Two Post-Doc Positions Available at Univ. Paris-Sud

We are seeking post-doc candidates with strong math or physics and programming skills:

Post-doc in Swarm Robotics; distributed learning, optimization and log mining for autonomous control of swarm robots
– within the European SYMBRION IP; coll. U. Stuttgart, Germany
– within the CNRS-JST cooperation in Robotics; coll. U. Kyushu, Japan
Background: Machine Learning, Robotics, Evolutionary Optimization

Post-doc in Brain Computer Interface: statistical learning for acquisition of new skills and detection of upcoming crises.
– Digibrain project; coll. CEA, France
Background: Machine Learning, Signal Processing.

Post-doc appointment is for 1 or 2 years, fully funded.
French salaries include medical coverage.

Selected students will be working in the TAO group (INRIA – CNRS – Department Computer Science, Universite Paris-Sud), at the crossroad of Statistical Machine Learning and Stochastic Optimization, supervised by senior researchers Michele Sebag and Marc Schoenauer.

Location: Universite Paris-Sud, France; 30′ from Paris down-town.
Working language: English.
Starting date: January 2009.

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