News Archives

Postdoc positions at IBM Language and Knowledge Center, Trento, Italy

The newly established IBM Language and Knowledge Center, Trento , Italy has a postdoc position in the following area:

-Natural Language Dialog

The postdoc scholar will be part of a research project aiming at designing machines
that interact with humans and support them in complex and large scale decision making tasks.
The team includes researchers from IBM and the TrentoRise Human Language Technology Center
founded by the University of Trento and FBK. Candidates with strong research background in
at least one of the following:

– Conversational Dialogue Systems
– Statistical models of Dialogue
– Natural Language Understanding
– Machine Learning
– Question Answering Systems

are invited to apply.

The official postdoc position application site

If you would like to enquiry about the position send an email along with the CV to

Prof. Giuseppe Riccardi

Deadline: February 5, 2013

PhD position in “Risk Management in Legal Reasoning”, Queen Mary, University of London-School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science

We are looking for a strongly motivated person with an MSc or an excellent BS in computer science, mathematical psychology, or cognitive science. The focus of this doctoral research will be to address a key problem in the domain of legal reasoning: Bayesian statistics is playing an increasingly important role in many types of forensic evidence, but, problematically, the impact of the evidence is generally misunderstood and poorly presented by legal practitioners. The problem is exacerbated by a failure to consider or understand Bayes’ theorem, which is the only rational to way to determine to impact of different pieces of evidence (this problem afflicts forensic experts as well as lawyers). The consequent misuse of statistical evidence has resulted in frequent miscarriages of justice, both in the UK and worldwide. This studentship will involve multidisciplinary research that includes the fields of cognitive psychology, statistics, data visualisation, as well as computer science. The research will address the problem of how non-experts in statistics can be presented with statistical evidence such that the evidence is comprehended and used correctly.

Applicants must have a strong computational background, a solid understanding of Bayesian statistics, excellent writing skills, as well as an understanding or interest in human psychology degree, and know how to, or can easily learn how to, program interactive online experiments. The closing date for applications is 31 January 2013 at 5pm, GMT.

The studentship is funded for three years and will cover student fees and a tax-free stipend starting at £15,590 per annum. Candidates for either studentship should have a first class honours degree or equivalent, or a strong Masters Degree, in computer science, mathematics, physics or electronic engineering, or computational cognitive science. The studentships will be based in the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Queen Mary University of London, in the Risk and Information Management Group,which has a world-leading reputation in the area of risk assessment. The RIM group undertakes interdisciplinary research in decision analysis and risk, databases/information retrieval, personalisation, learning, uncertainty, and Bayesian methods. Much of the research involves combining data and human expertise to create intelligent solutions for high stakes decisions. We work with practitioners to produce intelligent ‘unified models’ (typically causal Bayesian networks) that use both data and expertise as inputs, to support expert decision making in multiple application domains. The group is currently working on improved decision making in medical, legal, systems engineering, security and safety applications.

Further particulars, and information on how to apply can be accessed here:

If you have any queries regarding this vacancy or the application process, please contact Anne Hsu,

Closing Date
31 Jan 2013, 5pm GMT.

Interviews in Feb 2013.

FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: 2nd International Workshop on Learning, Agents and Formal Languages (LAFLang)

15-18 February, 2013
Barcelona, Spain

Co-located with ICAART 2013 – International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence

Sponsored by PASCAL 2


The workshop focuses on the common space delimited by three main areas: machine learning, agent technologies and formal language theory. The main goal of the workshop is to promote interdisciplinarity among people working in such disciplines, boosting the interchange of knowledge and viewpoints between specialists.


We are interested in contributions on any interaction between machine learning, agent technologies and formal language theory. Topics include (but are not limited to):

– Agent systems modelling
– Computational models of language learning
– Theoretical and/or empirical aspects of Grammatical Inference
– Theoretical descriptions of languages based on agent systems
– Formal models of bio-inspired agent systems
– Learning agents: Machine learning and Agent systems
– Applications of machine learning and agent technologies to natural language processing, human-computer interaction and language evolution.
– Intelligent human-computer interaction


Paper Submission: November 18, 2012
Authors Notification: November 30, 2012
Final Paper Submission: December 12, 2012


Prospective authors are invited to submit papers in any of the topics listed above.
Instructions for preparing the manuscript (in Word and Latex formats) are available at: Paper Templates
Please also check the Guidelines and Templates
Papers should be submitted electronically via the web-based submission system at:


All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings book, under an ISBN reference and on CD-ROM support.
All papers presented at the conference venue will be available at the SciTePress Digital Library ( )
SciTePress is member of CrossRef ( )


Leonor Becerra-Bonache, University of Saint-Etienne, Saint-Étienne, France
M. Dolores Jiménez-López, Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain


Philippe Beaune, ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Leonor Becerra-Bonache, University of Saint-Etienne, France
Olivier Boissier, ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France
Alexander Clark, Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Colin de la Higuera, Nantes University, France
Ricard Gavaldà, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Amaury Habrard, University of Saint-Etienne, France
Jeffrey Heinz, University of Delaware, USA
Adrian Horia Dediu, “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Romania
Jean Christophe Janodet, University of Evry, France
María Dolores Jiménez-López, Rovira i Virgili University, Spain
José Oncina, University of Alicante, Spain
Alfonso Ortega, Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Marc Sebban, University of Saint-Etienne, France
Menno van Zaanen, Tilburg University, Netherlands
György Vaszil, University of Debrecen, Hungary


If you have any question please feel free to contact us at the following addresses:

PhD position in computer vision/machine learning at CVSSP

This is your opportunity to study for a PhD at the Centre for Vision, Speech and Signal Processing, one of the UK’s premier research
centres in Computer Vision.

The project will study the development of novel, multi-purpose representations of visual information making use of hierarchical and
distributed encoding and weakly supervised learning approaches. The candidates are expected to have solid programming experience
and mathematical background, and a broad interest in vision and cognition problems is desirable.

Successful applicants will join an expanding research group within the Centre for Vision Speech and Signal Processing which has
over 120 people working in vision, machine learning and related disciplines. It has an international reputation for the excellence of its
research and, in the last Research Assessment Exercise; the Department (of Electronic Engineering) was rated as second in the country
with the highest return of staff for any institution.

Candidates should hold a 1st or strong 2.1 honours degree or Masters degree or equivalent in a scientific discipline (e.g., Engineering,
Physics, Mathematics or Computing), and should have good written/spoken English and demonstrate an aptitude for the research area.
Prior experience in computer vision, image processing or machine learning would be advantageous.

The position would be starting in January 2013 or as soon as possible after that date. Applicants should send a CV and covering letter
to Dr. Pugeault ( before the 15th of November. For further information please contact Dr. Nicolas Pugeault.

Phd Position in Computational Neuroscience and Machine Learning in Tuebingen

The newly established research group “Neural Computation and Behaviour” at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Tübingen ( has an opening for a Phd student in the field of computational neuroscience and machine learning. The group is interested in gaining a better understanding of how populations of neurons collectively process sensory input, perform computations and control behaviour. To this end, we develop statistical methods and machine learning algorithms for neural data analysis, and collaborate with experimental laboratories performing measurements of neural activity and behaviour.

The successful applicant will work on statistical methods for modelling the dynamics and across large-scale recordings of neural population activity. Applicants should have a a strong educational background with a first degree in a quantitative discipline (e.g. maths, physics, computer science), as well as an genuine interest in working on statistical modelling in neuroscience. Prior exposure to machine learning and programming skills (in particular in MATLAB) would be advantageous.

The group is part of the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience ( Tübingen and the Werner Reichhardt Centre for Integrative Neuroscience ( The group also entertains close links with the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems and the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. In mid June the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen was placed among Germany’s elite universities in the highly competitive “Excellence Initiative” of the German government and the German Research Foundation.

The thriving neuroscience research community in neuroscience and machine learning is composed of around sixty labs with more than 150 postdocs and 300 PhD students. Possibilities exist for multiple interactions between neurobiological, psychophysical, and theoretical researchers. In addition, Tübingen also features a newly established graduate school for Neural Information Processing ( which offers courses both on computational neuroscience and machine learning. Tübingen itself is a beautiful medieval town and home to one of the oldest European universities. It boasts a rich cultural community and is situated close to the Black Forest within 2h train or driving distance to France, Switzerland and Austria.

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. All applications received before November 20, 2012 will receive full consideration. The starting date is flexible. Application materials should include a curriculum vitae, a brief and informal statement of research interests as well as the contact details of two referees. In addition, the application should include one or two samples of work of the applicant. This could be anything that is genuinely the own work of the applicant, e.g. a thesis, computer code, a research manuscript, an essay or course-work.

Please send your application or informal inquiries to Jakob Macke,

Call for papers: SCIA 2013, 18th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis

First Call for Papers: SCIA 2013

18th Scandinavian Conference on Image Analysis
17 – 20 June 2013, Espoo, Finland


Submission of full papers: January 18, 2013
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2013
Camera-ready paper: April 5, 2013
Registration for paper presenters: April 5, 2013


The 18th conference in the long tradition of Scandinavian Conferences on Image Analysis will take place in Espoo, Finland on June 17-20, 2013. Tutorials will take place on June 17 and the main conference on June 18-20.


Ethem Alpaydin, Bogazici University,

Anders Heyden, Lund Institute of Technology / Lund University,

Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University,

Maja Pantic, Imperial College London / University of Twente,


General chairs: Erkki Oja, Matti Pietikäinen
Program chair: Joni Kämäräinen
Publicity chair: Jaakko Peltonen
Local organizing committee: Markus Koskela (chair),
Jorma Laaksonen, Teemu Kinnunen,
Ville Viitaniemi

The organizers can be reached at scia2013 (at)


Ethem Alpaydin, Bogaziçi University
Xilin Chen, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Jean-Luc Dugelay, EURECOM Sophia Antipolis Michael Felsberg, Linkoping University Jon Hardeberg, Gjovik University College Janne Heikkila, University of Oulu Anders Heyden, Lund University Norbert Krueger, University of Southern Denmark Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University Krystian Mikolajczyk, University of Surrey Majid Mirmehdi, University of Bristol Maja Pantic, Imperial College London


SCIA 2013 will be held in the Hanasaari cultural centre in Espoo, Finland. Espoo is the second largest city in Finland and part of the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. Hanasaari is in the middle of an archipelago close to Helsinki city centre.

See for travel and accommodation details.


The conference invites paper submissions presenting original work within the following topics:

3D vision; Color and multispectral image analysis; Computational imaging and graphics; Faces and gestures; Feature extraction and segmentation; Human-centered computing; Matching, registration and alignment; Medical and biomedical image analysis; Motion analysis; Object and scene recognition; Pattern recognition and machine learning; Robot vision; Systems and applications; Video and multimedia analysis


Submissions will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers and meta-reviewed by one area chair. It is possible (but not required) to submit anonymously if preferred. Papers will be accepted for oral or poster presentation. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will appear as a volume in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. A submitted paper may contain up to 12 pages. Accepted papers are limited to 10 pages, with a possibility to buy two extra pages.

See for details.


SCIA 2013 is organized by the Pattern Recognition Society of Finland and supported by Aalto University.

======== See for more details! =========

NIPS 2012 Registration Open

Neural Information Processing Systems 2012 registration is open:

NIPS 2012 Dates:
Tutorials – December 3, 2012
Conference Sessions – December 3-6, 2012 Workshops – December 7-8, 2012

Program Highlights can be found here:

Accepted Papers are here:

Additional Information can be found here:

Early Registration Deadline:
In order to qualify for reduced, early registration, pricing you must register and pay before November 9, 2012 23:59 PST.

What’s New in 2012:

NIPS 2012 will be held in Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA for the first time.
Conveniently, the tutorials, conference, and workshops venue are in the hotels we are staying at (Harrah’s and Harveys). An additional convenience, the main conference is at the same venue as the workshops. This means that Thursday afternoon does not need to be spent traveling for those attending both the conference and the workshops.

We highly recommend you reserve a private bus or shuttle seat with our transportation partner, Destination Tahoe. Please make your reservation by Monday, November 19 – after this date seating is not guaranteed but is distributed as available.
**Deadline: Monday, November 19**
For reservation details see our transportation page:

The price of tutorials has been reduced from $200 Regular / $120 Student to
$175 Regular / $75 Student.

Students can apply to volunteer at the conference in exchange for free

Travel Support:
Students and PostDocs can apply for travel support:

You can register here:

IbPRIA 2013 – 6th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis

Madeira, Portugal
June 5-7, 2013

The Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis (IbPRIA) is an international event co-organised every two years, by the Portuguese and Spanish Associations for Pattern Recognition.

IbPRIA is a single track conference that includes tutorials, special sessions, invited speakers as well as oral and poster presentations. The conference intends to act as a forum for research groups, engineers and practitioners to present recent results, algorithmic improvements and promising future directions in pattern recognition and image analysis.

All accepted papers will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Springer LNCS Series.

A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in a special issue of the Neurocomputing journal.

The conference is looking for new theoretical results, techniques and main applications on any aspect of pattern recognition and image analysis, including but not restricted to the following topics:
Pattern Recognition
Image Analysis
Computer Vision
Multimedia Systems
Statistical and Structural Pattern Recognition
Machine Learning and Data Mining
Computer Vision for Robotics and Automation
Image Coding and Processing
Shape and Texture Analysis
Information Systems
Biometric Technologies
Speech Recognition
Document Processing
Character and Text Recognition
Remote Sensing
Industrial Applications of Pattern Recognition
Special Hardware Architectures

Papers should describe original and unpublished work on the topics of the conference. Prospective authors should prepare a full paper, written in English, not exceeding 8 pages and must submit it electronically. Further information can be found on the conference website:
Each paper will be blind-reviewed by at least two reviewers and will be accepted based on its originality, significance and clarity. All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings, and will be published in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, Springer LNCS Series. A copy of the proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the Conference.
A short list of presented papers will be selected so that revised and extended versions of these papers will be published in the Neurocomputing journal.

Submission implies that at least one of the authors has to register and to present the communication at the conference if the paper is accepted.

Submission of papers: November 19, 2012
Notification of acceptance: January 25, 2013
Camera-Ready: February 8, 2013
Tutorials: June 4, 2013
Conference: June 5-7, 2013

For more information please visit

Postdoc position in “Machine Learning and Functional Data Analysis for Structured Output Prediction”

We are looking for a strongly motivated person with a PhD degree, and a good background in machine learning (ML) with experience in kernel methods, time series analysis and/or structured prediction, for a 1 year postdoctoral position at LIF. The candidate will work within the framework of a project of the French National Research Agency: ANR
Lampada: Learning Algorithms, Models and sPArse representations for structured DAta.

The selected candidate will join the Fundamental Computer Science laboratory (Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille, a.k.a.
LIF – Marseille, France) and will work, in collaboration with the Qarma (Machine Learning and Multimedia) team. He/she will be involved in developing new theoretical and algorithmic approaches to (nonparametric) ML methods and exploring their use for applications involving functional or/and structured data. Knowledge on functional data analysis (FDA) techniques will be appreciated. Additional information about QARMA can be found at

The postdoc will be working directly with Hachem Kadri and François Denis within the QARMA team, and will have the opportunity to collaborate with other members of a research group of IBISC specialized in Machine Learning in Systems Biology, including Florence d’Alché-Buc.

The position is expected to be available starting January 2013.
Applications will be continuously received until the position is filled.

Applications and further questions regarding the position should be addressed to and For more information, see

If you are planning to go to NIPS this year, we could set up an appointment there.

ESANN 2013: CFP and special sessions

ESANN 2013

21st European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning
Bruges (Belgium) – April 24-25-26, 2013

Call for papers and special sessions

Deadline for submission of papers:
30 November 2012

Machine learning, artificial neural networks, computational intelligence and related topics (see below for a more detailed description of the conference topics).

Special sessions
(see for abstracts):
1) Machine Learning Methods for Processing and Analysis of Hyperspectral Data
Andreas Backhaus (a), Marika Kästner (b), Udo Seiffert (a), Thomas Villmann (b), (a) Fraunhofer IFF Magdeburg, (b) Univ. of Applied Sciences Mittweida (Germany)

2) Developments in kernel design
Lluís A. Belanche , Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)

3) Human Activity and Motion Disorder Recognition: towards smarter Interactive Cognitive Environments
Jorge Luis Reyes-Ortiz (a,b), Alessandro Ghio (a), Xavier Parra-Llanas (b), Davide Anguita (a), Joan Cabestany (b), Andreu Català (b), (a) University of Genoa (Italy), (b) Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)

4) Missing Data in Machine Learning and Statistical Learning
Christophe Biernacki , Vincent Vandewalle , INRIA (France), Yoan Miche , Emil Eirola , Aalto University (Finland), Amaury Lendasse , Ikerbasque (Spain), Eric Severin , University of Lille I (France)

5) Machine Learning for multimedia applications
David Picard , ETIS – ENSEA, Philippe-Henri Gosselin , INRIA Rennes (France)

6) Sparsity for interpretation and visualization in inference models
Vanya Van Belle, (a,b), Paulo Lisboa, (b), (a) Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), (b) Liverpool John Moores University (UK)

Scope and topics
Since its first happening in 1993, the European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks has become the reference for researchers on fundamentals and theoretical aspects of artificial neural networks, computational intelligence, machine learning and related topics. Each year, around 100 specialists attend ESANN, in order to present their latest results and comprehensive surveys, and to discuss the future developments in this field.

The ESANN 2013 conference will follow this tradition, while adapting its scope to the recent developments in the field. The ESANN conferences cover artificial neural networks, machine learning, statistical information processing and computational intelligence. Mathematical foundations, algorithms and tools, and applications are covered.

The following is a non-exhaustive list of machine learning, computational intelligence and artificial neural networks topics covered during the ESANN conferences:

Statistical and mathematical aspects of learning
Feedforward models
Kernel machines
Graphical models, EM and Bayesian learning
Vector quantization and self-organizing maps
Recurrent networks and dynamical systems
Blind signal processing
Ensemble learning
Nonlinear projection and data visualization
Fuzzy neural networks
Evolutionary computation
Bio-inspired systems

Data mining
Signal processing and modeling
Approximation and identification
Classification and clustering
Feature extraction and dimension reduction
Time series forecasting
Multimodal interfaces and multichannel processing
Adaptive control
Vision and sensory systems
Brain-computer interfaces

Papers will be presented orally (single track) and in poster sessions; all posters will be complemented by a short oral presentation during a plenary session. It is important to mention that the topics of a paper decide if it better fits into an oral or a poster session, not its quality. The selection of posters will be identical to oral presentations, and both will be printed in the same way in the proceedings. Nevertheless, authors must indicate their preference for oral or poster presentation when submitting their paper.

The conference will be held in Bruges (also called “Venice of the North”), one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Europe. Bruges can be reached by train from Brussels in less than one hour (frequent trains). The town of Bruges is world-wide known, and famous for its architectural style, its canals, and its pleasant atmosphere.

The conference will be organized in a hotel located near the centre (walking distance) of the town. There is no obligation for the participants to stay in this hotel. Hotels of all levels of comfort and price are available in Bruges; there is a possibility to book a room in the hotel of the conference at a preferential rate through the conference secretariat. A list of other smaller hotels is also available.

The conference will be held at the Novotel hotel, Katelijnestraat 65B, 8000 Brugge, Belgium.

Proceedings and journal special issue
The proceedings will include all communications presented to the conference (tutorials, oral and posters), and will be available on-site. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in the Neurocomputing journal (Elsevier).

Call for contributions
Prospective authors are invited to submit their contributions before November 30, 2012. The electronic submission procedure is described on the ESANN website

Authors must also commit themselves that they will register to the conference and present the paper in case of acceptation of their submission (one paper per registrant). Authors of accepted papers will have to register before February 28, 2013; they will benefit from the advance registration fee. The ESANN conference applies a strict policy about the presentation of accepted papers during the conference: authors of accepted papers who do not show up at the conference will be blacklisted for future ESANN conferences, and the lists will be communicated to other conference organizers.

Submission of papers 30 November 2012
Notification of acceptance 1 February 2013
ESANN conference 24-26 April 2013

ESANN – European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks,
Computational Intelligence and Machine Learning

* For submissions of papers, reviews, registrations:
Michel Verleysen
Univ. Cath. de Louvain – Machine Learning Group
3, pl. du Levant – B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve – Belgium
tel: +32 10 47 25 51 – fax: + 32 10 47 25 98

* Conference secretariat
d-side conference services
24 av. L. Mommaerts – B-1140 Evere – Belgium
tel: + 32 2 730 06 11 – fax: + 32 2 730 06 00