In the Challenge we have an experimental setup, where the test subject is first shown a question, followed by ten sentences. Five of the sentences are “relevant” to the question (they are of the same topic as the question) and five of the sentences are irrelevant (they have no relation to the topic of the question). One of the relevant sentences is the correct answer to the question. The experimental setup is designed to resemble a real-life information retrieval scenario as closely possible while at the same time retaining a controlled setup where the ground truth is known. Thus, in the Challenge the meaning of “relevant” is defined in terms of this experimental setup. The objective of the Challenge is to find the best methods and features that can be used to predict the relevance from the eye movement measurements.

The goal of the “BCI Competition III” is to validate signal processing and classification methods for Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs). Compared to the past BCI Competitions, new challanging problems are addressed that are highly relevant for practical BCI systems, such as

  • session-to-session transfer (data set I)
  • small training sets, maybe to be solved by subject-to-subject transfer (data set IVa),
  • non-stationarity problems (data set IIIb, data set IVc),
  • multi-class problems (data set IIIa, data set V, data set II,),
  • classification of continuous EEG without trial structure (data set IVb, data set V).

Also this BCI Competition includes for the first time ECoG data (data set I) and one data set for which preprocessed features are provided (data set V) for competitors that like to focus on the classification task rather than to dive into the depth of EEG analysis.

The aim of this challenge is to encourage work on automated construction and population of ontologies. For the purposes of this challenge, an ontology consists of a set of concepts and a set of instances. An instance can be assigned to one or more concepts. The concepts are connected into a hierarchy. Several types of tasks are included in this challenge:

  • Ontology construction: given a set of documents, construct an ontology with these documents as instances.
  • Ontology extension: given a partial ontology and a set of instances, extend the ontology with new concepts using the given instances.
  • Ontology population: given a partially populated hierarchy of concepts, develop a model that can assign new instances to concepts.
  • Concept naming: given a set of instances and the assignment of instances to concepts, suggest user-friendly labels for the concepts.

Evaluation is based on comparing the results to a “golden standard” ontology prepared by human editors.

The goal of this challenge is to recognise objects from a number of visual object classes in realistic scenes (i.e. not pre-segmented objects). It is fundamentally a supervised learning learning problem in that a training set of labelled images will be provided. The four object classes that have been selected are:

  • motorbikes
  • bicycles
  • people
  • cars

There will be two main competitions:

  • For each of the 4 classes, predicting presence/absence of an example of that class in the test image.
  • Predicting the bounding box and label of each object from the 4 target classes in the test image.

Contestants may enter either (or both) of these competitions, and can choose to tackle any (or all) of the four object classes. The challenge allows for two approaches to each of the competitions:

  • Contestants may use systems built or trained using any methods or data excluding the provided test sets.
  • Systems are to be built or trained using only the provided training data.

The intention in the first case is to establish just what level of success can currently be achieved on these problems and by what method; in the second case the intention is to establish which method is most successful given a specified training set.

The goal of the proposed challenge is to assess the current situation concerning Machine Learning (ML) algorithms for Information Extraction (IE) from documents, identifying future challenges and to foster additional research in the field. The aim is to:

  • Define a methodology for fair comparison of ML algorithms for IE.
  • Define a publicly available resource for evaluation that will exist and be used beyond the lifetime of the challenge; such framework will be ML oriented, not IE oriented as so far proposed in other similar evaluations.
  • Perform actual tests of different algorithms in controlled situations so to understand what works and what does not and therefore identify new future challenges.

Efficient approximate inference in large Hybrid Networks (graphical models with discrete and continuous variables) is one of the major unsolved problems in machine learning, and insight into good solutions would be beneficial in advancing the application of sophisticated machine learning to a wide range  of real-world problems. Such research would benefit potentially applications in Speech Recognition, Visual Object Tracking and Machine Vision, Robotics, Music Scene Analysis, Analysis of complex Times series, understanding and modelling complex computer networks, Condition monitoring, and other complex phenomena. This theory challenge specifically addresses a central component area of PASCAL, namely Bayesian Statistics and statistical modelling, and is also related to the other central areas of Computational Learning, Statistical Physics and Optimisation techniques. One aim of this challenge is to bring together leading researchers in graphical models and related areas to develop and improve on existing methods for tackling the fundamental intractability in HNs. We do not believe that there will necessarily emerge a single best approach, although we would expect that successes in one application area should be transferable to related areas. Many leading machine learning researches are currently working on applications that involve HNs, and we invite participants to suggest their own applications. Ideally, this would be in the form of a dataset along the lines of PASCAL.

The goal of this challenge is to evaluate probabilistic methods for regression and for classification problems. A number of regression classification tasks are proposed. Training data (input-output pairs) are given, and the contestants are asked to predict the outputs associated to a set of validation and test inputs. These predictions are probabilistic and take the form of predictive distributions. The performance of the competing algorithms will be evaluated both with traditional losses that only take into account “point predictions” and with losses that evaluate the quality of the probabilistic predictions.

Background: The idea of a multilingual world is becoming truly a reality, as sophisticated monolingual, cross-lingual and multilingual language technologies have been created and have immensely optimized the translation quality and language/topic coverage in real-life situations.

However, a major challenge resides in respecting the plural diversity of all world regions residing in their languages and cultures yet avoiding all forms of education, research and business fragmentation linked to those same assets. Another is the relationship between the EU’s language technologies for the Digital Single Market and its connection with other language markets, which is also a major opportunity the field had in the last couple of years.

Specific Challenge: The challenge is to facilitate multilingual online communication in developing countries specifically in the domain of education, and enable it with the technologies developed in the EU, currently leading in this field, by taking down existing language barriers. These barriers hamper wider penetration of cross-border education, commerce, social communication and exchange of cultural content.

Additionally, current machine translation solutions typically perform well only for a limited number of target languages, and for a given text type. The potential for a value added global action in creating access to educational content with machine translation acting as a bridge between national educational systems is enormous.

Specific Solution: The Knowledge 4 All Foundation solved the problem of mass translation in education by developing TransLexy, a robust service that provides translation from English into nine European and two BRIC, languages, namely:

  1. English → Bulgarian (Български)
  2. English → Czech (Čeština)
  3. English → German (Deutsch)
  4. English → Greek (Ελληνικά)
  5. English → Croatian (Hrvatski)
  6. English → Italian (Italiano)
  7. English → Dutch (Nederlands)
  8. English → Polish (Polszczyzna)
  9. English → Portuguese (Português)
  10. English → Russian (Русский)
  11. English → Chinese (漢語, 汉语)

The platform is intended to overcome the existing language barriers in education, and can deal with huge volumes, high variety of languages and education text styles, and deliver results in reasonable time (in most cases, instantly).

Moving forward: The Foundation will add to its portfolio in partnership with the University of Edinburgh the following language pairs:

  • English → Afaan Oromo
  • English → Tigrinya
  • English → Igbo
  • English → Yoruba
  • English → Gujarati
  • English → Punjabi
  • Kurdish→ English
  • North Korean → English
  • Hausa → English
  • Swahili→ English

The Probabilistic Automata learning Competition (PAutomaC) is the first on-line challenge about learning non-deterministic probabilistic finite state machines (HMM, PFA, …)

The competition is over. In addition of the technical report describing the competition that was written at the beginning, an article published in the proceedings of ICGI’12 is available. It contains a lot of details about the competition and the results. In the same proceedings, one can find a short paper from the winning team of the competition. Two articles from other participants to the competition can also be found here (team Hulden) and here (team Kepler).


December 11th 2012: the code of the winning team is avalable here.

September 11th 2012: following the discussion during the workshop, the target and solutions files of the competition phase data are available in the download section.

September 7th 2012: the PAutomaC workshop at ICGI’12 is on.

July 3rd: After a storm that postponed for 2 days the end of competition, PAutomaC is finished. The winner is the team of Chihiro Shibata and Ryo Yoshinaka, Congratulation to them! And thanks to all participants: this have been a great competition.

May 20th: Phase 2 is launched: The data of the real competition are available! The data sets of the training phase are still available but you cannot submit your results any more. However, the files containing the true probabilities (obtained with the target automata) are available.

March 20th: 16 new data sets are available!

March 8th: The website is fully operational, the first data set is available.

Why this competition?

Finite state automata (or machines) are well-known models for characterizing the behaviour of systems or processes. They have been used for several decades in computer and software engineering to model the complex behaviours of electronic circuits and softwares. A nice feature of an automaton model is that it is easy to interpret, but unfortunately in many applications the original design of a system is unknown. That is why learning approaches has been used, for instance:

  • To modelize DNA or protein sequences in bioinformatics.
  • To find patterns underlying different sounds for speech processing.
  • To develop morphological or phonological rules for natural language processing.
  • To modelize unknown mechanical processes in Physics
  • To discover the exact environment of robots.
  • To detect Anomaly for detecting intrusions in computer security.
  • To do behavioural modelling of users in applications ranging from web systems to the automotive sector.
  • To discover the structure of music styles for music classification and generation.

In all such cases, an automaton model is learned from observations of the system, i.e., a finite set of strings. As the data gathered from observations is usually unlabelled, the standard method of dealing with this situation is to assume a probabilistic automaton model, i.e., a distribution over strings. In such a model, different states can generate different symbols with different probabilities: the two main formalisms are Hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Probabilistic Finite State Automata (PFA).

This is what this competition is about.

How is it working?

We automatically generated PFAs in a way that is described here. We then generated two data sets from each PFA: one is the training set and the second is the test set (where duplicate strings have been removed). The idea is to train your learning algorithm on the first data set in order to assign probabilities to the strings in the test set.

Details about how to participate can be found in the participate section.

There also will be some real world data sets during the second phase of the competition.

 Probabilistic Automata Learning Competition
Probabilistic Automata Learning Competition

According to the World Health Organisation, cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the number one cause of death globally: more people die annually from CVDs than from any other cause. An estimated 17.1 million people died from CVDs in 2004, representing 29% of all global deaths. Of these deaths, an estimated 7.2 million were due to coronary heart disease. Any method which can help to detect signs of heart disease could therefore have a significant impact on world health. This challenge is to produce methods to do exactly that. Specifically, we are interested in creating the first level of screening of cardiac pathologies both in a Hospital environment by a doctor (using a digital stethoscope) and at home by the patient (using a mobile device).

The problem is of particular interest to machine learning researchers as it involves classification of audio sample data, where distinguishing between classes of interest is non-trivial. Data is gathered in real-world situations and frequently contains background noise of every conceivable type. The differences between heart sounds corresponding to different heart symptoms can also be extremely subtle and challenging to separate. Success in classifying this form of data requires extremely robust classifiers. Despite its medical significance, to date this is a relatively unexplored application for machine learning.

Data has been gathered from two sources: (A) from the general public via the iStethoscope Pro iPhone app, provided in Dataset A, and (B) from a clinic trial in hospitals using the digital stethoscope DigiScope, provided in Dataset B.

CHALLENGE 1 – Heart Sound Segmentation

The first challenge is to produce a method that can locate S1(lub) and S2(dub) sounds within audio data, segmenting the Normal audio files in both datasets. To enable your machine learning method to learn we provide the exact location of S1 and S2 sounds for some of the audio files. You need to use them to identify and locate the S1 and S2 sounds of all the heartbeats in the unlabelled group. The locations of sounds are measured in audio samples for better precision. Your method must use the same unit.

CHALLENGE 2 – Heart Sound Classification

The task is to produce a method that can classify real heart audio (also known as “beat classification”) into one of four categories for Dataset A:

  1. Normal
  2. Murmur
  3. Extra Heart Sound
  4. Artifact

and three classes for Dataset B:

  1. Normal
  2. Murmur
  3. Extrasystole

You may tackle either or both of these challenges. If you can solve the first challenge, the second will be considerably easier! The winner of each challenge will be the method best able to segment and/or classify two sets of unlabelled data into the correct categories after training on both datasets provided below. The creator of the winning method will receive a WiFi 32Gb iPad as the prize, awarded at a workshop at AISTATS 2012.


After downloading the data, please register your interest to participate in the challenge by clicking here.

There are two datsets:

Dataset A, containing 176 files in WAV format, organized as: 14Mb 31 files download 17.3Mb 34 files download 6.9Mb 19 files download 22.5Mb 40 files download 24.6Mb 52 files download

The same datasets are also available in aif format: 13.2Mb 31 files download 16.4Mb 34 files download 6.5Mb 19 files download 20.9Mb 40 files download 23.0Mb 52 files download

Segmentation data (updated 23 March 2012), giving locations of S1 and S2 sounds in Atraining_normal: Atraining_normal_seg.csv

Dataset B, containing 656 files in WAV format, organized as: (containing sub directory Btraining_noisynormal) 13.8Mb 320 files download (containing subdirectory Btraining_noisymurmur) 5.3Mb 95 files download 1.9Mb 46 files download 9.2Mb 195 files download

The same datasets are also available in aif format: (containing sub directory Btraining_noisynormal) 13.0Mb 320 files download (containing subdirectory Btraining_noisymurmur) 5.1Mb 95 files download 2.1Mb 46 files download 8.7Mb 195 files download

Segmentation data, giving locations of S1 and S2 sounds in Btraining_normal: Btraining_normal_seg.csv

 Evaluation Scripts plus full details of the metrics and test procedure you must use in order to measure the effectiveness of your methods are available here:

 Challenge 1 involves segmenting the audio files in and using the training segmentations provided above.

Challenge 2 involves correctly labelling the sounds in and

Please use the following citation if the data is used:

author = “Bentley, P. and Nordehn, G. and Coimbra, M. and Mannor, S.”,
title = “The {PASCAL} {C}lassifying {H}eart {S}ounds {C}hallenge 2011 {(CHSC2011)} {R}esults”,
howpublished = “”}

The audio files are of varying lengths, between 1 second and 30 seconds (some have been clipped to reduce excessive noise and provide the salient fragment of the sound).

Most information in heart sounds is contained in the low frequency components, with noise in the higher frequencies. It is common to apply a low-pass filter at 195 Hz. Fast Fourier transforms are also likely to provide useful information about volume and frequency over time. More domain-specific knowledge about the difference between the categories of sounds is provided below.

Normal Category
In the Normal category there are normal, healthy heart sounds. These may contain noise in the final second of the recording as the device is removed from the body. They may contain a variety of background noises (from traffic to radios). They may also contain occasional random noise corresponding to breathing, or brushing the microphone against clothing or skin. A normal heart sound has a clear “lub dub, lub dub” pattern, with the time from “lub” to “dub” shorter than the time from “dub” to the next “lub” (when the heart rate is less than 140 beats per minute). Note the temporal description of “lub” and “dub” locations over time in the following illustration:

…lub……….dub……………. lub……….dub……………. lub……….dub……………. lub……….dub…

In medicine we call the lub sound “S1” and the dub sound “S2”. Most normal heart rates at rest will be between about 60 and 100 beats (‘lub dub’s) per minute. However, note that since the data may have been collected from children or adults in calm or excited states, the heart rates in the data may vary from 40 to 140 beats or higher per minute. Dataset B also contains noisy_normal data – normal data which includes a substantial amount of background noise or distortion. You may choose to use this or ignore it, however the test set will include some equally noisy examples.

Murmur Category
Heart murmurs sound as though there is a “whooshing, roaring, rumbling, or turbulent fluid” noise in one of two temporal locations: (1) between “lub” and “dub”, or (2) between “dub” and “lub”. They can be a symptom of many heart disorders, some serious. There will still be a “lub” and a “dub”. One of the things that confuses non-medically trained people is that murmurs happen between lub and dub or between dub and lub; not on lub and not on dub. Below, you can find an asterisk* at the locations a murmur may be.

…lub..****…dub……………. lub..****..dub ……………. lub..****..dub ……………. lub..****..dub …


…lub……….dub…******….lub………. dub…******….lub ………. dub…******….lub ……….dub…

Dataset B also contains noisy_murmur data – murmur data which includes a substantial amount of background noise or distortion. You may choose to use this or ignore it, however the test set will include some equally noisy examples

Extra Heart Sound Category (Dataset A)
Extra heart sounds can be identified because there is an additional sound, e.g. a “lub-lub dub” or a “lub dub-dub”. An extra heart sound may not be a sign of disease.  However, in some situations it is an important sign of disease, which if detected early could help a person.  The extra heart sound is important to be able to detect as it cannot be detected by ultrasound very well. Below, note the temporal description of the extra heart sounds:

…lub.lub……….dub………..………. lub. lub……….dub…………….lub.lub……..…….dub…….


…lub………. dub.dub………………….lub.……….dub.dub………………….lub……..…….dub. dub……

Artifact Category (Dataset A)
In the Artifact category there are a wide range of different sounds, including feedback squeals and echoes, speech, music and noise. There are usually no discernable heart sounds, and thus little or no temporal periodicity at frequencies below 195 Hz. This category is the most different from the others. It is important to be able to distinguish this category from the other three categories, so that someone gathering the data can be instructed to try again.

Extrasystole Category (Dataset B)
Extrasystole sounds may appear occasionally and can be identified because there is a heart sound that is out of rhythm involving extra or skipped heartbeats, e.g. a “lub-lub dub” or a “lub dub-dub”. (This is not the same as an extra heart sound as the event is not regularly occuring.) An extrasystole may not be a sign of disease. It can happen normally in an adult and can be very common in children. However, in some situations extrasystoles can be caused by heart diseases. If these diseases are detected earlier, then treatment is likely to be more effective. Below, note the temporal description of the extra heart sounds:

………..lub……….dub………..………. lub. ………..……….dub…………….lub.lub……..…….dub…….
…lub………. dub……………………….lub.…………………dub.dub………………….lub……..…….dub.……


To allow systems to be comparable, there are some guidelines that we would like participants to follow:

  1. Domain-specific knowledge as provided in this document may be freely used to enhance the performance of the systems.
  2. We provide both training and test data sets, but labels are omitted for the test data. We require the results to be produced in a specific format in a text file. A scoring script is provided for participants to evaluate their data on the results for both test and training data.
  3. We expect to see results for both the training and test sets in the submissions. We also require the code for the method, which needs to include instructions for executing the system, to enable us to validate the submitted results if necessary.

See the evaluation scripts in the downloads section for details of how accuracy of your results can be calculated. You must use this script to enable each system to be compared.