NETADIS – 12 ESR (PhD) positions across Europe
Summary: The European network “Statistical Physics Approaches to Networks Across Disciplines” (NETADIS) is looking to recruit 12 excellent Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) for attractively funded three-year research projects, including the opportunity to study for a PhD degree, at 9 leading European partner institutions. ESR positions should be taken up on 1 September 2012 or as soon as possible thereafter.
Applications should normally be submitted to the partner institutions by 15 March 2012. Later applications will be considered where possible.
Scientific overview: NETADIS aims to train a cadre of future research leaders in advanced methods of analysis, inference, control and optimization of network structure and dynamics, to maximize the impact of statistical physics approaches across a broad range of application areas. It is funded by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7.
Training will be organised via the 12 individual research projects, each defined by (a) the principal research theme and (b) the principal application domain. Research themes are (i) inference of interaction networks from data, (ii) the analysis of dynamical processes on networks of given structure, and of network evolution, and (iii) optimization and control (of networks, network-evolution, and processes). Application domains are (i) systems biology and neuroscience, (ii) information technology, computing and algorithms, (iii) socio-economic systems and finance, and (iv) network phenomena in physical systems, specifically in laser physics.
For further details of the scientific background and the research and training provision within NETADIS, candidates can consult extracts from the relevant contract with the European Research Executive Agency: see (Word), (PDF).
The list of all NETADIS research projects is available here: (Word), (PDF).
Training overview: The 12 ESR research projects will be carried out at King’s College London, Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris), Universite Paris-Sud (Orsay), Technische Universitaet Berlin, Politecnico di Torino, La Sapienza University (Department of Physics and Institute for Chemical-Physical processes, CNR, Rome), NTNU (Trondheim, Norway), KTH (Stockholm, Sweden), and ICTP (Trieste). Four private sector partners (Human Genetics Foundation, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Sissa Medialab, Capital Fund Management) will make important contributions to the training provision.
Training for each individual ESR will be provided via on-the-job training, local training courses, and two targeted secondments to another network participant of 2-3 months length each. Network-wide training will include a scientific kick-off meeting, two summmer schools, and a final conference. ESRs will also be expected to attend the Spring School of the International Master’s Programme in Physics of Complex Systems. A career development plan will be developed for each ESR, and summer schools and conferences will include training in transferable skills such as presentation skills; entrepreneurship and exploitation of results; and communication and outreach.
NETADIS provides generous funding levels for living expenses of between 37,000 and 47,000 Euro/year (before deductions for social insurance, tax etc) per ESR depending on the country where the researcher position is held. In addition, the network budget includes a mobility allowance and a flat rate contribution to expenses for research, training and transfer of knowledge.
Eligibility and how to apply: Candidates are eligible to apply for NETADIS studentships at any of the participating institutions if they have an excellent first degree that qualifies for PhD study in a relevant discipline (e.g. physics, mathematics, computer science, engineering) with preferably a strong background in statistical physics, and less than four years of research experience. At the time of recruitment no candidate must have resided or carried out his/her main activity in the country of the chosen host institution for more than 12 months in the last 3 years. Any PhD course fees will be met from the training expenses contribution to NETADIS, subject to budget restrictions.
NETADIS aims to promote gender equality by recruiting at least 40% female ESRs. Suitably qualified female candidates are therefore explicitly encouraged to apply.
Before applying, candidates should consult the full list of the 12 NETADIS research projects: (Word), (PDF). Any queries on the projects and the practical application process at the relevant host institution should be sent directly to the contact email given in this list. Should any candidates intend to apply for several positions at different institutions, they would need to notify each of the institutions concerned accordingly.