News Archives

CVMP 2012 – Short Paper submissions ending soon…

Short Paper deadline fast approaching!

The submission deadline for full papers is 19th October 2012, so you only have a week left.
Accepted papers will appear in the conference programme. For more information about online submission, please go to the CVMP website. (

Submission Deadline: 19th October 2012

Earlybird Registration

Registration for CVMP is now open! Earlybird tickets are on sale now, but hurry! There are only a
limited number of Earlybird tickets available – Register for CVMP 2012. (
We look forward to hearing from you.

Jan Kautz, UCL
Programme Chair

Reminder: Multi-Trade-offs in Machine Learning, NIPS-2012 workshop

Multi-Trade-offs in Machine Learning
NIPS-2012 Workshop, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, US
December 7 or 8, 2012

We invite submission of abstracts and open problems to Multi-Trade-offs in Machine Learning NIPS-2012 workshop.
Submission Deadline: October 16.
Travel Support Application Deadline: October 23.
Notification of Acceptance: October 30.
More details are provided below.


One of the main practical goals of machine learning is to identify relevant trade-offs in different problems, formalize, and solve them. We have already achieved fairly good progress in addressing individual trade-offs, such as model order selection or exploration-exploitation. In this workshop we would like to focus on problems that involve more than one trade-off simultaneously. We are interested both in practical problems where “multi-trade-offs” arise and in theoretical approaches to their solution. Obviously, many problems in life cannot be reduced to a single trade-off and it is highly important to improve our ability to address multiple trade-offs simultaneously. Below we provide several examples of situations, where multiple trade-offs arise simultaneously. The goal of the examples is to provide a starting point for a discussion, but they are not limiting the scope and any other multi-trade-off problem is welcome to be discussed at the workshop.

Multi-trade-offs arise naturally in interaction between multiple learning systems or when a learning system faces multiple tasks simultaneously; especially when the systems or tasks share common resources, such as CPU time, memory, sensors, robot body, and so on. For a concrete example, imagine a robot riding a bicycle and balancing a pole. Each task individually (cycling and pole balancing) can be modeled as a separate optimization problem, but their solutions has to be coordinated, since they share robot resources and robot body. More generally, each learning system or system component has its own internal trade-offs, which have to be balanced against the trade-offs of other systems, whereas shared resources introduce external trade-offs that enforce cooperation. The complexity of interaction can vary from independent systems sharing common resources to systems with various degrees of relation between their inputs and tasks. In multi-agent systems communication between the agents introduces an additional trade-off.
We are also interested in multi-trade-offs that arise within individual systems. For example, model order selection and computational complexity [1], or model order selection and exploration-exploitation [2]. For a specific example of this type of problems, imagine a system for real-time prediction of the location of a ball in table tennis. This system has to balance between at least three objectives that interact in a non-trivial manner: (1) complexity of the model of flight trajectory, (2) statistical reliability of the model, (3) computational requirements. Complex models can potentially provide better predictions, but can also lead to overfitting (trade-off between (1) and (2)) and are computationally more demanding. At the same time, there is also a trade-off between having fast crude predictions or slower, but more precise estimations (trade-off between (3) and (1)+(2)). Despite the complex nature of multi-trade-offs, there is still hope that they can be formulated as convex problems, at least in some situations [3].

[1] Shai Shalev-Shwartz and Nathan Srebro. “SVM Optimization: Inverse Dependence on Training Set Size”, ICML, 2008.
[2] Yevgeny Seldin, Peter Auer, François Laviolette, John Shawe-Taylor, and Ronald Ortner. “PAC-Bayesian Analysis of Contextual Bandits”, NIPS, 2011.
[3] Andreas Argyriou, Theodoros Evgeniou and Massimiliano Pontil. Convex multi-task feature learning. Machine Learning, 2008, Volume 73, Number 3.

Call for Contributions

We invite submission of abstracts and open problems to the workshop. Abstracts and open problems should be at most 4 pages long in the NIPS format (appendices are allowed, but the organizers reserve the right to evaluate the submissions based on the first 4 pages only). Selected abstracts and open problems will be presented as talks or posters during the workshop. Submissions should be sent by email to


Submission Deadline: October 16.

Notification of Acceptance: October 30.

• Theory and application-oriented contributions are equally welcome.
• All the submissions should indicate clearly at least two non-trivial trade-offs they are addressing.
• Submission of previously published work or work under review is allowed, in particular NIPS-2012 submissions. However, for oral presentations preference will be given to novel work or work that was not yet presented elsewhere (for example, recent journal publications or NIPS posters). All double submissions must be clearly declared as such!

Invited Speakers

Shai Shalev-Shwartz, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jan Peters, Technische Universitaet Darmstadt and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta


Yevgeny Seldin, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and University College London
Guy Lever, University College London
John Shawe-Taylor, University College London
Koby Crammer, The Technion
Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi, Università degli Studi di Milano
François Laviolette, Université Laval (Québec)
Gábor Lugosi, Pompeu Fabra University
Peter Bartlett, UC Berkeley and Queensland University of Technology


We are grateful for receiving support from the PASCAL network.

If you would also like to sponsor this event, please, contact

Tentative Schedule
7:30 – 7:35 Opening remarks
7:35 – 8:20 Invited Talk
8:20 – 8:50 Two Contributed Talks
8:50 – 9:10 Break
9:10 – 9:55 Invited Talk
9:55 – 10:30 Open Problems Session
10:30 – 15:30 Break
15:30 – 16:15 Invited Talk
16:15 – 16:25 Break
16:25 – 17:00 Two Contributed Talks
17:00 – 18:30 Posters
18:30 – 19:00 Workshop Summary and Open Discussion

Two Post-Doctoral Positions in Algorithms and Machine Learning – Aalto University

Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University , Espoo, Finland has two open postdoctoral positions in algorithms and machine learning.

Successful candidates will join Algorithmic Data Analysis Centre of Excellence in research teams lead by Professor Juho Rousu (Machine learning, kernel methods), Petteri Kaski (Algorithm theory) and Chief Research Scientist Jaakko Hollmen (Parsimonious modeling) to conduct high-quality research according to their research plan. The appointments are for two years.
The starting times for the positions are negotiable.

We expect the applicants to have a PhD degree (or close to completing one) in computer science, mathematics or statistics, with an excellent publication record. We expect solid research experience in one or more of the following fields:

– Algorithm theory
– Supervised machine learning
– Kernel methods
– Large-scale optimization
– Parsimonious modeling

Excellent technical and communications skills are required. Good command of English is a necessary prerequisite. In addition to research work, a postdoctoral researcher is expected to participate in the supervision of students and teaching related to their research topic.

The salary level for a starting postdoctoral researcher at the Aalto ICS Department is typically, depending on experience and qualifications, between 3200 and 3600 EUR per month according to the salary system applied in Aalto University. The contract includes occupational health services and Finland has a comprehensive social security system.

Application procedure

The applications should be sent by email to and they should contain the following documents in PDF:
– Expression of interest that includes contact information of the applicant, and names and contact information of two senior academics available for reference per e-mail
– A complete curriculum vitae describing education and employment history
– List of publications, with pointers to openly available online versions of at most three of the most relevant publications

Please cite the call identifier “Algodan” in all the application documents. Candidates are required to hold a PhD degree before the start of the contract in order to qualify. At the beginning of the employment relationship the positions are located at the Aalto University Otaniemi campus in Espoo. Candidates may be invited for an interview on the Otaniemi campus of Aalto University in Espoo.

For further information, please contact:
– Juho Rousu, Petteri Kaski and Jaakko Hollmén, group specific information)
– HR Coordinator, Mr Stefan Ehrstedt, (application process related questions)

Deadline for applications is October 31, 2012. Application materials will not be returned.

Espoo, October 2012.

About the Department of Information and Computer Science

The Department of Information and Computer Science at Aalto University in Espoo/Helsinki, Finland, pursues research on advanced computational methods for modelling, analysing, and solving complex tasks in technology and science. The research aims at the development of fundamental computer science methods for the analysis of large and high-dimensional data sets, and for the modelling and design of complex software, networking and other computational systems.

In the recent Research Assessment Exercise covering all the 46 units of Aalto University, the Department of Information and Computer Science was one of two units achieving an almost perfect score of 24 out of 25, from review panels assessing the units on a scale of 1 to 5 in the five subareas of scientific quality, scientific impact, societal impact, research environment, and future potential. The Department has a web site at

About Aalto University

Aalto University is a new university created in 2010 from the merger of the Helsinki University of Technology TKK, the Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Art and Design Helsinki. The University’s cornerstones are its strengths in education and research, with 20,000 basic degree and graduate students, and a staff of 4,500 of whom 350 are professors. For further information, see

CALL FOR PAPERS: MASAUM International Conference on Information Technology 2013 (MICIT ?13)

January 01-03,2013,
Dubai United Arab Emirates
Organized & Technically Co-Sponsored by MASAUM Network

Paper submission deadline: September 30, 2012 (extended)

Call For Paper:

We cordially invite you to submit research paper(s) to the MASAUM International
Conference on Information Technology 2013 (MIC-IT ’13),will be held on January 01-03, 2013 at Dubai, United Arab Emirates and will be organized and technically co-sponsored by MASAUM Network.

Previous Conference:
MASAUM International Conference on Information Technology 2012 (MIC-IT’12) was held on July 27-29, 2012 at Liverpool, UK.

MASAUM International Conference on Information Technology 2013 (MIC-IT’13) is a three-day conference aiming to provide a forum for academics, practitioners, consultants and students to debate current international issues and challenges in the broad area of Information Technology.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by MASAUM Network. Proceedings of MIC-IT ’13 will also be published online.


There will be three types of sessions in MICIT ’13,Regular Sessions, Online Sessions and Remote Sessions.

Regular Session: Session will be organized in MICIT ’13 , Dubai, UAE
ONLINE Session: Session will be conducted online using web conferencing tools and presenters will present from their homes/offices.
Remote Session: Session(mini conference) will be hosted and conducted in the parent department of the session organizer and presenter will present their paper there.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings published by MASAUM Network .Proceedings of MIC-IT ’13 will also be published online .The conference proceedings will be published by MASAUM Network.

Proceedings will be sent to ISI, EI Compendex, ELSEVIER, SCOPUS ACM, ISTP,AMS, ACS,EBSCO,Engineering Village / Engineering Index (EI),DOAJ,Library of Congress,British Library,Electronic Journals Library,Scholargoogle,DBLP and several more international indexes.

Enhanced versions of accepted papers will be published by:
MASAUM Journal of Computer Science
MASAUM Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

Selected Papers will be published in INFORMATION, An International Interdisciplinary Journal,Published by International Information Institute, Tokyo, Japan,Indexed by SCIE, JCP/SE, MR, ZM and JDreamII and having Impact factor 0.99

Topics (30 Tracks)

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

Track 1. Mobile and Ubiquitous Computing
Track 2. Dependable, Reliable and Autonomic Computing
Track 3. Security and Trust Management
Track 4. Multimedia Systems and Services
Track 5. Networks and Communications
Track 6. Database and Data Mining
Track 7. Game and Software Engineering
Track 8. Grid, Cloud ,Scalable Computing and their Applications
Track 9. Embedded System , Software and Applications
Track 10.Artificial Intelligence
Track 11.Distributed and Parallel Techniques and Practices
Track 12.Web and Internet Computing
Track 13.IT Policy and Business Management
Track 14. Semantic Web and Web Services
Track 15.Software Engineering Research and Practice
Track 16. Modeling, Simulations and Visualization Methods
Track 17. Image Processing , Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
Track 18. Information and Knowledge Engineering
Track 19. Wireless Networks
Track 20. Internet Computing
Track 21. Genetics and Evolutionary Methods
Track 22. Frontier in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Track 23. Foundations of Computer Science
Track 24. E-learning, E-business, E-commerce and E-government
Track 25. Scientific Computing
Track 26. Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality
Track 27. Computer Design
Track 28. Bio Informatics and Computer Biology
Track 29. Health Informatics
Track 30. Data Warehouse and Knowledge Warehouse

Authors are invited to submit their work in MASAUM Network Paper Template (less than 6 pages) as an attachment (Doc format as well as Pdf) by email to: as well as to with subject “Submissions for MIC-IT 2013”

Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: September 30,, 2012
Author Notification: October 10, 2012
Registration Deadline: October 30,2012
Camera Ready Paper Submission Deadline: October 30,2012

Financial Support

Finacial support is provided to authors of the developing countries.
Financial support is provided to those , who have been invited to contribute and present a paper at MICIT ’13 .

There are three types of financial support :

1. Presenters of the papers are provided assistance up to 50 per cent, of the airfare (to and fro excursion/economy class)
2. University faculty members are eligible for assistance up to 50 per cent of the total cost travel plus maintenance .
3. Students/Scholars from develoing countries,are eligible for 100 per cent travel cost and 50 per cent maintenance provided they are unable to secure grants from any other source.

How to Apply for Financial Support
Please send following information to before October 15,2012
Title of the Paper:
Paper Id:
Full Name:
Date of Birth:
Detailed Bio-Data
City & Country:

Conference Genral Co-Chair

Prof.Dr.R K Mittal, Director,Department of Computer Science,BITS Pilani, Dubai Campus,Dubai, UAE

Prof.Dr.Rosli Abu Bakar,Fakulti kejuruteraan Mekanikal,Universiti Malaysia Pahang,Pekan, Pahang, Malaysia

Conference Program Chair

Prof.Raj Jain, Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of ACM, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis,St.Louis,USA

Prof.Hyunsung Kim, Dept. of Cyber Security, Kyungil University,Kyungsan, South Korea

For More Information, Please Contact

Ms.Shiella Nancy, Secretary MIC-IT ’13

Note: Please visit following:

For MSAUM Conferences:
For MASAUM Journals:
For MASAUM E-Books:



Measuring implicit prejudices

Hi everyone,

Prejudices: the worst is not pride, but unawareness.

In case you want to measure your implicit prejudices (wrt gender issues, but generalization is straightforward),

you need 10 minutes:
(click on Four-Category Race IAT).

Would you be willing to know about the gender-prejudice distribution in the Pascal crowd ? Reply YES to this e-mail.

Thanks for having read so far,

Michele and Dunja

CFP: ESWC-2013, submissions by December 5th (abstract) and Decemebr 12th (papers), 2012

10th ESWC 2013 — Semantics and Big Data May 26-30, 2013. Montpellier, France.

General Chair:
Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University, DE)

Program Chairs
Valentina Presutti (STLab, ISTC-CNR, IT) Oscar Corcho (UPM, ES)

==== Call for Papers ====

ESWC is the premier European-based annual conference for researchers and practitioners in the field of semantic technologies. ESWC is the ideal venue for the discussion of the latest scientific insights and novel applications of semantic technologies.

The leading motto of the 10th edition of ESWC will be “Semantics and Big Data”. A crucial challenge that will guide the efforts of many scientific communities in the years to come is the one of making sense of large volumes of heterogeneous and complex data. Application-relevant data often has to be processed in real time and originates from diverse sources such as Linked Data, text and speech, images, videos and sensors, communities and social networks, etc. ESWC, with its focus on semantics, can offer an important contribution to global challenge.

ESWC 2013 will feature nine thematic research tracks (see below) as well as an in-use and industrial track. In line with the motto “Semantics and Big Data”, the conference will feature a special track on “Semantic Technologies for Big Data Analytics in Real Time”. In order to foster the interaction with other disciplines, this year’s edition will also feature a special track on “Cognition and Semantic Web”.

For the research and special tracks, we welcome the submission of papers describing theoretical, analytical, methodological, empirical, and application research on semantic technologies. For the In-Use and Industrial track we solicit the submission of papers describing the practical exploitation of semantic technologies in different domains and sectors.
Submitted papers should describe original work, present significant results, and provide rigorous, principled, and repeatable evaluation. We strongly encourage and appreciate the submission of papers including links to data sets and other material used for the evaluation as well as to live demos or source code for tool implementations.

Submitted papers will be judged based on originality, awareness of related work, potential impact on the Semantic Web field, technical soundness of the proposed methods, and readability. Each paper will be reviewed by at least three program committee members in addition to one track chair. This year a rebuttal phase has been introduced in order to give authors the opportunity to provide feedback to reviewers’ questions. The authors’ answers will support reviewers and track chairs in their discussion and in taking final
decisions regarding acceptance.

Important Dates (11:59pm Hawaii Time)

Abstract submission: December 5th, 2012
Full paper submission: December 12th, 2012 Authors’ rebuttals: February 11th-12th, 2013 Acceptance Notification: February 22nd, 2013 Camera ready: March 9th, 2013
Conference: May 26th-30th, 2013

Submission information

All papers and abstracts have to be submitted via the conference submission
Each submitted paper must be associated with one of the available tracks.
Abstract submission is a strict requirement.

Papers will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Papers must be in English, should not exceed fifteen
(15) pages in length and must be formatted according to the LNCS guidelines.
More information about Springer’s LNCS series are available on the Springer LNCS Web site. Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe’s Portable Document
Format) format and will not be accepted in any other format. Papers that exceed 15 pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines can be rejected automatically without a review.

Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide semantic annotations for the abstract of their submission at the time of acceptance. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference and present the paper there.

All tracks and associated chairs are listed below. Additional information, track descriptions, and list of topics of interest can be found on the conference web site:

** ESWC 2013 Research Tracks **

Aldo Gangemi (LIPN-Paris 13-Sorbonne Cité, FR and STLab ISTC-CNR,
Eva Blomqvist (Linköping University, SE)

Pascal Hitzler (Wright State University Dayton, Ohio-USA)
Luciano Serafini (FBK, Trento, IT)

Linked Open Data
Jun Zhao (University of Oxford, UK)
Jens Lehmann (University of Leipzig, DE)

Semantic Data Management
María Esther Vidal (Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela)
Axel Polleres (Siemens AG Österreich, AT)

Social Web and Web Science
Marta Sabou (MODUL University Vienna, AT)
Andreas Hotho (University of Würzburg, DE)

Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval Chairs
Alfio Gliozzo (IBM Watson Research Center, USA)
Malvina Nissim (University of Bologna, IT)

Machine Learning
Claudia d’Amato (University of Bari, IT)
Dunja Mladenic (J. Stefan Institute Ljubljana, SI)

Mobile Web, Sensors and Semantic Streams Chairs
Josiane Parreira (DERI, IR)
Payam Barnaghi (University of Surrey, UK)

Services, Processes and Cloud Computing
Terry Payne (University of Liverpool, UK)
José Luis Ambite (University of Southern California, US)

** ESWC 2013 In-use & Industrial Track **

Sofia Angeletou (BBC, UK)
José Manuel Gómez-Pérez (iSOCO, ES)

** ESWC 2013 Special Tracks **

Semantic Web for Big Data Analytics in Real Time Chair
Sören Auer (University of Leipzig, DE)

Cognition and Semantic Web
Krzysztof Janowicz (University of California, USA)
Kai-Uwe Kuehnberger (University of Osnabrück, DE)

For more detailed information, please visit the conference website:

ML/NLP Researcher positions – NICTA (Canberra, Australia)

There are several positions available for PhD qualified researchers at the intersection of machine learning and natural language processing at the Canberra Lab of NICTA.

Duration: Up to 3 years
Salary: $AU95-110k TRP
Closing Date: 8 October

1 year post-doc in large scale ML in SequeL research group, INRIA, Lille, France

we are looking for a post-doc in the area of large scale sequential learning, to work with Dr. Jérémie Mary and myself.
The position is open in the SequeL research group, located in Lille, France (see
The duration of the contract is 1 year, starting no later than 28 Dec. 2012. Due to administrative procedures, applying is urgent.

The candidate should be eager to contribute to the state of the art of ML, either on fundamental issues, or the design of new and efficient algorithms along with their implementation to deal with today large amounts of data (say O(10^10), or more).
He/she has a passion for bringing sound, mathematically grounded ideas, into working algorithms to face this amount of data.
The topic of the work is voluntarily left rather open: it can be related to matrix and tensor factorization, gradient methods, sparsity issues, graphs, …The sequential aspect is important: the data the algorithm are supposed to process are evolving along time (imagine the graph of the web, information flowing from sensors, …). On top of that, decision may be taken based on what has been learned, turning the whole thing into a sequential decision problem. (This decision making aspect is not absolutly necessary to deal with during the post-doc: it is left as an open direction).

Please note that regarding implementations, Matlab and that sort of software are not welcome. We look forward real software developped in C/C++. Prototyping may be done in R.

For more details about the offer, and the application procedure, please visit

If you wish to apply, please email me and provide a detailed CV.

ChaLearn gesture challenge demonstration competition

Free entrance to visitors

November 10, 2012, Tsukuba Science Information Center, Japan

You are invited to visit the ChaLearn gesture challenge demonstration competition using the Microsoft Kinect(TM) sensor.
The competition takes place in conjunction with ICPR on November 10, 2012. Registration is free and can be done from the webpage:
It does not require entering the challenge:
1 pm-4 pm: Talks by the presenters.
4 pm-5 pm: Review of the posters and demonstrations by the committee and the public.

Microsoft is offering prizes to the best entrant:
First prize: USD 5000,
Second prize: USD 3000,
Third prize: USD 2000.

To enter the challenge, the deadline to submit proposals in October 1st.

This event is part if the ChaLearn gesture challenge sponsored by Pascal2. There will be a free dinner invitation to Pascal2 members who attend the event where they will have an opportunity to meet with the contestants and the organizers.

CALL FOR PAPERS: IbPRIA 2013 – 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

Madeira, Portugal
June 5-7, 2013

The Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
(IbPRIA) is an international event co-organised every two years, by
the Portuguese and Spanish Associations for Pattern Recognition.
IbPRIA is a single track conference that includes tutorials, special
sessions, invited speakers as well as oral and poster presentations.
The conference is intended to act as a forum for research groups,
engineers and practitioners to present recent results, algorithmic
improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition
and image analysis.

The conference is looking for new theoretical results, techniques and
main applications on any aspect of pattern recognition and image
analysis, including but not restricted to the following topics:

Pattern Recognition
Image Analysis
Computer Vision
Multimedia Systems
Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Computer Vision for Robotics and Automation
Image Coding and Processing
Shape and Texture Analysis
Information Systems
Biometric Technologies
Speech Recognition
Document Processing
Character and Text Recognition
Remote Sensing
Industrial Applications of Pattern Recognition
Special Hardware Architectures


Papers should describe original and unpublished work on the topics of
the conference. Prospective authors should prepare a full paper,
written in english, not exceeding 8 pages and must submit it
electronically. Further information can be found on the conference
website: paper will be blind-reviewed
by at least two reviewers and will be accepted based on its
originality, signficance and clarity. All accepted papers will appear
in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, LNCS Series. A copy of the
proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the Conference.
Moreover, the IbPRIA 2013 conference provides additional opportunities
for journal publicaction and best paper awards. Contacts are being
established with an indexed journal for a special issue. Submission
implies that at least one of the authors has to register and to
present the communication atthe conference if the paper is accepted.


Submission of papers November 19, 2012
Notification of acceptance January 19, 2013
Camera-Ready February 2, 2013

For more information please visit