With the exceptional increase in computing power, storage capacity and network bandwidth of the past decades, ever growing datasets are collected in fields such as bioinformatics (Splice Sites, Gene Boundaries, etc), IT-security (Network traffic) or Text-Classification (Spam vs. Non-Spam), to name but a few. While the data size growth leaves computational methods as the only viable way of dealing with data, it poses new challenges to ML methods.

This PASCAL Challenge is concerned with the scalability and efficiency of existing ML approaches with respect to computational, memory or communication resources, e.g. resulting from a high algorithmic complexity, from the size or dimensionality of the data set, and from the trade-off between distributed resolution and communication costs.

Indeed many comparisons are presented in the literature; however, these usually focus on assessing a few algorithms, or considering a few datasets; further, they most usually involve different evaluation criteria, model parameters and stopping conditions. As a result it is difficult to determine how does a method behave and compare with the other ones in terms of test error, training time and memory requirements, which are the practically relevant criteria.

We are therefore organizing a competition, that is designed to be fair and enables a direct comparison of current large scale classifiers aimed at answering the question “Which learning method is the most accurate given limited resources?”. To this end we provide a generic evaluation framework tailored to the specifics of the competing methods. Providing a wide range of datasets, each of which having specific properties we propose to evaluate the methods based on performance figures, displaying training time vs. test error, dataset size vs. test error and dataset size vs. training time.


The overall goal is to develop a 2-class classifier such that it achieves a low error in the shortest possible time using as few datapoints as possible.

  • All participants are required to identify themselves with a login name, full name and a valid Email address. Your email address will not be made public and is only used for registration and announcements (test dataset release, workshop date, awards). The login name and your full name will appear on the evaluation page.
  • In order to be included in the final evaluation process, every participant should compete on at least five datasets in a single track, i.e. submit results on the validation/test set of five problems for the Wild track, or for one of the SVM tracks.
  • Every participant will provide computational time (training time and separately time required to do predictions for the optimal model-parameter setting excluding data loading times) associated to every submission, accompanied with an estimation of their computing power. This estimation is provided by running a calibration program provided by the challenge organizers.
  • In order to assess more precisely how the accuracy depends on the computational time, every participant is kindly asked to provide the predictions obtained for various fractions of the total computational time T, on the biggest dataset he or she will consider. Preferred fractions: T/10,T/9…,T
  • After the end of the competition, every participant will provide an extended abstract (4 pages) describing the algorithm.
  • All participants will be requested to provide executable or source code, allowing to re-run the algorithm under the same computing conditions, for a later timing re-calibration and re-run of the top-ten methods.

In order to fairly assess the performances of the SVM-QP solvers, the participants to the SVM tracks are asked to comply with two requirements:

  • NO DATA PREPARATION ALLOWED (no feature construction, no feature selection, …).
  • NO PARAMETER TUNING ALLOWED (penalization factor C, and Gaussian kernel radius tau, are set to a prescribed value)

Challenge Tasks

The overall goal is to tune your method such that achieves a low test error measured by the area over the precision recall curve in the shortest possible time and using as few datapoints as possible.

Wild Competition Track

In this track you are free to do anything that leads to more efficient, more accurate methods, e.g. perform feature selection, find effective data representations, use efficient program-code, tune the core algorithm etc. It may be beneficial to use the raw data representation (described below). For each dataset your method competes in you are requested to:

  • Train on 10^[2,3,4,5,6,7] and the maximum number of available datapoints. If your method cannot cope with all dataset sizes you are allowed to skip over too large datasets. For all of the training sessions the training time and time required to compute test outputs has to be recorded.
  • Additionally for the biggest dataset your method can deal with, we ask you to provide ten intermediate time/output-recordings. These can be obtained, by for example training twice and computing time and output after time T/10, T/9, …T (where T is the overall training time). Do not forget to include test-times in each of the recordings.

SVM Tracks

To allow for a comparison w.r.t. to non-SVM solvers, all SVM methods are required to compete in both tracks and therefore for SVMs step 1 is to attack the wild-track task. In addition to what has to be done in the wild track we ask you to do the following experiments.

  1. To measure convergence speed, we ask you to re-do the wild-track experiment for a fixed setting of C=0.01, epsilon=0.01 (and rbf kernel width tau=10) but measuring primal objective only.
  2. To simulate model selection you are requested to train SVMs for different C and rbf-widths keeping epsilon=0.01 fixed, again only measuring objective value.

Here epsilon denotes the relative duality gap (obj_primal-obj_dual)/obj_primal<epsilon=0.01. If your solver has a different stopping condition, choose it reasonably, i.e. such that you expect it to have similar duality gap. While early stopping is OK it may hurt your method in evaluation: If the objective of your svm solver deviates too much from others, i.e. by more than 5% (your_obj-obj_min)/your_obj<0.05, it will get low scores. Note that you have to use the data representation obtained by running the svmlight-conversion script in the second part (model selection) of the experiment. The following values for C/rbf-width shall be used:

  • for the Linear SVM Track it is required to train SVMs for Cs=[0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10]
  • for the RBF Kernel SVM Track it is required to train SVMs for fixed C=0.01 and tau=[0.01, 0.1, 1, 10, 100, 1000], whereK(x,y)= exp(-||x-y||^2 / tau).

Objective values are computed as follows:

  • for the Linear SVM Track
  • for the RBF Kernel SVM Track

Finally, if possible please include all parameters, rbf-tau, epsilon, SVM-C for all experiments in the result file.

Parallel Track

The recent paradigm shift of learning from single to multi-core shared memory architectures is the focus of the parallel track. For the parallel track methods have to be trained on 8 CPUs following the rules outlined in the wild track. To assess the parallelization quality, we in addition ask participants to train their method using 1,2,4,8 CPUs on the biggest dataset they can process. Note that the evaluation criteria are specifically tuned to parallel shared memory algorithms, i.e. instead of training time on each CPU you should measure wall-clock-time (including data loading time). In addition data loading time must be specified in a separate field.


The raw datasets can be downloaded from ftp://largescale.ml.tu-berlin.de/largescale. The provided script convert.py may be used to obtain a simple (not necessary optimal) feature representation in svm-light format.

Overview of the Raw Datasets

Dataset Training Validation Dimensions Format Description
alpha 500000 100000 500
Files are in ascii format, where each line corresponds to 1 example,

  val1 val2 ... valdim\n
  val1 val2 ... valdim\n
beta 500000 100000 500
gamma 500000 100000 500
delta 500000 100000 500
epsilon 500000 100000 2000
zeta 500000 100000 2000
fd 5469800 532400 900
  Files are binary, to obtain 1 example read 900 or 1156 bytes
  respectively (values 0..255)
ocr 3500000 670000 1156
dna 50000000 1000000 200
Files are ascii, each line contains a string of length 200 (symbols
ACGT), i.e.

webspam 350000 50000 variable
Files contains strings (webpages) separated with 0, i.e.
        html foo bar .../html\0

Submission Format

We provide an evaluation script that parses outputs and computes performance scores. We use this exact same script to do the live evaluation. It is suggested to run this script locally on a subset of the training data to test whether the submission format is correctly generated and to evaluate the results (note that the script can only be used on data where labels are available, e.g. subsets of the training data). It requires python-numpy and scipy to be installed. Additionally if matplotlib is installed, the performance figures will be drawn.

Additionally the data submission format is described below:

    • Wild Competition (download example submission)
              dataset_size0 -1 traintime0 testtime0 calibration0 objective C epsilon rfb-tau output0 output1 ...
              dataset_sizeN -1 traintimeN testtimeN calibrationN objective C epsilon rfb-tau output0 output1 ...
              dataset_sizeN index0 traintime0 testtime0 calibration0 objective C epsilon rfb-tau output0 output1 ...
              dataset_sizeN index9 traintime9 testtime0 calibration9 objective C epsilon rfb-tau output0 output1 ...
    • SVM Tracks (download example submission)A submission to the SVM track requires to take part in the wild competition, i.e. the submission file must start with the lines required for the wild competition. Then a single empty line announces the SVM-Track specific data:
      >a singly empty line here distinguishes wild from model specific track
              dataset_size0 -1 traintime0 testtime0 calibration0 objective C epsilon rfb-tau
              dataset_sizeN -1 traintimeN testtimeN calibrationN objective C epsilon rfb-tau
              dataset_sizeN index1 traintime1 testtime1 calibration1 objective C epsilon rfb-tau
              dataset_sizeN index9 traintime9 testtime0 calibration9 objective C epsilon rfb-tau
              dataset_sizeN -2 traintime0 testtime0 calibration0 objective C1 epsilon rfb-tau
              dataset_sizeN -2 traintimeK testtimeK calibration9 objective CK epsilon rfb-tau
      (or -3 and rbf-tau 1 ... K)


  • Parallel Track


A submission to the parallel track consists of two parts: The first one has the exact same syntax as the wild track (with time = wall-clock-time). The second part contains the 1,2,4,8 CPU experiment run on the biggest dataset (here C denotes the number of CPUs)

>a singly empty line here distinguishes wild from model specific track
        dataset_sizeN -4 walltimeN dataloadingtimeN calibrationN objective 1 epsilon rfb-tau
        dataset_sizeN -4 walltimeN dataloadingtimeN calibrationN objective 2 epsilon rfb-tau
        dataset_sizeN -4 walltimeN dataloadingtimeN calibrationN objective 4 epsilon rfb-tau
        dataset_sizeN -4 walltimeN dataloadingtimeN calibrationN objective 8 epsilon rfb-tau

Explanation of values (Column by Column)

  1. Dataset size – Values must match size of dataset or 10^[2,3,4,5,6,7]
  2. Index values of 0…9 (to distinguish values obtained while optimizing) only for the biggest dataset, -1 otherwise; for the SVM track -2 for the C experiment and -3 for the rbf-tau experiment
  3. Traintime – Time required for training (without data loading) in seconds / wall-clock time (including data loading) for the parallel track
  4. Testtime – Time required for applying the classifier to the validation/test data (without data loading) in seconds / data loading time for the parallel track
  5. Calibration – Score obtained using the provided calibration tool (values should be the same if run on the same machine)
  6. Method specific value: SVM Objective
  7. SVM-C / number of CPUs for the parallel track
  8. SVM-rbf-tau
  9. SVM epsilon
    • use 0 (for SVM Objective, SVM-C, SVM-rbf-tau, SVM epsilon) if not applicable
    • for SVM please fill in the different parameters, i.e. SVM objective, SVM-C, rbf-tau and stopping condition epsilon, as the meaning of epsilon may differ please explain in the description what epsilon stands for
    • for the linear svm track index -2 should be used when doing the experiment for C
    • for the gaussian svm track index -3 should be used when modifying rbf tau
  • The following values in columns 10-… must match the size of the validation/test set.

Assessment of the submissions

Different procedures will be considered depending on the track.

Wild Competition

For the Wild track, the ideal goal would be to determine the best algorithm in terms of learning accuracy, depending on the time budget allowed. Accordingly, the score of a participant is computed as the average rank of its contribution wrt the six scalar measures:

Time vs. Error This figure measures training time vs. area over the precision recall curve (aoPRC). It is obtained by displaying the different time budgets and their corresponding aoPRC on the biggest dataset. We compute the following scores based on that figure:

  • Minimum aoPRC
  • Area under Time vs. aoPRC Curve
  • The time t for which the aoPRC x falls below a threshold (x-overall_minimum_aoPRC)/x<0.05.
Size vs. Error This figure measures dataset size vs. area over the precision recall curve (aoPRC). It is obtained by displaying the different dataset sizes and their corresponding aoPRC that the methods achieve. We compute the following scores based on that figure:

  • Area under Size vs. aoPRC Curve
  • The size s for which the aoPRC x falls below a threshold (x-overall_minimum_aoPRC)/x<0.05.
Size vs Time This figure measures dataset size vs. training time. It is obtained by displaying the different dataset sizes and the corresponding training time that the methods achieve. We compute the following scores based on that figure:

  • Slope of the Curve b using a least squares fit to a*x^b.

