KDD’09 Call for Tutorial Proposals
The 2009 ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD’09)
June 28 – Jult 1st, 2009. Paris, France.
KDD’09 will host tutorials covering topics in data mining of interest to the research community as well as application developers. The tutorials will be part of the main conference technical program, and are free of charge to the attendees of the conference.
We invite proposals for half-day tutorials from active researchers and experienced tutors. Ideally, a tutorial will cover the state-of-the-art research, development and applications in a specific data mining direction, and stimulate and facilitate future work. Tutorials on interdisciplinary directions, novel and fast growing directions, and significant applications are highly encouraged. Accepted tutorials will receive one free registration to the conference and an honorarium of $500.
A tutorial proposal should be formatted in the following sections.
1. Title
2. Abstract (up to 150 words)
3. Target audience and prerequisites. Proposals must clearly identify the intended audience for the tutorial (e.g., novice users of statistical techniques, or expert researchers in text mining). What background will be required of the audience? Why is this topic important/interesting to the KDD community? What is the benefit to participants?
4. Outline of the tutorial. Enough material should be included to provide a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth to which it will be covered. The more details that can be provided, the better (up to and including links to the actual slides). Note that the tutors should NOT focus mainly on their own research results. A KDD tutorial is not a forum for promoting one’s research or product.
5. A list of forums and their time and locations if the tutorial or a similar/highly related tutorial has been presented by the same author(s) before, and highlight the similarity/difference between those and the one proposed for KDD’08 (up to 100 words for each entry)
6. A list of tutorials on the same/similar/highly related topics given by other people, and highlight the difference between yours and theirs (up to 100 words for each entry)
7. A list of other tutorials given by the authors, please list the titles, the presenters and the forums only.
8. Tutors’ short bio and their expertise related to the tutorial (up to 200 words per tutor)
9. A list of up to 20 most important references that will be covered in the tutorial
10. (Optional) URLs of the slides/notes of the previous tutorials given by the authors, and any specific audio/video/computerrequirements for the tutorial.
Important dates for the tutorials:
-Proposals due: March 15
-Notification of Acceptance: May 25
Please send your submission to bart.goethals (at) ua.ac.be
Tutorials Chair Bart Goethals