K4A is working on projects with academic and industrial partners representing the fields of language technologies, machine learning, audiovisual services and open education.
- Universitat Politècnica de València – UPV (Spain)
- Institut Jozef Stefan – IJS (Slovenia)
- Rheinisch-Westfaelische Technische Hochschule Aachen – RWTH (Germany)
- Xerox S.A.S. – XEROX (France)
- European Media Laboratory GMBH – EML (Germany)
- Deluxe Media Europe – DDS (UK)
- Humboldt Universität zu Berlin – UBER (Germany)
- Dublin City University – DCU (Ireland)
- University of Edinburgh – UEDIN (UK)
- Ionian University – IURC (Greece)
- Radboud University (Netherlands)
- EASN-Technology Innovation Services (Greece)
- Tilburg University (Netherlands)
- (Germany)