SVM Tracks

For the SVM track, the point is to determine the best tradeoff between the computational effort and the learning accuracy. Accordingly, the score of a participant is computed as the average rank of its contribution wrt the five scalar measures

  • Minimal objective
  • Area under the Time vs. Objective Curve
  • Time to reach objective within 5% tolerance, i.e. minimal t for (t,obj) with (obj-overal_min_objective)/obj<0.05
  • Average Training Time for all C/Sigma
  • Computational Effort (scaling with dataset size)


Validation Results


Overall Ranking

Rank Score Submitter Title Date
1 4.40 chap – Olivier Chapelle Newton SVM 02.05.2008 20:57 CET
2 5.20 yahoo – Olivier Keerthi SDM SVM L2 19.06.2008 13:49 CET
3 5.60 yahoo – Olivier Keerthi SDM SVM L1 18.06.2008 19:28 CET
4 5.80 antoine – Antoine Bordes SgdQn 16.06.2008 14:21 CET
5 7.90 kristian – Kristian Woodsend IPM SVM 2 23.06.2008 15:10 CET
5 7.90 kristian – Kristian Woodsend Interior Point SVM 16.06.2008 21:56 CET
7 8.60 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR 19.06.2008 13:21 CET
8 9.90 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJ LSVM01 20.06.2008 03:31 CET
9 10.70 rofu – Rofu yu test 10.06.2008 16:31 CET
10 11.70 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers final 20.06.2008 12:06 CET
11 11.90 beaker – Gavin Cawley ORRR 12.06.2008 16:13 CET
11 11.90 rofu – Rofu yu liblinear 25.06.2008 11:57 CET
13 12.60 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers 27.05.2008 14:56 CET
14 14.00 garcke – Jochen Garcke AV SVM 02.06.2008 13:41 CET
15 14.10 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang CTJ LSVM 19.06.2008 04:16 CET
16 14.70 fravoj – Vojtech Franc Random 18.02.2008 15:29 CET
17 15.20 beaker – Gavin Cawley WRRR 24.06.2008 13:12 CET
18 15.50 rofu – Rofu yu L1 13.06.2008 13:17 CET
19 16.30 antoine – Antoine Bordes LaRankConverged 13.06.2008 19:11 CET
20 17.20 beaker – Gavin Cawley ORRR Ensemble 15.06.2008 16:54 CET
21 17.40 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJ LSVM02 25.06.2008 14:38 CET
22 18.80 fravoj – Vojtech Franc ocas 25.06.2008 14:28 CET
22 18.80 antoine – Antoine Bordes Larank 13.06.2008 14:37 CET
24 19.20 beaker – Gavin Cawley rr 06.06.2008 21:14 CET
24 19.20 garcke – Jochen Garcke AV SVM single 25.06.2008 15:58 CET
26 19.30 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang linearSVM01 11.06.2008 03:42 CET
26 19.30 xueqinz – Xueqin Zhang CHSVM 07.01.2009 01:27 CET
28 19.60 garcke – Jochen Garcke AV SVM 500k 10.06.2008 11:49 CET
28 19.60 garcke – Jochen Garcke AV SVM rbf track 23.06.2008 14:23 CET
30 19.70 fravoj – Vojtech Franc Stochastic SVM 18.02.2008 14:29 CET
31 20.30 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang linearSVM03 16.06.2008 05:58 CET
32 20.40 rofu – Rofu yu Coordinate descent dual l1 linear svm 10.06.2008 15:21 CET
33 20.50 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang sLsvm 17.06.2008 08:51 CET
34 20.70 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJsvm 21.01.2009 12:42 CET
35 20.80 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang lsvm04 16.06.2008 06:57 CET
36 21.00 ker2 – Porter Chang anSGD 05.01.2009 08:21 CET
37 21.10 xueqinz – Xueqin Zhang CHSVM4 14.01.2009 06:13 CET
38 21.30 fravoj – Vojtech Franc random2 25.06.2008 14:48 CET
39 21.40 bernhardP – Bernhard Pfahringer Random model trees 11.06.2008 11:29 CET
40 21.70 fravoj – Vojtech Franc ocas new 26.02.2009 16:28 CET
41 21.80 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR3 31.07.2008 11:55 CET
41 21.80 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR2 17.07.2008 15:25 CET
41 21.80 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers CR rows 12.06.2008 11:31 CET
44 21.90 rofu – Rofu yu linear 25.06.2008 15:17 CET
45 22.00 fravoj – Vojtech Franc ocas old 27.02.2009 09:07 CET
46 22.10 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang linearSVM02 12.06.2008 08:14 CET
47 22.20 xueqinz – Xueqin Zhang CHSVM2 11.01.2009 06:35 CET
48 22.30 dialND – Karsten Steinhaeuser alpha 3 15.04.2008 14:06 CET
49 22.40 xueqinz – Xueqin Zhang CHSVM3 14.01.2009 03:25 CET
49 22.40 dialND – Karsten Steinhaeuser alpha 1 25.03.2008 20:13 CET
51 25.21 fravoj – Vojtech Franc test1 08.01.2009 09:37 CET


