Organized by
Knowledge 4 All Foundation Ltd.
Microsoft Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ministry Of Education, Science And Youth Canton Sarajevo
UNESCO Chair on Open Technologies for Open Educational Resources and Open Learning
OpeningupSlovenia members
9:20‑9:30 |
Introduction and welcome – BiH perspective on Open EducationAzemina Njuhovic, Ministry of Education and Science, Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina |
9:30‑10:15 |
OpeningupSlovenia and UNESCO Chair activities – Artificial Intelligence and ICT for Open Education (video + slides)Mitja Jermol, UNESCO Chair in OER, Head of Center for Knowledge Transfer in ICT, Institut Jozef Stefan |
10:15‑10:45 |
UNESCO in the Field of Education Creativity and Multi-Stakeholder Co-Creation (video + slides)Gašper Hrastelj, Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, Slovenian Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Sport |
10:45‑11:15 |
Coffee break
11:15‑11:30 |
Microsoft BiH, Office 365 for Education – communication and collaboration platform (video + slides)Adin Begić, MSŠ "Mehmedalija Mak Dizdar" Breza, Gimnazija „Visoko“ Visoko, OŠ „Vladislav Skarić“ Sarajevo |
11:30‑12:15 |
Keynote traMOOC – Translation for Massive Open Online Courses (video + slides)
Dr. phil. Kostadin Cholakov, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
12:15‑13:00 |
Keynote MyMachine – from Kindergarten to Industry introducing a Creative Approach to all levels in Education (video + slides)Piet Grymonprez, MyMachine Global and Mihajela Crnko, MyMachine Slovenia project lead, Institute Jozef Stefan |
13:00‑14:00 |
Lunch time
14:00‑14:45 |
Keynote: Language technologies for Education: EMMA - European Multiple MOOC Aggregator, transLectures - Transcription and Translation of Video Lectures, Active2Trans - Active Interaction for Speech Transcription and Translation (video + slides)Alfons Juan-Ciscar, Universitat Politècnica de València |
14:45‑15:00 |
Coffee break
15:00‑15:30 |
Opening up Croatia – The Croatian perspective on Open Education (video + slides)
Gordana Jugo, Head of Service for Educational Technologies Department for Support to Education Croatian Academic and Research Network - CARNet |
15:30‑16:00 |
Opening up Serbia – The Serbian perspective on Open Education with BAEKTEL project an OER (Open Educational Resources) network (video + slides)Ivan Obradović, Director Center for e-learning and distance education, University of Belgrade |
16:00‑16:30 |
Opening up Macedonia – The Macedonian perspective on Open Education (video + slides)Elena Stojanovska, Vice President and Coordinator for project development and writing, Center for Local Initiatives Bitola |
16:30‑17:00 |
Final discussion and wrap-up |
17:00 |
Dinner (on your own) |
The Internet of Education 2015 conference will be video-recorded by the Videolectures.Net with the following programme committee that will balance the content between the Slovenian and SEE region best practices in open education:
- John Shawe Taylor, Conference Chair, University College London, United Kingdom
- Davor Orlic, Programme Chair, Knowledge 4 All Ltd., London, United Kingdom
- Elena Kovacevic, Microsoft, Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Azemina Njuhović, Ministry of Education and Science, Canton Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
- Mitja Jermol, Organisational Chair, UNESCO Chair in OER, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia