CFP: IJCAI Workshop TextLink 2009

Call for papers TextLink 2009

The IJCAI-09 Workshop on Text-Mining & Link-Analysis

Submission due March 15, 2009

Submissions should be sent in electronic form as a PDF file,
To: marko.grobelnik (at)
Subject: TextLink-2009 Workshop submission

The workshop aims to focus the intersection of the two still increasingly important areas of analytic research: Text-Mining and Link-Analysis. Both areas deal with so-called unstructured data representations like text and graphs sharing many similar characteristics in the context of analysis. Although both areas are very much related in the technical and the historical sense there has not been almost any events so far addressing explicitly the common problems and techniques. Therefore, the aim of the workshop is to attract the scientists in the both areas resulting in getting better insights in the work of each other and potentially new ideas for future research.
Link-Analysis is an area, which developed in the last 20 years in various fields as Social Sciences (Social-Network-Analysis), Mathematics (Graph-Theory), and Computer-Science (graph as a data-structure). Recently the area got much bigger attention, especially in Data Mining / KDD community because of its wide applicability in the areas as law enforcement investigations (e.g.,
terrorism), fraud detection (e.g., insurance, banking), web analytics (e.g., search engines, web marketing), telecommunications (e.g. routers, traffic, connectivity).
Text-Mining area is receiving in the last 6 years growing attention mainly because of the availability of large text corpora in the electronic form and because there is lack of “intelligent” tools and techniques for solving different difficult problems appearing on the market like: information extraction, text categorization, ontology building, visualization, intelligent search, etc.
On the intersection of both fields there are many interesting problems and issues out of which both fields can benefit. Just to name some of the potential problem and application areas: trend analysis, community identification, web user profiling, media clipping, marketing, etc. The intersection of both areas also includes ideas as for instance representing text with the graph structure (which got popular in the social-networks area recently) and analytic procedures for discovering various pieces of knowledge using that kind of alternative representations. In particular, currently “hot” areas of research and applications are analysis of dynamic (evolving) datasets including text and link structure, emerging semantics from electronic social structures (blogs, emails, folksonomies, social bookmarking, Wikipedia etc.)
The broader context of the workshop can be related in some respect to the areas of Data-Mining, Machine-Learning, Semantic-Web, Information Retrieval, Natural-Language-Processing, Social-Networks-Analysis and general Graph-Theory.
Particular topics of interest for the workshop include but are not limited to:
* Link-Analysis / Social Networks Analysis
* Text-Mining / Language technologies
* Web-Mining
* Semantic-Web
* Emerging Semantics / Folksonomies
* Information-Extraction
* Scalability of developed approaches
* Visualization of text and link structures
* Performance evaluation measures
* Dynamic Networks
* Visualization / HCI
* Innovative applications

Submissions should be sent by March 15, 2009, in electronic form as a PDF file, to
marko.grobelnik (at ) Please ensure you include the following text in your email subject: “TextLink-2009 Workshop submission”. Submissions should be formatted according to IJCAI-09 Workshop Procedures. The reviews will not be blind so authors should include their full contact information in the papers. Submitted papers will be reviewed by referees from the Program Committee.
Accepted papers will be published in the Workshop proceedings.
Notification of acceptance and rejection will be sent by April 17, 2009.
Submission Deadline: March 15, 2009
Acceptance Notification: April 17, 2009
Camera-ready Copies: April 30, 2009
Workshop date: July 11-13, 2009

Attendance is not limited to the paper authors. The workshop should be interesting primarily for researchers, students and company people working in the research and application areas dealing with various aspects of data analysis and rich data & knowledge representations.
We expect that, the workshop will attract people from the areas and sub areas of:
* Academic Data-Mining (analytical aspects of dealing with text and link structures, dynamic networks)
* Commercial Data-Mining (new application areas, such as blog analysis, trend detection etc.)
* Natural-Language-Processing (representational aspects)
* Social-Networks-Analysis (algorithmic aspects of dealing with large network structures)
* Semantic-Web (especially emerging semantics coming out of bottom-up collaborative efforts e.g. folksonomies)

Our assumption is that the topic will attract people already being present at the IJCAI and being interested in Data-Mining, Machine-Learning and Natural-Language-Processing. We expect that there might be also some additional participants just because of the workshop topics from Social-Network-Analysis area which otherwise would not come to the IJCAI.

Program Chairs
Marko Grobelnik
J.Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Jure Leskovec
Department of Computer Science, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA
Natasa Milic-Frayling
Microsoft Research Ltd, 7 J J Thomson Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 0FB, United Kingdom
Dunja Mladenic
J.Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia