The Video Journal of Semantic Data Management represents an innovative and multimedial way of publishing and sharing current research in the area of Semantic Data Management. It calls for presentations on original and high-quality research describing the role of Semantic Web technologies, Linked Data, and ontologies for the Data Management.
We welcome video recordings of research covering a wide range of topics, including presentations on full research papers, application reports, systems and tools, ontology papers, surveys, as well as data set reports as long as they clearly relate to challenges and opportunities arising from processing and managing data with the added value of semantics.
Articles are attached to each video abstract and also available at the ISWC2012 Boston main conference website.
Journal Video Abstracts

Google: “Get the best summary”
Andreas Thalhammer, Magnus Knuth

Market Sensing Using a Graph Database
Amar Shan

Formal Verification of Data Provenance Records
Szymon Klarman

A Formal Semantics for Weighted Ontology Mappings
Luciano Serafini

Feature LDA: a Supervised Topic Model for Automatic Detection of Web API Documentations from the Web
Chenghua Lin

Link Discovery with Guaranteed Reduction Ratio in Ane Spaces with Minkowski Measures
Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo

Rapidly Integrating Services into the Linked Data Cloud
Mohsen Taheriyan

Discovering Concept Coverings in Aligning Ontologies of Linked Data
Rahul Parundekar