International Conference on Bioinformatics

Social | Jordan

17/08/18The aim of the Conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet the share cuttingedge development in the field.

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Artificial Intelligence Meetup by Young Professionals Jordan

Social | Jordan

June 2018Main objectives of the meetup were networking, building solid experience in Artificial intelligence and providing an opportunity for all IEEE YP members and other engineers in Jordan who are interested in this field to get together under one umbrella.

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Teaching Lab at Jordan University of Science and Technology

Academia | Jordan | Lab

Research conducted: Fundemental of Database System, Web Desigh

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University of Jordan (King Abdullah II)

Academia | Jordan | Amman | University

Program: MSc. of Information SystemsMSc. of Information Systems

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Startup | Jordan | Amman

Nestrom is an Ag-Tech company focused on delivering high end, easy to deploy Agricultural software products and solutions. They aspire to transform all farms into smart farms. Just like factories, their goal is to empower enterprise farms & farm owners to be able to set their operations in a very solid fashion. their commitment is to enable the agri-businesses to be able to trace and map costs vs outputs from a macro to a granular level.

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Startup | Jordan | Amman

Hashdoc helps professionals discover work-related documents, make their own work visible, and promote and sell premium resources. We see Hashdoc as an open business knowledge-base for (mainly) consultants that ultimately increases workplace productivity. Our content scope includes the millions of business and industry related documents that are scattered on offline devices, deep web, and inefficient company websites. The types of resources we’re targeting are: project deliverables, business templates, forms, whitepapers, presentations, case studies, research, worksheets, cheat sheets, etc, not ebooks or magazines.

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Startup | Jordan | Amman

Ciapple develops intelligent targeted advertisement solutions and provides knowledge about customers’ shopping trends.Ciapple services include extracting knowledge from the collected data about our client’s customers using high-quality and easy knowledge machines that best match these companies’ requirements . This extracted knowledge from the hidden patterns in their any type of database could excitably develop the business and getting bigger market share by retaining customers, targeted advertizing, cross-selling, enhance user experience and other strategic business decisions. Ciapple team who combines business and technology experts in data mining and business intelligence offer this high end service in many formats like configured in-house solutions, web applications, and ready-made products for customer retentions & cross-selling, and consulting-like marketing analysis service with very affordable value-centric price. Ciapple offers high quality business insights, as enabler tools, in a format and a price that SME would prefer to have.

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Snackable News

Startup | Jordan


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