CALL FOR PAPERS – 2011 International Conference on Multimodal
Interaction (ICMI2011)
2011 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI2011)
November 14-18, 2011
Alicante, Spain
The International Conference on Multimodal Interfaces (ICMI) and
the Workshop on Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction
(MLMI) are combined to form the new ICMI, which continues to be
the premium international forum where multimodal signal
processing and multimedia human-computer interaction are
presented and discussed. The conference will focus on theoretical
and empirical foundations, varied component technologies, and
combined multimodal processing techniques that define the field
of multimodal interaction analysis, interface design, and system
development. ICMI 2011 will feature a single-track main
conference which includes:
* keynote speakers
* technical full and short papers
(including oral and poster presentations)
* special sessions
* demonstrations
* exhibits and doctoral spotlight papers
The main conference will be held November 14-16, 2011 and
followed by a 2-day workshop.
TOPICS OF INTEREST include but are not limited to:
* Multimodal and multimedia interactive processing: multimodal
fusion, multimodal output generation, multimodal interactive
discourse and dialogue modeling, machine learning methods for
multimodal interaction.
* Multimodal input and output interfaces: gaze and vision-based
interfaces, speech and conversational interfaces, pen-based and
haptic interfaces, virtual/augmented reality interfaces,
biometric interfaces, adaptive multimodal interfaces, natural
user interfaces, authoring techniques, architectures.
* Multimodal and interactive applications: Mobile and ubiquitous
interfaces, meeting analysis and meeting spaces, interfaces to
media content and entertainment, human-robot interfaces and
interaction, audio/speech and vision interfaces for gaming,
multimodal interaction issues in telepresence, vehicular
applications and navigational aids, interfaces for intelligent
environments, universal access and assistive computing,
multimodal indexing, structuring and summarization.
* Human interaction analysis and modeling: modeling and analysis
of multimodal human-human communication, audio-visual perception
of human interaction, analysis and modeling of verbal and
nonverbal interaction, cognitive modeling.
* Multimodal and interactive data, evaluation, and standards:
evaluation techniques and methodologies, annotation and browsing
of multimodal and interactive data, standards for multimodal
interactive interfaces.
* Core enabling technologies: pattern recognition, machine
learning, computer vision, speech recognition, gesture
* Workshops proposal: March 1, 2011
* Paper and demo submission: May 13, 2011
* Author notification: August 5, 2011
* Camera ready deadline: September 02, 2011
* Conference: November 14-16, 2011
* Workshops: November 17-18, 2011
PDF file of the Call-for-Papers can be found at
For up-to-date information on the technical and social program
for practical arrangements, please visit the conference website
We hope to welcome you in Alicante in November 2011!
General Chairs:
Herve Bourlard (Idiap Research Institute)
Thomas S. Huang (University of Illinois)
Enrique Vidal (Technical University of Valencia)
Program Chairs:
Daniel Gatica-Perez (Idiap Research Institute)
L.P. Morency (University of Southern California)
Nicu Sebe (University of Trento)
Demo Chairs:
Kazuhiro Otsuka (NTT Communication Science Labs)
Jordi Vitria (UB/CVC, Barcelona)
Workshop Chairs:
Alejandro Jaimes (Yahoo! Research, Barcelona)
Fernando de la Torre (Carnegie Mellon University)
Publication Chair:
Jose Oncina (University of Alicante)
Student & Spot. Chair:
Li Deng (Microsoft Research and University of Washington)
Sponsorship Chair:
Nuria Oliver (Telefonica I+D)
Publicity Chair:
Helen Mei-Ling Meng (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Local Org. Chair:
Luisa Mico (University of Alicante)
Jorge Calera (University of Alicante)
Local organizers:
Xavier Anguera (Telefonica I+D)
Antonio J. Gallego (University of Alicante)
Ida Hui (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Jose Manuel Inesta (University of Alicante)
Alejandro H. Toselli (Technical University of Valencia)