Research Position at Xerox Research Centre Europe, Grenoble

Research Scientist in Text Mining

The Cross-Language Technologies (CLT) group of the Xerox Research Centre
Europe conducts research in Statistical Machine Translation and in Information
Retrieval, Categorization and Clustering using advanced machine learning methods.

The group is looking for a talented researcher with skills than can both integrate well
and complement the current team. The ideal profile is:
• Ph.D in Mathematics (Statistics), Natural Language Processing or Computer Science;
• Strong skills in machine learning and statistical techniques applied to text mining and
sequence mining;
• A good command of English written and oral communication skills is required, as well
as open-mindedness and the will to collaborate with a team.

The successful candidate will be in charge of designing, developing and implementing text
categorization, clustering and segmentation methods, as extensions of our current portfolio
of technologies. She/he will interact with operational departments and customers, in order
to enhance all forms of business validation of the research results, technology transfers towards
development teams and “customer-driven’’ research.

Starting date : September 2010
Duration : 18 months

Please email your CV and cover letter, with message subject “Text Mining Researcher” to
xrce-candidates and to Jean-Michel.Renders at

Inquiries can be addressed to Jean-Michel.Renders at

Extended announcement: