders in the area of agent technology and signal analysis.

The positions are available for an initial period of two years, although
money is in hand to extend positions to five years, depending on
performance. The starting salary range is £27,319 – £33,600, with
funding for travel and computing hardware. The preferred start date for
the positions is the 2nd half of 2011. Preference will be given to
applicants with experience in radio astronomy and/or computer science,
depending on the position applied for.

For more details of individual jobs see: