Keynote and In-depth Dialogue on Teaching and Learning in the AI Era

The participants of the conference Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and AI: The Role and Readiness of Teachers in Tokyo, Japan were briefed about the basics of AI and especially its connection with education via our findings in the X5GON project. The double keynote featured two K4A trustees, both UNESCO Chairs in AI and OER.

ASEF ClassNet15 session on Artificial Intelligence competencies for teachers

The K4A Foundation together with the ASEF Foundation organised a workshop at the yearly 15th ASEF Classroom Network Conference. The expected output of this workshop was to provide validation of the recommendations on Artificial Intelligence competencies for teachers and learners linked to the UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers and information literacy.



Designing Teaching and Learning Competencies for Artificial Intelligence

On 7 November 2019 we held a meeting at UNESCO with the objective to examine the elements for an instrument to support teachers’ and learners’ capacity development for the use of Artificial intelligence. The basis of the meeting was the report by UNESCO Chair in teacher training technologies with OER.

K4A trustee discussing AI challenges at UN event co-hosted by Slovenia

The Slovenian mission to the United Nations, the Council of Europe (CoE) and UNESCO hosted an event discussing the challenges of artificial intelligence (AI) at the UN headquarters in New York. The event title Artificial Intelligence: Technology to Serve Humankind, Setting Legal Standards, released a document and shared the view that AI offered a number of advantages but also many risks. Moderated by Slovenian Justice Ministry State Secretary Gregor Strojin, with key input from K4A trustee Marko Groibelnik who talked about AI certification, the debate focused on legal and ethical issues of existing and future use of AI.

K4A trustee delivers UNESCO report on teacher training and Artificial Intelligence

Report on Education, Training Teachers and Learning Artificial Intelligence

K4A assisted UNESCO in delivering a report on teacher training in AI. In this report we study the different interactions between AI and Education with an emphasis on the following question: If we accept that artificial intelligence is an important element in tomorrow’s landscape, what are the skills and competences which should appear in the future curricula and how can we help to train the teachers so that they can play the required role?

This report is one of the first addressing these questions: as such it is less built as a synthesis of existing reports with an increment from previous works than as an analysis based on the experience of teachers, researchers, academics and practitioners.

Join us in our Hackathon on Open Education and Artificial Intelligence

AI for the Common Good: F’AI’R Education Hackathon

K4A is facilitating a  hackathon supported by the UK Science and Innovation Network at the British Embassy in Paris, the United Nations ANCSSC, and H2020 project X5GON to allow students at several international universities to take part in an early requirements capture process, leading to design and build stage to develop a working prototype that supports Open Education with AI. Join us in this endeavor and see here for more details.

Public consultation on new United Nations center in Artificial Intelligence

The Slovenian Ministry of Education, Science and Sport held a meeting on 25 October, to discuss the setting up and role of the International Research Center for Artificial Intelligence under the auspices of UNESCO. The purpose of the Center will be to provide an open and transparent environment that, in addition to research, technology and discussions in the field of artificial intelligence, will provide stakeholders worldwide with public-policy support in the preparation of artificial intelligence orientations and action plans. K4A has played a key role in the founding of the center.

Digital Credentials Masterclass a success

The Digital Credentials Masterclass in Bled, Slovenia has brought together key experts to fuel the discussion on the future development of micro-credentialing. We explored various aspects like access to education, development and information on learning opportunities, programme delivery, quality assurance, recognition or credit transfer and accumulation. We successfully presented our work on Credentify, the first European blockchain clearinghouse for credentials.

Setting up a European Network of AI Excellence Centres

The HumaneAI project, delivering the roadmap for a new science in Artificial Intelligence, has met in Den Haag, the Netherlands in order to understand the scope for the H2020 call on European Network of Artificial Intelligence Excellence Centres.

HumaneAI interview series: Ville Mäkelä, LMU München

Ville Mäkelä, LMU München
Ville Mäkelä, LMU München

My blue sky project for AI is to make better humans, to improve the quality of life, to enable humans to do things that they perhaps couldn’t do before, to make people better than the best people out there currently.

Organized by HumaneAI, Paris, France, June 2019 ‏‏#artificialintelligence  #videolectures