Test Results


Overall Ranking

Rank Score Submitter Title Date
1 3.40 antoine – Antoine Bordes SgdQn 16.06.2008 14:21 CET
2 3.90 chap – Olivier Chapelle Newton SVM 02.05.2008 20:57 CET
3 5.00 yahoo – Olivier Keerthi SDM SVM L2 19.06.2008 13:49 CET
4 5.20 yahoo – Olivier Keerthi SDM SVM L1 18.06.2008 19:28 CET
5 7.40 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR 19.06.2008 13:21 CET
6 7.60 kristian – Kristian Woodsend Interior Point SVM 16.06.2008 21:56 CET
7 8.00 kristian – Kristian Woodsend IPM SVM 2 23.06.2008 15:10 CET
8 8.50 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers final 20.06.2008 12:06 CET
9 9.50 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers 27.05.2008 14:56 CET
10 9.90 garcke – Jochen Garcke AV SVM single 25.06.2008 15:58 CET
11 12.20 garcke – Jochen Garcke AV SVM 02.06.2008 13:41 CET
12 12.30 rofu – Rofu yu liblinear 25.06.2008 11:57 CET
13 12.40 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJsvm 21.01.2009 12:42 CET
14 13.10 rofu – Rofu yu Coordinate descent dual l1 linear svm 10.06.2008 15:21 CET
15 13.60 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJ LSVM01 20.06.2008 03:31 CET
16 14.20 antoine – Antoine Bordes LaRankConverged 13.06.2008 19:11 CET
17 14.50 beaker – Gavin Cawley ORRR 12.06.2008 16:13 CET
18 15.30 beaker – Gavin Cawley WRRR 24.06.2008 13:12 CET
19 15.60 fravoj – Vojtech Franc Random 18.02.2008 15:29 CET
20 15.70 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJ LSVM02 25.06.2008 14:38 CET
21 16.20 beaker – Gavin Cawley ORRR Ensemble 15.06.2008 16:54 CET
22 16.70 fravoj – Vojtech Franc ocas 25.06.2008 14:28 CET
23 17.50 beaker – Gavin Cawley rr 06.06.2008 21:14 CET
23 17.50 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers CR rows 12.06.2008 11:31 CET
25 17.70 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang linearSVM01 11.06.2008 03:42 CET
26 17.80 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR2 17.07.2008 15:25 CET
26 17.80 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR3 31.07.2008 11:55 CET
28 18.00 ker2 – Porter Chang anSGD 05.01.2009 08:21 CET
29 18.10 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang lsvm04 16.06.2008 06:57 CET
30 18.20 fravoj – Vojtech Franc random2 25.06.2008 14:48 CET
31 18.30 aiiaSinica – Han-Shen Huang linearSVM03 16.06.2008 05:58 CET


Final Results


Final Ranking

Rank Score Submitter Title Date
1 2.60 chap – Olivier Chapelle Newton SVM 02.05.2008 20:57 CET
2 2.70 antoine – Antoine Bordes SgdQn 16.06.2008 14:21 CET
3 3.20 yahoo – Olivier Keerthi SDM SVM L2 19.06.2008 13:49 CET
4 3.50 yahoo – Olivier Keerthi SDM SVM L1 18.06.2008 19:28 CET
5 5.00 MB – Marc Boulle Averaging of Selective Naive Bayes Classifiers final 20.06.2008 12:06 CET
6 5.80 beaker – Gavin Cawley LR 19.06.2008 13:21 CET
7 6.80 kristian – Kristian Woodsend IPM SVM 2 23.06.2008 15:10 CET
8 7.30 ker2 – Porter Chang CTJ LSVM01 20.06.2008 03:31 CET
9 7.70 antoine – Antoine Bordes LaRankConverged 13.06.2008 19:11 CET
10 8.00 rofu – Rofu yu liblinear 25.06.2008 11:57 CET