Course for the “Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging Toolbox”, aka. PRoNTo


Course for the “Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging Toolbox”, aka. PRoNTo
21 May 2012

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that registration for the first PRoNTo(*) course 2012 is now open.

This one-day course will be held for the first time in London and will offer a comprehensive coverage of all “Pattern Recognition for Neuroimaging Toolbox” features and functionalities, including:

– introduction to neuroimaging and machine learning concepts

– specific pattern recognition methods for neuroimaging

– hands on session

For further information and registration, please see:

Janaina Mourao-Miranda

(*) PRoNTo aims to facilitate the interaction between the machine learning and neuroimaging communities. The toolbox provides a variety of tools for the neuroscience and clinical neuroscience communities, enabling these communities to ask new questions that cannot be easily investigated using existing statistical analysis tools. On the other hand the machine learning community can easily contribute to the toolbox with novel published machine learning algorithms. PRoNTo is directly compatible with SPM8.
See for more details and download.