Call for breaking news posters and demos – Gesture Recognition

CVPR Workshop on Gesture Recognition
and launching of a benchmark program
June 20, 2011
Colorado Springs, USA

Call for breaking news posters and demos
Send abstract before June 10, 2011

Invited speakers:
Aleix Martinez, Ohio State University, USA.
Greg Mori, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Richard Bowden, Univ. Surrey, UK.
Graham Taylor, NYU, New-York.
David Forsyth, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Sudeep Sarkar, University of South Florida.
Dimitri Metaxas, Rutgers University, New Jersey.
Maja Pantic, Imperial College, London.
Christian Vogler, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Athens, Greece.
Takeo Kanade, Carnegie Mellon University.

Organizing committee:
Isabelle Guyon, Clopinet, Berkeley, California
Vassilis Athitsos, University of Texas at Arlington
Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley, California
Ivan Laptev, INRIA, France